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  1. What else would you expect from a bunch of unorganized barbarians? Why do we even have to explain ourselves?
  2. Karma blew this war into such an epic proportion. They go under the guise of being freedom fighters and using poor examples to strengthen their cause. It is nothing other than a power struggle, many alliances under Karma just being used for the motives of a few. Kind of like how Sparta uses the other alliances as meat shields. Who's going to take the power after the other alliances are finished being used, eh?
  3. NPO vs Cybernations Cybernations = won?
  4. Pay reps to alliances that attacked us first? Lol. As I was saying, oops /me stuffs his money back into his closet and closes the door As I was saying, I didn't get the memo that we lost.
  5. USSR

    NPO Terms

    I don't see how Karma is any good. The terms imply Karma has won, but the war is not over. Just because our allies have been beaten down or left us in cowardice doesn't mean we are beaten. Karma preaches how horribly evil the NPO is, yet they want to pimp NPO for money until the end of Cybernations.
  6. Is there a way for me to change my forum name? If not, am I allowed to make a second forum account without consequences?
  7. USSR

    Selling tech

    I have 2/5 aid slots left
  8. I have a degree in graphics design, what ya need?
  9. USSR

    Selling tech

    Young nation of Zephie looking for tech buyers, pm me offers.
  10. Can somebody please explain to me the difference of the two, I've clicked both they completed the same task.
  11. I put the marker around moscow and when I created my nation I am located in the middle of the United Kingdom, is there a way to change this?
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