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Everything posted by Banned

  1. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showforum=62 Just in the last few days that I've been watching that board, I've seen more 3/50 deals that have been processing than I've seen 3/100 deals on there.
  2. Heya Athens, Contact me if you'd like more sellers at this rate. I offer them lisenced, bonded, and insured. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=314781 Nation link above so you can ready me.
  3. Really? Black Market seems to be moving at 3/50, I haven't seen anybody post an offer on TSU's boards for that yet. Can you link me?
  4. Offer still open if there are any new takers.
  5. This announcement seems to be contradictory to the included statement
  6. All buyers updated, nation links pm'd in game for tech deals. Sellers still available for any takers.
  7. Offer still available for any and all interested buyers.
  8. Gratz on the accomplishment. Keep the press on.
  9. Resources Needed: Iron, Gold Key Guild Stats: Income +20.5 Citizens +13.4% Happiness +13 Infra cost -16% Tech Cost -12.5% Great for small nations still selling technology Bonus Resources: Affluent Population, Fine Jewelry, Microchips, Scholars, Steel Resource provided, not listed above: Uranium Matt G Furs, Oil BColl Silver, Uranium Abyssmal Fiend Coal, Fish scarab Gems, Lead Lelouch Slayer Lumber, Wine
  10. All buyers up to this point have been contacted.
  11. I've got a list of sellers ready to move tech deals at 3/50, fully insured. Contact me here or via in game message if interested. Please add nation link if you post here, so that you can be contacted in game. You can also contact us in #slap on coldfront IRC network.
  12. Congrats to both alliances. Much love to our allies in ODN!
  13. Ladies and gentlemen of the various alliances and unaligned nations surrounding Planet Bob, I come before you today to make an announcement. For the first time in the history of the Sovereign League of Armed Powers, our alliance has reached a total score of 1. I would like to invite everybody to visit us in #SLAP while we celebrate this occasion with random troutings.
  14. I'd be interested in hearing the political goals behind this. Wasn't Sparta the only protection you had on the face of Planet Bob at one time? (sees some deep-rooted issues here)
  15. o/ SLAP o/ UUA o/ cementing friendships
  16. LoSS you got yourselves a good ally there. Treat them well. As always, o/ LOUD, you guys have been classy allies.
  17. This is definitely the only way to see a protectorate end. Congrats to both parties on this announcement.
  18. Congrats to both alliances. Good to see our orange brothers cementing ties.
  19. Clearly a cancellation of a series of PIAT's is a sign of pending war, and people should stop downplaying this. We in SLAP will offer military and financial support to ODN in the upcoming war. Ok, now, all joking aside.... best of luck to all alliances involved. Always sad to see a day when any friendship ties are broken, but understandable that these things do happen from time to time. May the future bring forth better days for everybody.
  20. Gratz to R&R on establishing friendships with one of my favorite alliances in the entirety of Planet Bob.
  21. Am I the only one seeing that nobody signed this for TTK? Edit: Nvm... slow loading internet and they hid it in an image. Gratz on the treaty guys.
  22. In light of these events, I'm surprised not to see a DoW. SNAFU, I know absolutely nobody in your alliance, but I would personally like to extend an offer to help in any way I can with getting some guides together for your alliance, hopefully better than those you had before. [OOC]/query Banned on coldfront IRC network if you'd like to take me up on that offer[/OOC]
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