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Michael von Prussia

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Everything posted by Michael von Prussia

  1. [quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1289044321' post='2503884'] But we have Sentinal... [/quote] Mmhm... Sentinal with a weapon...
  2. [quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1289042555' post='2503869'] What Skippy said. Also Obligatory <3 Meshy. o7 our first POW [/quote] o7 Scorponok You ought to design a female warrior to serve as Imperia's mascot :3
  3. Go get 'em, Imperia! o/ Imperia o/ TKTB Sentinal
  4. Not within the forum software. The best bet you'd have is if your browser allowed you to use client-side JavaScript, which could be written to remove said blog entries from the list as soon as the page is done loading.
  5. I've had this issue a few times, though I've usually had it when using the fast reply. As best as I can tell, the forum is trying to change your session key between you loading one page and clicking the reply button. As stated, going back, copying your post data to the clipboard, and refreshing clears it up, but it's still a bit of a pain.
  6. I dunno if you'd like the show, I just like the name myself xD


  7. I personally see two issues with allowing spoiler tags as suggested in this thread. The first is that, as noted, it makes policing forum signature violations a lot harder than it presently is, because it would encourage the use of spoiler tags to hide a lot more content than they presently do. The second is that on a lengthy thread, the forums already take an enormous amount of time to load anyway, and increasing the amount of 'peripheral' content, such as signatures, will only increase that time more.
  8. [quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1288585434' post='2498737'] I guess we're all guilty of plagarism, then. I don't even [i]want[/i] to know how many treaties have used cookie-cutter language. Funnily enough, I don't recall anyone else whining about how someone stole their treaty format. [/quote] Again, I'm not seeing how copying nearly an entire article word for word is stealing the "format". Regardless, it is expected of those involved. I'll leave this thread with congratulations for the New Sakura Order. Congratulating AODB would just seem to sarcastic given the new [s]allies[/s] liabilities they've acquired.
  9. [quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1288584839' post='2498730'] OOC: Everything posted here is property of the board owner. You probably should have read that thing you agreed to when you signed up. [/quote] OOC: Which part, "we are not responsible for any messages posted", "the messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this bulletin board", or "you agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this bulletin board"? Boards are hosted in the US, where copyright is automatically applied to any published material. Try again. OOC Edit: Not that it really matters because it's still a ridiculously insulting thing to do anyway.
  10. [quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1288583900' post='2498711'] They're all the same either way Only depends on the type of treaty. [/quote] Having the same meaning is a little different from having large segments [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94126&view=findpost&p=2498702]copied word for word[/url].
  11. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1288579924' post='2498667'] ...is it just me, or is your peace article plagarism? ._. Sounds like my style, you get that from my Tetris treaty? Also, you had "of" instead of "or" somewhere. Also, thanks for the hivemind reference. OOC: That said, infinitely more readable on a 3 inch screen. EDIT: I just checked, and you copied me word for !@#$@#$ word. I demand my name be attributed in that treaty. [/quote] [quote name='Elrich von Richt' timestamp='1288578587' post='2498634'] The New Sakura Order (henceforth referred to as NsO), and the AOD Brigade (henceforth referred to as AODB) [color="#FF0000"]agree to remain respectful and polite to each other in all channels of communication, public of private.[/color] They also seek to resolve any/all possible conflicts they have through diplomatic means. [color="#FF0000"]Both alliances should look out for each other's well-being. As a consequence of their mutual friendship, both parties agree not to attack[/color] one another, and [color="#FF0000"]in the event of a treaty conflict that would draw the two into war with each other, this article will take precedence.[/color][/quote] [quote name='Yuki Plays Too Much Tetris or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Korobeiniki' timestamp='1260983278' post='2033925'] SOS団 and Tetris [color="#FF0000"]agree to remain respectful and polite to each other in all channels of communication, public or private[/color]. They also resolve to seek diplomatic means to any possible conflicts they may have. [color="#FF0000"]Both alliances should look out for each others well-being. As a consequence of their mutual friendship, both parties agree not to attack[/color] each other for any reason. [color="#FF0000"]In the event of a treaty conflict that would draw the two into war with each other, this article will take precedence.[/color] [/quote] Plagiarism is plagiarism.
