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All Your Base

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Everything posted by All Your Base

  1. FAN free? Is this even allowed. I'm going to go have to check the TOS...
  2. De Caelo is only talented at one thing and I can't begin to describe it here in a public forum.
  3. The coup was successful. raasaa MB my name on there
  4. Mmmm... those look like really tasty oranges. May I please have a slice?
  5. Interesting how Nueva Vida honouring an MDoAP with VE who was attacked by MCXA, which then activated the AZTEC MADP bloc can be considered being "jumped" yet when MCXA declares on VE it is "honouring a treaty." So you like twisting words to make a point, huh?
  6. Is this a joke? I am baffled that you'd actually go that deep into speculation.
  7. An honourable battle, MCXA. Hopefully one day we can put all this behind us to make a stronger, more unified blue sphere, get a little Blunity back to the sphere.
  8. This is pretty damn boss of you guys. I can hail this. o/
  9. You did it wrong. Just saying. Good luck.
  10. )): Neutral Menace )): Congrats to the newly elected. May they lead TDO to further prosperity and congrats on the new sanction.
  11. They just demilitarized 100k NS today then
  12. Yeah I was joking anyways. Also, yes congratulations to Sparta on taking numero deux.
  13. I wouldn't mind a reset (says the new nation)
  14. Karma is the concept of "action" or "deed" in Indian religions understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect (i.e., the cycle called saṃsāra) originating in ancient India and treated in Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddhist philosophies. I don't think karma is a "who" If it is, we are all karma and no one is karma
  15. All eight of you have fallen into anarchy. Keep up the good work. Please keep buying troops, I'll send you some if you want.
  16. Without question. 3-5 days until it happens. I'll save my congrats until then.
  17. You didn't exist before, you were a ? so you don't count
  18. Know whats damn fine and sexy, the fact that NV has gained score since the start of the war and are the only non neutral menaces to do so other than TOP (and GDA but I'm pretty sure their score wasn't that low at the start ). I guess thats a solid reflection of the difference between us and our opponent (MCXA).
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