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Everything posted by brickyard

  1. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1290465804' post='2520620'] Muppet Kingdom is best Kingdom! [/quote] If we had goen with this one, I wouldve been so happy
  2. Two of my favourite alliances. [b]I like it.[/b]
  3. Oh, I get it. You're trying to be funny, right? This probably sounded a lot better in your head.
  4. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1289890357' post='2514262'] Ah, so you guys ARE just trying to divert attention away from your $%&@ ups and trying to put attention on the big bad NPO. NPO, being mean again MK grow the $%&@ up. [/quote] It's very difficult to tell someone to grow up when you yourself post like a child. OOC - Also, to those complaining of this threads irrelevancy - in the real world, if ambassadors were ejected from a country, it would be an enormous deal. This is a nation simulator, no?
  5. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289761746' post='2512899'] I am a self declared moralist and I am not complaining. [/quote] Because you're intelligent, reasonable, and I can't see you stooping to the levels of HoT, Fernando etc at the bottom of the gene pool. It baffles me that they don't see how ridiculous they sound in this thread. As this matter is settled though, I'm going to follow Archon out. Cheers. *Didnt see mod's post until I posted. My apologies.
  6. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1289757332' post='2512857'] Does MK have multiple personality disorder or something? MK: Dirty extortionists! MK: Why do you have to whine about everything? [/quote] Could it be that MK has 200 members, all with unique viewpoints? Impossible.
  7. I'm glad this was resolved quickly. Also, good show to TFD for being classy about this.
  8. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1289342881' post='2508596'] You sir are being to damn smart and logical about things. GET OUT! MK apparently has a lazy trade coordinator or is completely unaware of #temptrades. This stunt that MK pulled its a rehash of something they wanted to pull on another alliance. They are war hungry. You better believe MK is surprised and disappointed that NSO agreed to pay. MK wanted war and failed to get it. Who will be next? [/quote] Im not alone in hoping its you. (now awaiting his always dramatic reply)
  9. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1289270368' post='2507021'] Prove it. Walk away with a refund or a simple $3mil/50tech. If you do then perhaps we'll begin to believe you had no intentions to roll NSO. [/quote] Reading this made sorting through all these pages worth it. I havent had a laugh like this in a while
  10. mk: experts in artificial constructions to aid us in extorting money [IMG]http://i56.tinypic.com/2zgf7vb.jpg[/IMG]
  11. haters gon hate. You know the political landscape of Bob is in a rut when [i]this[/i] is taken to such proportions. Obviously, MK are evil overlords who want nothing more than to extort other players. Its a requirement to join, really.
  12. [quote name='MagicalTrevor' timestamp='1288305892' post='2495622'] =lost= are pretty cool, 'grats And buds, ignore brickyard, not worth it. [/quote] This man speaks truth. Its far too easy to get Buds riled up it appears I don't speak for MK, or even pretend to. Fact of the matter is, I made a joke about attacking BAPS - they then said they'd rather re-roll than give us tech in said attack. Didnt say MK would make you re-roll, you said it yourself buddeh. But continue on with your rants, its entertaining
  13. [quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1288303834' post='2495577'] Show me anywhere in these forums where I have threatened any aa outside of a war time situation. Get back to me on that one ill hold my breath. [/quote] ...Because you've never been in a position to do so? Also, RAAAAGE
  14. [quote name='Nobody Expects' timestamp='1288302539' post='2495534'] BAPS doesn't work that way my good man, all you get is nukes, we'll reroll like we had to last time before we give up any Tech to the likes of you, thats one of the few things in CN you can count on. [/quote] Go for it, we'll be waiting. Hope you like rerolling
  15. Love to see this. Now we can split BAPS tech down the middle. Amirite?
  16. [quote name='MrHavok' timestamp='1287108029' post='2484904'] We appreciate the well wishes but please do not start off with our alliance by insulting our friends and treaty partner The Legion Simply unacceptable as we are all trying to move forward [/quote] Noted, but had to get my one jab in In truth, this new alliance is full of the best of what IRON had, and Im sure it'll succeed. Good luck guys
  17. I see some old friends in there. Congrats Sojourner and Stockhunter, hopefully everything works out for you. Stop by the MK forums if you want to drop a line. Wouldve picked a better alliance than Legion to protect you though
  18. Aqua. Water and rubber Ready to trade asap
  19. Literally nothing has changed. Our friends are our friends. If not having a treaty means you hate us now, you werent friends to begin with.
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