  12. It shouldn't matter, no. And I'm not sure why Photobucket would give you an invalid URL, unless you're using the thumbnail, which attaches a timestamp to the end which you'd want to remove. However, if you're still having trouble, try as Xoin suggested and upload right to the forums
  13. If you're trying to use the direct link from Google, you can't. Google no longer uses URLs to display image results; rather, it now uses base64 data:uri embedded images. If you want to use an image directly from a Google result, simply right click and save to your computer, then upload to an image hosting site such as [url=http://imgur.com/]imgur[/url].
  14. [quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1288495157' post='2497759'] Chimaera was not government until recently. [/quote] For someone posting in a thread whose theme has been lack of communication between government members, I think failing to inform him would be quite the oversight on your part, don't you?
  15. [quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1288485772' post='2497625'] You're forgetting one thing about the moral obligation, I have friends on both sides of this "conflict". I personally did not and still do not think that either side is right or correct in this, and think that Elrich really needed to be a lot more calm during the "debate" and that Arrnea overacted a bit much. As for informing the alliance, it was known (at least to the gov't) that one of the reasons NsO formed was due to this drama. Voodoo, Emperor at the time, knew the background behind the SOS drama, however he didn't really give a damned about it like I did. If you do not believe me, you can ask Voodoo himself. So yes, they knew what they were getting into. While I'm sorry you (or others) feel hurt over this, at the time I believed the best thing for me to do was to not leak to either party what I knew, even if I admittedly had more knowledge from the "other" side. [/quote] Your duplicity in this affair disgusts me. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1288486999' post='2497635'] (to any former allies who think otherwise, you probably don't deserve to exist) [/quote] I would think that feeling would be mutual as well.
  16. [quote name='Katsumi' timestamp='1288321339' post='2495971'] there was plenty of opportunity for reconsideration on the part of Arrnea. [/quote] Forgive me if I'm wrong here, but that sounds an awful lot like [i]Arrnea had plenty of time to do what we told him to[/i]. Trust me, no one's bitter over losing a bunch of traitors. A more accurate statement is that there are some members who find being stabbed in the back a wee bit painful. Also, mandatory 'there is no alliance with the acronym SOS'.
  17. [quote name='Tohru' timestamp='1288228630' post='2494691'] I'm tired of talking to a brick wall. [/quote] Then don't. I'm sure there are plenty of people on NsO's forums who would be more than happy to listen to you whine about how Arrnea is an evil, evil person and we're all conspiring to make you look bad. Go do so there if you want people to buy your !@#$%^&*. But so long as you keep spewing it, someone here, whether it be me, another SOS団 member, our friends, allies, or just some random passersby with two eyes, are going to call you on it.
  18. [quote name='Felix von Agnu' timestamp='1288226278' post='2494622'] I pretty much just have a question on this part. How is a legitimate (as in the way the charter specifies) removal of power a coup? I've always been under the assumption that a legitimate means of removal was not a coup. Along the same lines, how is conversing about it a coup? I see you throwing that word around, but if they were talking about doing it by the book then it's not a coup. [/quote] I answered this question [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=93728&st=180&p=2493407&#entry2493407]earlier on[/url]. [i]First[/i] they planned a coup, [i]then[/i] they were caught, and only [i]then[/i] did they try (and fail) at legitimate impeachment.
  19. [quote name='Saniiro Matsudaira' timestamp='1288225035' post='2494603'] After you make this statement how I was mistaken on what DK1K did [i]after[/i] he left the SOS Brigade, then you bring up the claim of "aiding and abetting traitors." How is this relevent to how I was mistaken in my response? [/quote] It's not; however, you said [i]Also, congrats on continuing to damage relations with an alliance that only did what it thought was necessary[/i], and I was pointing out that I didn't think it was 'necessary', that's all.
  20. [quote name='Saniiro Matsudaira' timestamp='1288224322' post='2494594'] It was true that DK1K did resign his membership/government position from the SOS Brigade and went to Tetris, but it was his own personal decision to remain in Tetris, and we hold no grudges to his choices. Also, congrats on continuing to damage relations with an alliance that only did what it thought was necessary. [/quote] I'm unsure of how you think this is relevant. I'm not talking about what DK1K did [i]after[/i] he left, but what he did [i]while[/i] he was a member. The only relevance anything he did afterwards has to this is that he came to and involved himself in this thread, and when Locke attempted to dispute what he said, his alliance leader got all huffy. My post was merely to point out that Tetris brought themselves into this, not me nor Locke nor anyone else. Edit: Aiding and abetting traitors to a valued ally is hardly 'necessary'.
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