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Everything posted by TheShammySocialist

  1. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1299151580' post='2651043'] Rotavele, please , please for the love of God, Allah, Jesus, Krishna, Zoroaster, Yahweh, Sargun, Xenu, John Wayne and the Pink Flying Unicorn cease being stupid.[/quote] [IMG]http://i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa325/VictorDeltaRomeo/i-lold001jpg_thumb.jpg[/IMG]
  2. "Your father would be proud of you, Sham," said Khalil, grunting as he eased himself into the wicker chair. "Or should I say, [i]Mr. President[/i]," he continued, with a grin on his face. "You don't have to call me that, Khalil," replied Dawkins, making sure the older man made it into his seat without trouble, before sitting down himself. "It seems you have earned it though, Sham, you've brought this country back to the world stage, and stabilized it," responded Khalil, looking at Dawkins quietly. "We still have a ways to go, a constitution has not been set yet, and we're far from where I want this country to be," said Dawkins, taking a small sip of tea. "A President without a constitution," chuckled Khalil, smiling at Dawkins. "Indeed, sir." "You know your father came to power unelected, unopposed," responded Khalil, looking out at the moonlit sea. "You put him there, unelected, unopposed, [i]your highness[/i]," replied Dawkins, accentuating some of his words. "I felt that transitioning the country to a democracy, giving my son the President's seat for an interim period, would allow for a stable period of transition," said Khalil, looking over at Dawkins. He sighed softly, "I was wrong." "I'm not my father, Khalil." "But they'll turn on you, if you make his same mistake, you delay too long, they'll turn on you, Sham," said Khalil, quietly, looking apprehensively at Dawkins. "I'm working on it, Khalil, things in this country will change." "The biggest mistake of my life was eliminating the monarchy, I should have implemented democracy that way, instead of eliminating it fully. I should have known your father wouldn't give up the presidency." Dawkins had an inkling of what he might say, but he remained silent, looking out at the sea, as Khalil looked at him. Dawkins took a sip of tea, watching the waves undulate in the moonlight. It was so peaceful here, he had forgotten how peaceful this place was, from his days as a young boy, he had always enjoyed coming here. He had dreaded it now, as he knew the words that would be said to him, which is why he had avoided it for so long. Khalil turned and looked out at the ocean, waiting for his grandson to respond, he knew that the younger man didn't want to hear what he had to say, but the truth had to be told.
  3. The Caspian Clique extends diplomatic recognition to this new country, and warm salutations.
  4. [b]Gurkani Dacha Outskirts of Turkmenbasy Honorable Turkmen State[/b] The converted "Prowler" APC, painted fully in black, rolled through the well-guarded gates of the Gurkani Dacha in the late evening, it was a cool but comfortable evening. A light wind came off the Caspian Sea, the sea which gave the country its' title, the windows of the Prowler were down, and Sham Dawkins could see the sea through the trees nearby. It was a peaceful estate that he had visited few times, and had not visited since his rise to power, there were memories here, ones that he could not forget. The vehicle, empty besides Dawkins, his driver, and his closest bodyguard, a quiet, thoughtful, and strong man named Hans Wulff. The driver and Wulff, sat up front, Dawkins taking up the rear half of the vehicle, as it rolled to a stop in front of the lit door of the large seaside dacha. Wulff slid out of the vehicle, and opened the door for the Caspian President, who stepped out slowly, wearing a light coat over a white dress shirt, without a tie. There was little reason for formalities here, this was not about formalities, this was just a reunion of sorts. "Thank you Hans," murmured Dawkins, adjusting his coat, and nodding at his bodyguard. "Of course, Mr. President," said Wulff, bowing his head slightly, after shutting the door on the vehicle. Dawkins heaved a slight sigh, and began walking up the front steps to the door, which was made of thick oak, and decorated with an ornate coat of arms. He hadn't set foot in this residence since his teenage years, before the country his father had collapsed while he was abroad at school, this was a homecoming he had been apprehensive about. He raised his fingers up to gently touch the coat of arms