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Everything posted by michaeru

  1. May your attempt at rebirth be successful, although, looking around, I have my doubts it will be percieved to be even if it is.
  2. SOS Brigade, 1.2m NS plus one free province so seven provinces total, the center being Osaka and the rest spread around it. Color either #0000FF or #009F6B. [img]http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/699/japanjh.jpg[/img]
  3. [quote name='Tequila Mockingbird' timestamp='1280661487' post='2396969'] [IMG]http://i31.tinypic.com/2yxi1k1.png[/IMG] Let the new era begin! [/quote] Banzai! Sweet banner, by the way. Mind if I save that?
  4. Your alliance is severly lacking in Germans. :T Nevertheless, congratulations on the milestone.
  5. [quote name='Michael von Prussia' date='20 July 2010 - 02:48 AM' timestamp='1279586866' post='2379586'] I think you're getting alliances mixed up there [/quote] In my defense, it was late. But then again ... [quote]Maybe a little. Or maybe he got caught in a time loop of some sort and his post got sent back from the future. We shall see. [/quote] ;]]]
  6. The cycle of cancellations is broken, rejoice, everyone~ ... or is it? o/ RIA
  7. Looks like IRON is putting the Independent back into Independent Republic of Orange Nations.
  8. I never understood the hate for Pez' and can only wonder whether the people screaming bloody murder at her wouldn't have made the same decision in her place. [size="1"]p. sure that hb wouldn't have[/size]
  9. Hacking is an absolute no go, and the GOONS tough stance on it can only be commended. I hope that the culprit will be found and put to justice, whatever variation thereof.
  10. I think I'm going to actually buy this one instead of pirating it like I usually do. o/ Tetris
  11. About time. It wasn't even funny anymore how often we scraped against but never quite reached it.
  12. thinks your idea of "power" is too narrowminded, everyone~

  13. Everything under 3.5% is weak. That is all.
  14. Congratulations to all elected, but especially, to Tromp, and to FOK too.
  15. [quote name='Hymenbreach' date='23 February 2010 - 12:14 PM' timestamp='1266923657' post='2198880'] What am I? Chopped Liver? [/quote] Would it cheer you up to know that you're [i]delicious[/i] chopped liver?
  16. You people have the [i]nerve[/i] to bring the permanent !@#$flinging you've been doing on the Legion boards for literally MONTHS to the BIG boards, as well? I don't even.
  17. [quote name='Burning Glory' date='14 February 2010 - 11:48 PM' timestamp='1266187695' post='2181418'] Funny how SOS has gone all round with out a war while OC has been in three and yet call in 2 other AA's to help out against a 25 member AA with no AF (as you guys keep implying) Then have the adassity to brag. No worries, TPF will help even the odds BG. [/quote] I hope you people enjoy your selective vision, because I sure as hell do.
  18. [quote name='JonBoy16' date='14 February 2010 - 10:03 PM' timestamp='1266181417' post='2181213'] Is it just me or has SOSBrigade suddenly gotten cocky after Fark and GATO jump in on their behalf? [/quote] If you seriously believe that, then you need to be destroyed even more urgently than us a-nime-bominations.
  19. [quote name='Hyperion321' date='13 February 2010 - 09:00 AM' timestamp='1266048028' post='2178954'] Although I was unsuccessful in my attempts to court Miley Cyrus, I did get something out of tonight...a celebrity endorsement! :v Here's me and Sterling Knight after the show taping. [img]http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs272.ash1/19950_304938723119_814818119_3381980_5427107_n.jpg[/img] [/quote] This is an OOC attack! Oh, looks like Sal beat me to it. W/e.
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