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Everything posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. [img]http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/5850/shopped.png[/img] wat Also, lol @ referring to everything in terms of left-right wing politics.
  2. [quote name='Chron' date='01 February 2010 - 11:21 AM' timestamp='1264987265' post='2148807'] lol. When you grow up and can play in the big leagues, maybe we will.[/quote] Coming from a pathetic attention seeking alliance which keeps stagnating and declaring wars on much smaller alliances to feel big, this is quite rich.
  3. This DoW is pretty awesome just from the sheer butthurt generated from ignoring that silly NSO alliance. Perhaps we should continue this trend Hey NSO - do something about it [img]http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/8431/hatersw.jpg[/img]
  4. I support this move. Nobody has the right to permanently place legislative restrictions on another alliance, and I would fight an eternity to defend my alliance's sovereign rights.
  5. ^ Here's my attempt. [img]http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/4677/thestory.png[/img]
  6. In my opinion TOP and it's equally upper tier allies will bring significant pain on many of the key alliances part of the ex-Karma coalition, to pave way for NPO and other allies to take over the new world
  7. I do believe that most of us are veterans of the Unjust war, where we were all on the Unjust side, and hence we did honour treaties when outnumbered. I do believe I've fought 3 wars outnumbered, and thus you have no right to say anything in that regard. Good - stop posting here. With all due respect, you're talking out of your $@!. ooc:/ Well I'm pretty good at 2, haven't played 3 yet. Viluin claims to be the master of 3...but he has a tendency to exaggerate. /
  8. Chron - you are either very delusional or... You kind of remind me of AUT. Either way, I don't think we have much to discuss.
  9. Awww ain't that cute, craving for our attention PS. u mad?
  10. I dare say you won't find one quote of any one of us saying we are waiting for a chance to hit NSO. Most of the stuff we generally say simply critisise your policies and conduct, etc. I don't really care about any grudges your alliance has against ours, we're helping our allies. As for TOP being busy....amazingly, the nations we have attacked had no defensive wars, and quite a few of them had no aggressive wars either - so I would dispute that claim.
  11. What, you mean kind of like how you're occupied with several alliances? To all the NSO people being butthurt, the reason we didn't declare on you was very simple: We really don't care, and you're not important enough To TOP, cheers for the warm reception
  12. Dark Fist Official Announcement Hello there. We choose to help our friends and allies - most notably of which is Aircastle, and thus we hereby declare war on The Order of the Paradox. /s/ Daikos Starcraftmazter PS. We'll beat you in Hearts of Iron any day of the week
  13. I for one welcome war, in all it's forms.
  14. Any treaty with linux in it, is one I'm bound to support. Congrats
  15. Well if you actually bothered to read the OP, you'd see that they are defending their ally - Vanguard, whom they happen to have a treaty with. Talk about ignorance Good luck Aircastle, you'll do well.
  16. Are you doing a Stalin? You know...taking credit for the people doing the actual combat? Either way, to put yourself in a state of war, outnumbered as it may be, is not all that difficult. If you fought for a while, then perhaps you'd have something to brag about. GOD isn't our ally. I didn't threaten you. I simply stated the opinion, that I think it would be rad if GOD continued it's war with you.
  17. Oh I don't know, I think it's tough times which show the true character of an alliance and it's leaders, so I'd prefer to judge you based on recent affairs. Do something about it
  18. You aren't referring to me are you? o-O I don't think fighting for a few days and whining to TOP proves anything. Furthermore, I think it's possible that you would re-commit to the IRON front, in which case it would be better to keep you busy. Also...I don't particularly like you
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