on the door, which was an effigy of a helmet worn by Timur, who had been lord over these lands so long ago. A warlord who had dealt a severe blow to the Tartar Golden Horde in Central Asia. He raised the brass knocker on the door, and tapped it against its baseplate gently, standing stiffly as he heard footsteps approach the door from inside the Dacha. An old, but kindly-faced butler, dressed in a flowing white robe with a blood red sash tied around his waist, wearing sandals, opened the door and looked at Dawkins for a moment, then gave the President a toothy grin. He motioned for Dawkins to come inside the Dacha, the entrance hall had a beautiful-woven Turkmen rug, which Dawkins admired as he slipped off his shoes and socks by the direction of the butler, who provided him with a pair of sandals. He shrugged off his coat into the butler's hands, who said, "He has been expecting you." "I know," murmured Dawkins, avoiding looking at the Butler's eyes as the butler looked at him. "Come," said the old butler, motioning for him to follow. Dawkins nodded, and followed the butler into the well-adorned house, covered with paintings and mementos of history of the region. Ornate paintings of stern-faced, flowing-robed Emirs, Mirzas, and other nobility covered the hallway that led into the back of the dacha, that faced directly out onto the Caspian Sea. Scimitars, shields, and other weaponry dotted the walls, their value was priceless, Dawkins recognizing the ones he had learned of as a child to be the weapons of nobility of the past. Walking through the dacha brought back memories for Dawkins, and as he proceeded to the back of the dacha, the view was one he never forgot, of the Caspian Sea, on a moonlit night. On the back stone porch, an older gentleman stood alone with his back to the door, not moving, despite Dawkins knowing he could hear them approaching. The butler grabbed a small cup, and stopped at a samovar, quickly filling the cup with tea, and handing it to Dawkins, who nodded his thanks, before stepping out the back door onto the porch. "This view never grows old, it is timeless, unlike us," said the older gentleman, quietly. Dawkins stepped up even with the older man, and nodded slightly, "I've never forgotten it." "You never will, Sham." "I know, grandfather." "You have been avoiding this visit," said Khalil Timur. "I apologize for my insincerity and lack of tact, sir," responded Dawkins, quietly. He took a sip of his tea, and then looked at the dregs, the older gentleman was looking at him, he could feel his eyes piercing him. "You owe me no apology, you have done our family honor, son of my son. Raising this country out of the ashes, it is the Phoenix of Central Asia," replied Khalil. "Thank you." "We have much to talk about. Come, have a seat," nodded Khalil, motioning at two wicker chairs with comfortable-looking cushions situated behind them, facing the sea.
  5. "Funny how the society that forced war upon itself because it wanted to make a humiliating example out of another nation, not following traditional diplomatic protocols, calls for independence, when they signed their own death warrant."
  6. "The Caspian Clique accepts the unconditional surrender of the Republique de Fleuve."
  7. [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1299086225' post='2649702'] ***Classified*** The funds have been wired. [/quote] [b]Secure Transmission to Communist Australia[/b] [quote]The tanks will be delivered in batches of twenty, over a period of two months, we will need to clear the transfer of these tanks with the Kingdom of Cochin before they are delivered, as they will most likely have to pass through their ports. Thank you for your business.[/quote]
  8. "Eagle Eye, this is Cavalier Leader, ordinance is a hit, I repeat, ordinance is a hit, we're running for home," said Sharim, heaving a sigh into his mask. "Copy that Cavalier Leader, good job, any casualties?" responded the operator, aboard the AWACS aircraft. "Nothing, we detected no missile launches, it seems our buddies on the ground were just using triple-A, we're on our way back to base." "Roger that, command has a new mission, so get your butts back home." Sharim relaxed back in his seat, his grip on the plane's controls loosening, the tension beginning to fade away as the flight made for St. Helena, with all aircraft accounted for. There was no way to ascertain the damage they caused, but it had made a dent, at least, that was for sure. With 1.2 Million Pounds of munitions having been launched. But things were far from over yet, and Sharim knew it.
