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Everything posted by sethb

  1. Well, I am very please to see this. Sparta my respect for you has grown exponentially now that you have decided to leave the power hungry group that is Q.
  2. Congratulations to The Syndicate! Any friend of RoK is a friend of mine.
  3. Do you even know what you are talking about, or are you just some Pacifican noob who is just mindlessly YAYing bilrow without knowing anything about the man?
  4. No, they are simply a member of the green team, and United Jungle Accords who wish to stabilize the sphere and make it a better place for all.
  5. Thank you for clarifying that it was a joke, I honestly feel relieved lol.
  6. How could you possibly reach the conclusion that they are attacking GGA from the op? I don't think I have ever facepalmed so hard.
  7. It's always sad when relationships come to an end. But imo a good choice. o/ Ragnarok
  8. Ordo Verde will miss you greatly KA, but we wish you the best of luck in Nirvana. I believe I speak for all of OV when I say that we will have your back no matter what.
  9. Ordo Verde welcomes our new green friends.
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