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Everything posted by dvdcchn

  1. how do you see your growth since your inception?
  2. best of luck pacifica Hail Cortath, may you have a glorious reign
  3. admin speed R&R! o/ R&R o/new gov o/ HAWK and GFL
  4. i check it daily, as well as have chatted or been in the same chat as my colleague from ODN. Saddly I have expected more from ODN as well. we were friends once(even if it turned out to be a farse)
  5. and as a show of unity our embassy in the OUT forums remain open to you. We do not get along, it is not a secret, and not a cause for pending war. its ok. there are some who are still willing to talk to ODN as well, i am one. however, as our goverments do not see eye to eye, then let us discuss in OUT any issues, yet again it is silent. as for the conspiracy, ODN get over it, we do not see eye to eye, there is no need to troll or contiusly bring up the other allaince in every thread they take part in. just get over it and we can all move on. Vanguard, i understand your position and good luck on your path.
  6. congrats Alaric and his new goverment, however unchanged o/ GLOF
  7. to the last o/ CON you contributed greatly to orange, we thank you and welcome you home
  8. Francesa, i do appoligize to you, my personal feelings towards your character, this in not the forum for it. when you, however preach against my allaince, i will return. just as my allaince may have not stood for your beliefs, does not negate our beliefs. i do owever aplaude you for your to speak the trust, however new of a concept. your opinions are valid, for the shear fact they are your own, as mine will be mine. as for argumentum ad hominem, i have adressed the lack of worth through self rightiousness that was presented. especially how you are allaigned with them now. what then did you stand for to judge us? again, however, this is not the place, and to Fark i apologize from detracting your anouncment
  9. Who are you to say this, vile creature. You chastise us for canceling on NPO, you vox spy, not a decent one who took the beating and helded your ground, you hid you coward, you hid amongst those who trusted you and befriended you, you hid amongst those who believed in you. Then, once you're mask was revealed you had a pity announcement saying it was out of love, and that you generally cared for the alliance you were at. You bottom feeder you have no right to gauge integrety. You spied, I am assuming you were intelligent enough, yes a large assumption for you feind, to know we would not make a mistake to leave a treaty standing, we would not have built of for months to simply cast them aside. we did make a mistake in our fury over percieved incidents, yet we did not hide, we fought, we did not change our AA, we did not instil trust only for their destruction. You know nothing of a hard war, except to see it from the shadows of your deceit. as for the war we *did* fight, we fought hard, and earned the praise of our adversaries in combat. What about you? As for FARK and your allies, it was a well fought war, we may not be best friends, but at least we respect each other in battle. Again, be well on your path. Best of luck
  10. duely noted, thank you sir and to you as well! and leaders say there is no more kindness here, good teamwork gents!
  11. your sarcasm is always apreciated fireguy! be well on your path FARK and thank you fo rall the kind words
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