  9. OOC: Continued from this [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99265&view=findpost&p=2649115]post[/url] here. [b]Approaching Republique Airspace[/b] "Cavalier Leader, this is Eagle Eye, we have reports of Coalition forces on the ground in the target zone, request you divert munitions to support. Forces are under heavy fire, and need assistance," crackled Sharim's radio headset. Breaking radio silence, Sharim called back, "Roger that, Eagle Eye, Cavalier Leader to all flights, launch HARM missiles on approach to target, followed by standoff munitions, we'll break off after that." As the large formation increased power as soon as they passed into Republique airspace, still at high altitude, their stealth signatures would still make them tough targets. Despite breaking radio silence, the single transmissions would be hard to follow back to a source moving so fast and using such aircraft. The Communist Australians had tried to make a landing, and garbled radio transmissions were giving some inkling of where the Republique forces opposing the landings were. Also from the garbled transmissions, casualties were probably heavy on the ground. As soon as they got sixty miles off the coast, Sharim spoke into his comm headset, "Cavalier Leader to Cavalier Flights, launch your ordinance, I repeat, drop 'em and run, drop 'em and run!" As soon as he said that, the "Berkut" Multiroles launched HARM missiles, that would seek out radar-guided anti-aircraft positions, as well as radar guidance sites themselves. Following the HARMs, almost a full million pounds of Standoff Weaponry was launched at positions close to where Communist Australian forces had reported opposition. As soon as the missiles streaked into the air, the entire formation broke off and turned back for St. Helena. The missiles streaked towards the coast, heading straight for the positions where Republique forces had been reported at, others aiming straight for anti-aircraft sites spread about the coast.
  10. [b]Over the South Atlantic Ocean[/b] Following the declaration of war by the Caspian Government, five squadrons of the Caspian Air Force quickly armed and refueled upon landing at St. Helena, before taking off again. Following them off the runways of the Cochin Air Base, was an AWACS aircraft, as well as a "Guzzler" refueling aircraft. Leading the five combat squadrons, two squadrons of "Desert Eagle" Stealth Air-Superiority fighters flew ahead of their companions, all were flying at high altitude, the air superiority fighter's stealth capabilities would make it a challenging target to track for any radar employed in the Republique, all carrying air-to-air munitions. Following the newest acquisitions of the Caspian Air Force, "Berkut" Multirole Fighters, also with stealth capabilities, flew with air-to-ground munitions aboard, all stand-off weapons. The planes observed strict radio silence, as they flew in close formation, roaring across the South Atlantic Ocean, making for Republique Airspace. In the lead "Desert Eagle", Colonel Anwar Sharim guided the sixty-odd aircraft on their route, a devout Muslin himself, he had seen the devolving stability which now had forced this war to erupt. Having prayed before leaving St. Helena, he quietly whispered passages from the Qur'an, which he had learned as a boy. This was not a religious war, those who painted it as such, he considered to be corrupting the word of God. This was about world politics, nothing more, nothing less. He shook his head silently, as he checked his onboard radar and sighed into his flight mask.
  11. [center][IMG]http://i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa325/VictorDeltaRomeo/FlagCaspianClique.png[/IMG] [b]Caspian Clique - Declaration of War[/b] "Pursuant to our earlier [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99265&view=findpost&p=2647374]statement[/url], the Caspian Clique hereby declares war on the Republique de Fleuve. That is all." [IMG]http://i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa325/VictorDeltaRomeo/sigshamfinal.png[/IMG] President, Caspian Clique[/center]
  12. [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1298995003' post='2648152'] ***Classified Reply*** We would like to order 100 Viper IIs. Is there a cost associated with these, and would it be possible for engineers from Caspia to be sent to Communist Australia to educate our technicians on the construction of these tanks? [/quote] Factory-ordered Viper IIs start at 5.5 Million Caspian Dollars, this includes technical assistance and training. The tanks will be constructed in the Caspian Clique, as we are not licensing the manufacturing of them abroad, and shipped to Communist Australia.
