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Everything posted by Liltrekkie

  1. Luckily, we don't care what you think.
  2. Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.
  3. We get it, you're a dong. You belong to a whole group of dongs who are bored in a dying place. These are the only people you can be dongs to and stomp because you decided to treaty 80% of the planet. What's next after you dongs force everyone else except yourselves out of here? Here's an idea, if you want to be dongs so bad, do it to each other and let everyone else die slowly like has been happening. In the mean time, get the dong out of your butt and mouth and move the $^#* on.
  4. I'm shocked you were able to get your head out of your butt to post here.
  5. You sound just as stupid as ever so that's cool. Oh, and Hi COBRA, we will bury you too.
  6. Oh? Looks like your top guy's body isn't ready. Let me touch him with my nukes. You're about to see how not I am.
  7. Didn't anyone teach you not to poke a sleeping bear? Your attempt at staying relevant is over, you will be met with full and unrelenting force from CRAP and any one of our allies who want to join in on beating you down. We will bury you in so much CRAP you'll only wish it was a !@#$%* pun. With love, The CRAP Triumvirate.
  8. Funny, we knew that too. Took you long enough to admit that. Once giant &#$@ bags always giant &#$@ bags
  9. I like how you guys aren't even trying for a CB. You just lie. You should have just said "We want war and they are a threat to us so we war you" that would have least been honest.
  10. Hey, remember when that never happened? I guess children can't help but make stuff up in order to make themselves look better
  11. Says the guy who's been doing that for three pages now. You don't get a seat at the grown ups table just because Pacifica got a little red at NG's embarrassing war performance. run along now, grown ups are talking here, go back to the little kids table where you belong.
  12. How convenient. The old we didnt directly attack them so its fine argument. Is that how your allies felt in all those wars when you attacked one of your allies, allies? Kettle, meet pot.
  13. I wonder how Avalanche feels about this, seeing as Sparta is a friend of CRAP. Or does Polar not care about their allies?
  14. So another words, Oculus has no class? That's what I'm taking from that.
  15. If you want to clean maroon so bad then you should have started with yourselves. Don;t worry, we will help you, one NG nation at a time.
  16. I'm not the one crying seeing as you needed 4 different alliances just to hit two small alliances. We must be doing a good job.
  17. You obviously missed the "lets keep this between maroon" Does Umbrella not respect NG's wishes? Or is Umbrella calling the shots?
  18. And thank you for making my point. Clearly this was never meant to "stay between maroon" since NG, TLR, and NoR can't put a leash on their own allies.
  19. Except NG, TLR and NoR brought in Umbrella without even an official DoW. Your point doesn't exist.
  20. We are apparentally acting quite well for them to need outside help containing 3 alliances. I guess we should welcome Umbrella to Maroon,
  21. To be fair.. When NG was saying they would keep it within Maroon, no one expected them to keep their word, right?
  22. This must be why you have Umbrella do all your heavy lifting. Can't seem to do the job on your own, eh?
  23. Here at CRAP, we heavily thank Old Guard for braving this storm and joining us on the battle field. May they feel the wrath of your nukes and burn in the fires! o/ Old Guard.
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