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Allan a Dale

Retired Moderator
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Everything posted by Allan a Dale

  1. Despite your intentions with this thread, it does not belong here.
  2. Custom 60 is The Democratic Order's sanction flag. Edit: The new flag has been added and it is Custom 61. Closing thread.
  3. Since there is a repeat topic, and it doesn't belong here, I'm going to close this one.
  4. This has been answered pretty well, your environment can not improve beyond a certain point with GRL + 1. Not a bug, closing thread.
  5. You may register a second account to create a new ruler name providing you do not create a nation with the first account. There is only one nation allowed per network (to avoid any trouble I'd say don't even log into the first account any more). If you wish to continue using the forums here (besides TE sections), once you have a new ruler name, make a forum user name change request in the report forum abuse section. Make sure to read the required format for posting here as well.
  6. Wrong section, please use: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showforum=62
  7. Answered, not a bug, closing thread.
  8. This belongs in the Player Created Alliance section, and it has been moved there accordingly.
  9. If you're not setting up a trade circle you should post in this thread: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=15207
  10. The wonder requires you to have 3,000 land purchased, not the total. Excluding modifiers and land from growth.
  11. Area of Influence: 1,780.656 in purchases
  12. There is a thread for aid requests located here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=47.
  13. You make make a forum name change request here after reading this. Read the posting format very carefully. Only one forum account is allowed per user.
  14. Thanks for answering, closing thread.
  15. Multiple repeat topics. Locking thread.
  16. Better suited for the Open World section, since this doesn't seem like an announcement.
  17. If you're not setting up a trade circle you should post in this thread: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=15207
  18. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1620053 Admin has reverted the nation display page to show two figures after the decimal point again for infrastructure and technology.
  19. Follow that link and read the post entirely, answered, closing thread.
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