  13. On the north side of the Coonan Street Bridge, the final survivors of the Free Australian contingent who had tried to storm the bridge were giving up. They had waved a makeshift white flag, having taken cover behind a few burned cars, and the din of battle had slowly filtered away. A platoon of the 2nd ALI quickly moved forward, yelling in English to drop weapons, and to hold their hands in the air. The rest of the surviving Caspian troops, having endured the relatively small, but vicious engagement, slowly emerged from their positions. The north end of the Coonan Street Bridge was a scene from hell, with bodies of men and women, the wounded, the dying, and the dead, mixed into one pile of carnage. Muzzani crept from behind the Viper tank, which had its gun pointed at the surrendering Free Australians, and peeked out. Caspian soldiers were carefully checking the surviving soldiers for weapons, and lining them up against a guardrail. They sat the prisoners down, after checking them, a few guards keeping watch. Muzzani crawled back to Kazeem, who was now being seen to by a combat surgeon, he cried out in pain as the surgeon examined the wound. "Missed the artery, but it took out a good chunk of muscle," noted the surgeon, looking at Kazeem, then at the approaching Muzzani. "Sir," panted out Muzzani, taking off his helmet, his hair matted with sweat. "Sir, the Free Australians are surrendering, we held the day." "Make sure they get water and medical care," grunted Kazeem, clenching his eyes shut. "Hey Hamid," he said, as a Major approached them. "Colonel? Are you okay?!" cried Major Hamid Jazeera, the commander of the 2nd ALI Battalion, having just helped repel the rebel attack, not knowing his Commanding Officer had been wounded. "Bullet hit him in the thigh, he'll be fine," responded the surgeon, as he tied off the bandage, and motioned for two medics to evacuate him via stretcher. "Get the Free Australians medical care, make sure they're well treated," grunted out Kazeem again, reiterating his orders. "Don't mind me, I'm off to the land of pain killers and nurses," he said, with a weak smile. "Of course sir," said Jazeera, running to a group of men, and barking out orders to them. They began picking their way forward into the mass of carnage, to assist any wounded Free Australians. Across the north side of the Coonan Street Bridge, Caspian soldiers worked quietly the area now quiet, save for the occasional gunshot, or jet passing overhead. Sprawled across the ground, both Caspian and Free Australian had left a red stain over the scene, the battle had cost many lives, many would not return to their loved ones. Some Caspian soldiers, having witnessed the final charge of Free Australians, were touched by their bravery, some silently wept as they observed the scene, or knelt over friends' bodies as they passed on into the next world, or had already done so. After muster, following the battle, thirty percent of the 1st Battalion, "Azrael", had been listed as casualties, the 2nd ALI lost another ten percent of its strength, Australian blood had not been the only blood to stain the north bank of the Brisbane. Muzzani moved forward with a group of soldiers, picking through the wounded Free Australians, he saw one Caspian soldier ease the fingers of a dying soldier who had carried the banner across the bridge off the torn and tattered standard. The Caspian neatly and carefully folded the flag, and sat next to the dying flagbearer, watching him pass on, before gently pushing his eyes shut. Muzzani heard a faint groan near one of his feet, and looked around to see a female fighter, who was barely moving, laying on her side. She had been hit with some of the shrapnel from a beehive, and she had a number of wounds about her body. Muzzani knelt down next to her, easing her onto her back, her eyes looked up into his, she knew she was dying, a few tears were slowly falling down her cheeks. Muzzani took her small hand in his gloved hand, and he gently squeezed it, she squeezed his hand back, as her eyes began to cloud over. He felt the blood on the ground seep through his uniform, soaking through the lower part of his right leg he had knelt on the ground. He gently lifted his hand up, and pushed his bloodied fingers over her eyes, leaving two thin lines over the eyelids. "Be at peace, daughter of Australia," he whispered out quietly, bowing his head respectfully.
  14. Congratulations, you "Ebil Viking Alliance". <3 o/ Valhalla
  15. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299014879' post='2648523'] [img]http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/083/073/original/1289839513909.png?1289839679[/img] [/quote] High Girl is High.
