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Everything posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. Serious business. Oh and you're right, clearly people sidetracking STA's announcement being bad is not a valid point. Let's do it more!
  2. I think you took what I said a little too literally
  3. Can't any FB alliance announce anything without the discussion turning towards NSO? I mean sure, nobody likes NSO, but that's no reason to whine about them to their allies. I mean what will yall achieve, not like STA will ever drop a treaty because a few people complain, and not like NSO is going to take tutoring from others about how to run their own alliance.
  4. I don't hate anyone, seriously Why is it that when I speak frankly it seems like I hate someone? Cybernations community must be the most non-gamer like community. Nobody knows any of the lingo
  5. Frostbite plans to take over the world? I knew it!
  6. I hope that nobody will allow a new hegemony to form, regardless of who is in it. And a new hegemony must be a bad one at that....unjust wars, spying used as a cb, pushing everyone around, using their diplomatic weight, threatening others, using war before diplomacy, using allies as meatshields and backstabbing them at the first sign of trouble, being generally dishonourable and immoral, opportunist, etc.
  7. Get back to your roots like LoSS did. Alao, shed your Stockholm syndrome, and stop loving NPO for raping you.
  8. Good to see alliances doing the logical thing. OOC: IRC > Forums
  9. Dark Fist wishes the best to her former allies. We know that we will continue to move forward and be friends through NOIR. We especially thank HoL & TSC for their support in the Karma War and thank them for everything they have done for us and with us over our combined membership in the bloc.
  10. Over a year and a half ago, the Black Peace Initiative formed on black, between friendly black team alliances in order to prosper together. The aims were simple, to unite a force good on our sphere, to have a common senator, to resist foreign pressure from non-black alliances, to have a hub of economic cooperation as well as to defend each other militarily. The BPI has been through a lot since it began, and numerous alliances joined and left. Some old friends have moved out from the black sphere entirely, and we wish them the best of luck. We have worked closely together, and our friendship as well as cooperation will continue into the future, however today many of the original aims of BPI have been superseded by the NOIR Pact, and indeed all BPI members are also active NOIR participants. After deliberation with one another, it has been decided that the existence of BPI is simply no longer necessary in the present day, and thus we have decided to dissolve it. Signed for Dark Fist Daikos, Diarch Starcraftmazter, Diarch Martinius, Diarch The Shadow Confederacy The Emperor - E.Grievous Grand Vizier - DoorNail Supreme Commander - Rude Land PoFA - Augustas Signed for The House of Lords His Eminence The Most Respected Lord Vorak, Lord President and Leader of the House of Lords, 2nd Grand Duke of the House of Lords, Lord of Vorakia
  11. Fail poll, fail thread, fail everything.
  12. If I didn't have the right to do so, then I would be incapable of doing so, silly person. PS. I don't see how you being in the NPO military command at some stage gives you any unique insight into surrender terms which were agreed upon by other individuals.
  13. Oh and you are? And what the hell does that have to do with anything anyway? NSO - "Nobody says anything except us! All your opinions are irrelevant! HURR DURR".
  14. Very lenient terms, very generous settlement by Karma. It's difficult to believe that the attacks on the peace mode nations were removed, and I for one think that condition should have been removed only in favour of more tech - but oh well. NPO should be very happy and thankful to the alliances fighting them, as I doubt I would be this generous.
  15. Some ex-Hegemony people are butthurt, and thus they decided to try and be cool by labeling anyone on the Karma side as "new hegemony".
  16. Does anyone really care about this type of stuff nowdays? PS. Come to black - all other spheres suck.
  17. That is extremely ironic consider NSO members claim they pioneered white peace
  18. Because your alliance is the definition of mean. It's just one of those things, like for instance, why do attention hogs* get so many replies in other places? Who knows, just the combined stupidity and boredom of everyone.
  19. I don't see how that's at all relevant.
  20. It was a direct counter-attack at Ivan's smugness, more specifically at this; This is highly debatable. A more appropriate thing to say is that you announced it and made a big deal about it first.
  21. What blatantly incorrect view of reality? You mean like saying that NSO is responsible for white peace? Oh wait no, that's what you guys think... Oh, and you shall have my opinions anyway - at least as long as you make stupid announcements.
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