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Unko Kalaikz

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Everything posted by Unko Kalaikz

  1. Throughout history our world has been troubled by a celebration of barbarism, the romanticization of terrorism, anarchy and illogical moralism. I myself in my younger days was a firebrand seeking "freedom" and liberation from the grasp of the "global despots." Yet with age and experience I have come to see the truth of the matter, and wisdom has graced me, replacing my impetuous ambitions and ill-conceived notions of counter-revolutionary antics. It is some solace to me that a few other former terrorists and rabble-rousers have also matured from the days of our youth, although my guilt will ever lie upon me. I first began to question devotion to anarchism nearing the latter days of the Vox Populi uprising. After some time the initial rush that comes from riotous violence and a cheeky disrespect for the authorities began to fade, and as I looked about me I began to wonder at the intentions of our "leadership" such as it was. Many were guilty of human rights abuses and war crimes in the past, poor governance, and emotionally charged reasoning and actions. As a developing Francoist I attempted to insert some level of reason and higher purpose, but to no avail, and with a sinking heart I began to realize that the cause I had dedicated so much towards might be [i]wrong.[/i] Still, I held firm to my ideals. [i]Global Despotism is the problem,[/i] I reasoned to myself, [i]the Hegemony is a tool of oppression.[/i] But despite publicly never conceding to Order heavyweights like Vladimir and Cortath, I was wavering. [i]Perhaps evil schemes and userite oppression did not actually maintain the power of the hegemony. Perhaps,[/i] a small thought rang in my mind, [i]Pacifica is a force for good in the world.[/i] And then another thought pierced my mind. A thought that I was blaming the forces of Order for my own failings, my own shortcomings, and my subsequent poor decisions in selecting my alliances, and governing them. Projecting the Order as the enemy, when in reality, I was indeed my own worst enemy. And it was at that time I began to realize what freedom truly is. [i]Freedom,[/i] I was beginning to learn, [i]is not the same as anarchy. Anarchy is the state of nature, a state of conflict in which national rulers may do as they please, to the detriment of their nations, and other nations. Freedom is liberation from this anarchy, the opportunity to develop materially, intellectually and spiritually, to escape the state of nature and reach one's full potential.[/i] Freedom is civilization, Anarchy is barbarism. This revolutionary concept reeled in my mind, and I as I began to perceive wisdom I left behind the folly of Vox and all those who sought anarchy on a global scale. And the day came when the machinations of Vox Populi and other world actors finally came into fruition, the fall of civilization through treachery and deceit, and defeat of the Order, and the beginning of the dark ages. We have seen the return of barbarism and anarchy to the world. We witness the ravaging of nations, the bastion that was the red team assailed by cruel and pitiless pillagers, the return of vanquished enemies of world peace to seats of power. How many untold millions have perished in the Armageddon War and after? The untold suffering of nations, and a world economy that has not recovered and may never reach the levels of prosperity we witnessed in the Age of Order. And yet, to the surprise of all, we witness a dim but glowing lamp of hope. The Order and other alliances like it is growing at an unprecedented rate; the Anarchists do not understand and gnash their teeth in frenzied hate; but they are blind, unlike the peoples of peace, the keepers of Order, the agents of civilization and decency and respect and all worthy things, the light of Francoism, the keepers of the flame of freedom and Franco's star, angels of hope and charity in today's darkened world. Was the Order always right? Hardly, none, not one, ever is. But perhaps in this age of uncertainty we can look back with hope that times will be ordered again, and that reason will prevail over the lulz and abominable lusts that shape our chaotic world today. -- Unko Kalaikz
  2. long time no see. -- junka

  3. I demand to be in the CNs biggest hunk poll. I will provide an excellent pictures shortly. or use my avatar :P

  4. wow looks like youre in some drama old buddy hope things work out for the best -- junka

  5. wow looks like youre in some drama old buddy hope things work out for the best -- junka

  6. Long time no see, Vladimir

  7. Absolutely. Welcome to Cyber Nations, a Double Standards game.
  8. I have to admit I lol'd at the redundancy. @ TPF: Understandable position, if you think you could win out and have PC dropped from the terms. Make a little victory out of defeat. @ Karma: No offense to PC, but do they really matter? Just drop em from the terms? lol @ PC: If you did break that treaty and karma drops you from the reps you deserve it.
  9. Schatt, I guess you and I are in the same league of old fools who believe in things like objective reality and material analysis.
  10. Democracy is a Great Lie. Democracy promises freedom but brings dictatorship of the majority. It proffers votes for all but special interests count them. It provides short term prosperity in exchange for long term ruin. It begins in purity and ends absolutely corrupt. Democracy is a Great Lie.
  11. No such thing as too many small nations, because they are untapped potential. Grats GATO!
  12. So an argument involving a historical figure is not valid unless the historical figure himself is arguing?
  13. Wow, so opinion polls determine legal legitimacy or rational arguments now? Lets say a poll was taken in planet bob and more than 50% voted for me. Would you step down?
  14. yeah an alliance is a bit more in character and formal than a community, as the OP notes. 4chan was not an alliance, but there was an alliance that drew from the 4chan community, /b/. Same thing with LUE and the GameFAQs forums, and a few other alliances. I don't think anyone will say GameFAQS is or was an alliance.
  15. Your point is not worth anyone's time because it has no substance to back it up. It's a nicer looking version of "NO U"
  16. Absolute !@#$%^&*. I wasn't aware you were in possession of a mind reading device. As I stated earlier in this thread, I felt and explained that subjecting our alliance as a WHOLE (not just myself) to humiliation, confessing to a false crime, and probable crippling reps and viceroy terms (if even that, because there was no garrauntee of negotiation) was not worth continuing our existence as an alliance. I promoted exactly what the NPO did NOT want me to do, the IAA expired as heroes, rather than lived a shamed existence. Our disbandment denied NPO their total victory, PR and otherwise and the abject destruction of everything we fought for. I advocated disbandment knowing that it would most likely result in pissing off NPO and my EZI. A month or two later I asked to be let off of EZI and Moo was STILL pissed at how I turned what was supposed to be an easy side campaign into a PR thorn in the $@!. It absolutely pisses me off that what was a move designed to protect Imperial honor and deny the enemy total victory is instead historically revised to be a "selfish" move by myself to save myself from PZI. If I was worried about PZI I would have done what Chimaera did and deserted during (or before) wartime, but no, somehow Chim's abandonment is remembered as heroic? This angers and pains me far more than anything else in CN ever has. All my work and effort, for a bunch of ingrates, revisionists, and incompetent officers. You are all the equivalent of a bunch of whiney revisionist spartans who believe that Leonidas should have accepted Xerxes offer instead of throwing that spear.
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