  16. [b]Classified Location – Somewhere in the Caspian Clique[/b] “The troops are en route to St. Helena as we speak, we have mobilized, and major political and economic figures have dispersed from the Capital. The General Staff have been moving to the decentralized mobile command centers across the country,” noted Lowell, looking at a high-definition television screen. The screen’s light illuminated both President Sham Dawkins’ and General Terry Lowell’s faces, making them appear paler then they actually were. On the map screen before them, a map of the Caspian Clique, as well as relevant positions of the Caspian Military at home, some were moving, some were stationary. “We have to toe the line carefully if we get involved with this thing, sir,” continued Lowell, looking at Dawkins, who did not look back at him. “We are entitled to support our allies, Terry,” said Dawkins, simply, continuing to not look at Lowell, his eyes flicking around the screen. “There are rumblings about this being neo-colonialism of Africa,” commented Lowell, looking back at the screen. “We are there to support our allies; we made that clear to the world. This is about stabilizing the region, the slow but steady deterioration of stability in parts of Africa, which was begun by internal forces, not by external ones. The blaming of this instability on foreign nations is unacceptable,” responded Dawkins, folding his arms and rubbing at the five o’clock shadow that had appeared on his face. “The Caspian General Staff has also presented new plans for the defense of the Caspian Clique, to be undertaken as soon as it is approved by the government,” noted Lowell, flipping a button on the remote control, which switched the view on the main view screen. Before them was a map of the Caspian Clique, but showed a number of dots, concentrated thoroughly across the country, next to the map was a flowing display of blueprints which Dawkins recognized as series of designs for underground complexes. The designs looked intricate and were a myriad of designs for differing purposes, including ones that looked like anti-aircraft positions, command and control, arsenals, and storage facilities. As a design would come up, lines would point to features on the blueprint, with little descriptions of these features. “These are blueprints for underground facilities and defensive areas which the General Staff believe might prove important in future conflicts that could bring war to our land. Of course we have many friends around us, but we think these facilities are needed to protect our military forces, as well as the civilian population from strikes from different weapons systems,” said Lowell, pointing at the screen. “We would make sure to have these underground facilities, civilian and military, separate, of course?” asked Dawkins, looking over at Lowell. “Yes, our civilian shelters for conventional and nuclear strikes would be separate of military facilities, and be made public knowledge of where they are,” responded Lowell, hitting another button on his remote, which made some dots turn light green, and blink. “These light green dots represent a shelter, or a system of shelters that would be provided to the people. As you can see, a large proportion of these shelters are located in urban areas, but there would be some deployed to more rural towns.” “What would be the capacity of these civilian shelters?” “The shelters beneath Ashgabat, at capacity, at this stage in planning, would be able to shelter up to two-hundred thousand souls. They would include air purification units, as well as access to water and stored foodstocks, and some medical supplies. The shelters would also be effective against nuclear, chemical, and biological threats,” replied Lowell, in an upbeat tone. “What are these other blueprints?” “Military installations; our engineers have designed underground command and control centers, for air units, which are these dots,” responded Lowell, clicking another button, where some dots now turned blue, and flashed. “These command and control centers would be spread throughout the regions of the country, and used as local command posts for air defense operations. These command and control centers would decentralize our air defense systems, and would have their own independent operating capacity, even if cut off from other stations. All of them would have direct communication links to other stations, which disallow them to be cut from outside hacking efforts.” “So all these stations would be able to operate independently?” “Of course, sir, they have the ability to operate on their own, if communications with Central Command are cut,” noted Lowell, nodding slowly. “They also have their own emergency stocks of food, water, air purification, and counter-NBC threats.” “And these other underground facilities are storage facilities and arsenals?” “Yes, the General Staff has planned to use some of these facilities to store weapons and equipment to protect it and personnel from air and missile strikes. These facilities would include bunking areas, as well as storage areas for vehicles and weapon systems, as well as supplies. These would also have their own self-sustaining systems that could last their personnel for a limited amount of time,” responded Lowell, hitting another button, which displayed a large amount of blinking yellow dots across the country. “These facilities would also have their own fuel supplies, to could supply vehicles that are stored there, which include the largest of our land vehicles.” “Impressive, very impressive, and our last series of dots?” noted Dawkins, pointing at the spread-out pattern of red dots, concentrated near the borders and major metropolitan areas. “Anti-aircraft batteries, underground missile batteries, which will have the same amenities of all our systems, with self-sustaining systems. These would be directly connected via direct communication links, to the earlier-mentioned regional defense centers, and also have direct access to fixed radar sites and access to mobile radar units,” replied Lowell. “We are working with KAR on a new Surface-to-Air Missile system that would work with these new double-A sights. All of these AA sites would be working in tandem with any mobile double- and triple-A units, which would move at random.” Lowell motioned for him to move with him over to the empty long table in the conference room. He began sliding the paper-version of the blueprints from a manila envelope, spreading them about the table. Dawkins considered each of them slowly, while Lowell stood by, arms folded, watching his President look at the plans. “What is the survivability of these structures?” asked Dawkins, looking up at Lowell, after looking at the plans for a few minutes. “Well, of course, a direct nuclear strike within a quarter mile could probably destroy these structures, or disable them; they can survive most conventional weaponry, within reason of course. They have their own air supply for a short period of time, and could survive a strike from air-depletion weapons. The Command Centers and Air Defense Sites would include CIWS systems that could destroy inbound missiles. We are still determining whether we should include one or two of these anti-missile systems with sites,” noted Lowell, pointing at a prototype CIWS system. “You do know that this project will be a significant investment of resources, and the construction of these installations will also require manpower,” replied Dawkins, looking up at Lowell. “We believe that if a full commitment and implementation of this plan would have most of these structures built in less than four,” said Lowell, looking at Dawkins. “I want you to work with Fourak, to get an idea of how much this entire project will cost,” said Dawkins, looking at Lowell. “Of course, Mr. President.”
  17. “Also, we were wondering if you would be interested in running an intra-state operated ferry system between our two countries across the Caspian Sea. Such a system would certainly assist travel and business between our two countries. This would include both high-speed passenger ferries, as well as rail ferries that could run into different ports of call,” continued Dawkins, sitting back in his seat. He was very relaxed in Stahl’s presence, while still adjusting to life as a President; Dawkins had slowly come into his own in terms of confidence and navigating the waters of world politics. At twenty-nine, his appearance was in that transition towards middle-age, but it still gave him an appearance of youth. As Dawkins had learned from the business world where he had inherited his fathers’ logistical company following his death, on-the-job experience was always the best. “Such a ferry system would also save on transportation costs of goods being shipped [i]around[/i] the Caspian Sea, over a long-term period of time. Especially if those goods were needed in the Western Portion of the Nordic Empire, or the Caucasus.”
  18. [b][size="6"]Caspian Clique Mobilization[/size][/b] [b]Caspian Official Government Statement[/b] "My brothers and sisters of Caspia, the past twenty-four hours have seen the world erupt in conflict, with wars in Africa erupting between us and some of our friends. We have seen unsettling reports come out of some certain countries of this continent for the past few days, and protocol has dictated us to respond. We will support our friends and allies, who have shown restraint until their hand was forced twenty-four hours ago, we stand by them now and forever. The Caspian Clique acknowledges, at this moment, that we are a [b]nuclear-armed nation[/b], and will use these weapons should we be threatened with weapons of equal destruction. We also acknowledge the existence of an anti-strategic weapon system, that will be used on any missile launches which target our honorable nation. We apologize to our allies who were not informed of these weapon systems, and mean no harm by keeping such systems a secret. The Caspian Government hereby mobilizes its military to full alert, it is with a heavy heart that we must make this necessary maneuver." [IMG]http://i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa325/VictorDeltaRomeo/sigshamfinal.png[/IMG] President, Caspian Clique
  19. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1298958754' post='2647700'] [u][b]Secure Comms to Caspia Command[/b][/u] The Second Light Brigade has embarked upon CNS Vatutin, a Kottayam class Helicopter Carrier/Amphibious Assault ships and would be sailing with the Task Force 209 of Royal Cochin Navy to St. Helena. Your air assets would be provided additional refueling from the Strategic Reserve stocks at NAS St. Helena. [/quote] [b]Secure Transmission to RCDF GSHQ[/b] We thank the Cochin Defense Forces for the use of their ships in transporting our forces to St. Helena, and the use of fuel, Caspian Petroleum and Chemicals will be delivering aviation fuel across the border to Cochin to reimburse the Kingdom for the use of its stocks. We will be sending all transport aircraft along to St. Helena as well, to give this mission as much flexibility as possible. This will give our forces 48 Strategic Airlift Aircraft to use for supply drops, airborne operations, and heavy equipment transport. We also have refueling aircraft that will be able to operate out of St. Helena, and have multilingual staff on board, that can coordinate refueling for combat aircraft of all nations. Alongside this, our AWACS aircraft can provide Airborne Warning and Control, and also have multilingual staff on board. As soon as the maintenance checks were finished on aircraft at RCNB Crozet and RCNB Ile. St. Paul, the air units began the final leg of their journey to St. Helena, the massive air convoy roaring over the ocean after forming up once again.
  20. [b]Private Relay to Communist Australia[/b] [quote]The Caspian Military's latest Main Battle Tank, the "Viper II", would meet your specifications, with "KabulKomposite" Armor, which is a fifth-generation armor that can defeat sabot rounds, and has survived point-blank (30 Meters or less) rounds from 125mm Smoothbore Cannons. It also incorporates a 1200HP Turbine Engine (a smaller version of the engine mounted on the M1A2, but giving comparable speed, as the vehicle is lighter then the M1A2). The Caspian Military has also mounted the latest Caliber 55 120mm Smoothbore Cannon. The vehicle has shown promising results, and will soon be equipping all units of the Caspian Armored Forces.[/quote]
  21. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1298945757' post='2647363'] Permission to transit. Our units are awaiting your arrival at RCNB Crozet and RCNB Ile ST. Paul [/quote] While a small escort force flew with the transports to Ile St. Paul, most of the combat aircraft from the air convoy landed at RCNB Crozet without incident, quickly refueling and doing maintenance checks as quickly as possible. The transit was only half complete, and time was of the essence. Along with the combat aircraft, their maintenance crews had flown in as well aboard a half-dozen or so transport aircraft, along with their maintenance gear. At RCNB Ile St. Paul, the transports, support aircraft, and their escorts landed without incident as well, and began disgorging the Caspian Army's Second (Light) Brigade. The soldiers quickly marched off their transports and assembled, the airfield on Ile. St. Paul was abuzz with activity. The troops formed into their respective companies, as officers worked to make sure all men were accounted for. They had not been told where they were going, or where they exactly were, but they knew it was important, else they would not have only been given just a few short hours to prepare. Unlike their other Army compatriots, the two companies of the "Samael" Battalion had stayed with the main convoy of combat aircraft, which had landed at Crozet, and were not allowed to leave their aircraft at the stopover. An encrypted message was flashed to RCDF GSHQ from Caspia Command [quote]Caspian Air Assets deployed to Crozet will depart immediately for St. Helena once routine maintenance and refueling is performed. Once our ground units are disembarked from their aircraft on Ile St. Paul, we will join the Cochin Marine forces for seaborne transport if that is possible. Thank you again for the assistance provided to us thus far.[/quote]
  22. [b]Caspian Foreign Office - Travel Alert[/b] [quote]With the continuation of deteriorating conditions on the African continent, the Caspian Foreign Office is urging all citizens to evacuate all Central African Countries or those along coastline of the Gulf of Guinea.[/quote] [b]Public Caspian Presidential Statement[/b] "The Caspian Clique is dismayed to see this outbreak of violence over unsubstantiated rumors and unconfirmed reports, and the gross negligence of the Ottoman State to make unacceptable demands of Great Britain's forces that are stationed there. We stand by our comrades of the Far East, and if any state should see the need to invoke a declaration of war upon the United Federation of the East for its [i]legitimate[/i] casus belli, you may consider yourselves at war with the Caspian Clique as well. We will not tolerate this instability spreading further, and we will support our friends, should the time come." [IMG]http://i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa325/VictorDeltaRomeo/sigshamfinal.png[/IMG] President, Caspian Clique
  23. [b]Classified - Somewhere over the Indian Ocean[/b] The night air over the Indian Ocean was normally quiet, besides, of course, the movement of commercial airliners lazily blazing at high altitude over the waves. Tonight, however, was different, as the night was broken by the roar of aircraft heading south, an air armada that was rarely seen. The Caspian Air Force, having gotten orders only twelve hours previous to prepare for a 'significant deployment', was on the move. Mingled amongst the fighters, bombers, and refueling aircraft, forty-eight CT-23 Strategic Airlift Aircraft carried the Caspian Army's Second (Light) Brigade, along with two companies of the "Samael" Special Operations Battalion. The Airlift Aircraft also carried maintenance crews and equipment for the combat aircraft flying aircraft surrounding them. Along with the reinforced brigade, ten squadrons of "Berkut" Multirole Stealth Fighters flew alongside, two squadrons of the new "Desert Eagle" Air Superiority Fighters flew ahead of the huge air convoy, four squadrons of "Ridgerunner" Tactical Bomber/Electronic Warfare Aircraft flew in the van. A Squadron each of "Guzzler" refueling aircraft, and "Tempest" Strategic Bombers flew as well, three AWACS aircraft flew mixed amongst the transports, as did three "Banshee" Tactical Gunship aircraft, the huge air convoy having passed through Cochin Airspace only a few hours before were now roaring south over the Indian Ocean. A message was flashed to both the Kingdom of Cochin's Capital, as well as the Cochin South Indian Ocean territories of Ile St. Paul, and the Crozet Islands via encrypted signal, before the planes had passed into Cochin Air Space. [quote]TO: RCDF Command FROM: CASPIA COMMAND Air Convoy "Skytrain" proceeding south to Ile. St. Paul and the Crozet Islands, transports to land at Ile. St Paul, air units to land at Crozet Islands, ETA unknown at this time, will be updated as soon as time on destination approaches.[/quote]
  24. [quote][b]New Telecommunications Company Incorporated [/b] [i]Caspian News Agency[/i] [b]Ashgabat, CC[/b] – The Economic Ministry today announced that it has finalized the licensing of the private telecommunications company Central Asia Telecommunications or “CAT”, which applied for the license about two weeks ago. This newest company will work with the government, using both government subsidies and its own money to establish fiber-optic telephone and television lines to all populated areas of the company. The government will have some control over the company, and two Economic Ministry specialists will be appointed to sit on the company’s board of executives. The spread of CAT across the country will give the company a monopoly over the communications waves, but of course under government supervision. The establishment of CAT, said the President of the company, Howard Rizatto, will give the people of the Caspian Clique access to reliable, relatively inexpensive service that will give a bundle service of phone access, television, and high-speed internet access. “With the rise of the Caspian Clique on the global stage, we hope that CAT will provide the people of Caspia with access to that outside world. We believe that it will accelerate economic growth, and welcome the overseeing of Caspian government officials overseeing our operations, to ensure we are doing the best for the people of this state,” said Rizatto, speaking at a news conference outside the Economic Ministry building in Ashgabat. The announcing of CAT comes directly following the release of a public schedule of launches at the Andhkoy Cosmodrome, which will be feverishly launching five satellites over the next five weeks. These do not include a schedule of military launches, which have been kept classified, and there have been reports that at least one rocket had been seen launching from Andhkoy last week. The Caspian Military has denied comment on the rumors and reports, but eyewitness reports have said at least one rocket has been launched successfully from Andhkoy. The military has noted in the past that Andhkoy will not announce military launches, nor will disclose exactly what they are launching. The military has assured the public, that these launches will be used to ‘enhance’ the Caspian military and assist in the national defense of the country. If these reports are true, the establishment of satellite and navigational satellite feeds for the military will certainly give the military extra capabilities in the field of battle. “We maintain that any military satellites launched are only for navigational purposes of our soldiers and for their relay of secure communications between both units on the battlefield, and with Central Command and Ashgabat. They will maintain standard high-altitude orbits, which mark them as such, and the Caspian Clique is willing to discuss any questions that foreign governments have, through both the defense ministry and foreign office,” noted Defense Minister Lowell, at a news conference two days ago, when asked about the military’s satellite program. Lowell’s statement, whether trying to be reassuring to other nations of the world, or just making a routine answer to the question, comes at a rather coincidental time. Over the weekend, there was a reported downing of a Ottoman satellite, which the Ottoman government has reported was a spy satellite.[/quote]
  25. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1298654830' post='2644819'] Cochin Chamber of Commerce also quotes to supply CSMM100 Heavy mortars currently employed by the Border Guards of Royal Cochin Defense Forces. This heavy mortar is vehicle mountable as well as crew portable, within reason. [/quote] What is the price per unit of these mortar systems, and I assume by their designation that they are 100mm Mortars? [quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1298867502' post='2646607'] The Selenarctos Strategic Defense Corporation offers th [url="http://cnrp.wikia.com/wiki/Selenarctos_Ground_Force#P229_DAK"]P229 DAK[/url] for your consideration. The P229 is a reliable, accurate and durable handgun and the standard sidearm for every branch of the Selenarctan Security Division. Per unit, the P229 costs 700NSC (seven hundred National Selenarctan Coins). [url="http://images.wikia.com/cnrp/images/2/26/P229_DAK.jpg"][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100130050234/cnrp/images/thumb/2/26/P229_DAK.jpg/180px-P229_DAK.jpg[/img][/url][/quote] Has this weapon seen combat in any conflicts, and if so, what was their environments? How has the weapon held up to poor weather/ground conditions and operating in these conditions? [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1298869485' post='2646628'] The cost of an M3 Mortar is $18,500. [/quote] Rather steep for an individual unit...
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