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Everything posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. A well won victory for us. o/ peace - let's hope it doesn't last too long.
  2. So then why have your alliances tried to get peace multiple times?
  3. You goons realise you are a massive joke due to the whole "quality over quantity" crap?
  4. What is strategy? What is tactics? Herp derp. Your alliance member insulted pretty much everyone on our side and you seem to support him so....yeh. Just shows how desperate your band of "quality" is. "Oh oh quick someone make a thread about the other side being bad! *hufff*". Many on our side could talk for days about how bad you guys are, but we have class and really we know we're winning, and have no need to stage such PR douchebaggery.
  5. Why? Just because we can, doesn't mean we will. I didn't even mention pm. Maybe if you learned how to read you wouldn't look so stupid. Ain't my coalition. Just returning the favour really. And yet we're still winning. What does that make your coalition? Why don't you just go ahead and give up your nations, you clearly don't belong in our world.
  6. So there is something specific about my nation which is different to the majority of nations in my alliance which makes it a non quality nation? Given I have one of the highest tech nations in my alliance, with a full set of wonders and navy, please pray tell what might these differences between my nation and the rest be? Just call me when you start making sense. Would you like me to fetch your pills? Maybe call a wambulance?
  7. Are you saying hormones is a multi of youwish?
  8. You are beneath me, please do not speak to me.
  9. Looks like yours is made up of a bunch of whiners. Yes. For one, we don't have nations being deleted every second day for inactivity. Nations with 15k tech and 10bil warchests. Pixels != Being good at war. No, it's actually much easier. Swamping you in every tier really. Well if you would stop pointlessly rebuilding your infra... No u. I don't know... from what I see there's a lot more people turtling on your side. And we don't really have a need to go and whine about it like little children. Come at me bro. Oh wait, you're below my range...oh well. There goes your quality. Why don't half of your "quality" alliance stop hiding in peace mode like a bunch of cockroaches? By the way; OTR turtling - http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=334349 OTR turtling - http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=199494 What a worthless alliance.
  10. Hello On the new war details screen, what I have found is that the letter icon next to the ruler names, which is a link to send a private message is the same link for both nations - the one on the left side being incorrect. So for instance, taking one of my wars as an example: http://www.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=713676 The letter icon in both the war declared on and war declared by columns points to the private message page for Krispy instead of his column being for him and my column being for me. Looking at other wars, it's always the left hand side column. Thanks
  11. Riddle, I do believe it would be in your best interests to simply disregard this thread from now on - keeping in mind especially since the OP is no longer true.
  12. I think everyone owns DT tech for playing our part in removing Riddle.
  13. Yes but that was AuiNur - so it doesn't count :P No problem - thanks for your thanks, dude.
  14. There hasn't been a single spy op against TSO prior to our wars just before the update, if you think otherwise than go ahead and prove it. As for taunting/trolling, I have no idea what you are on about, I doubt anyone from any position of decision making partook from that - and we don't control our members. No, the decision to DoW on you guys was brought up and made literally minutes before our first wars - we did not wait a beat.
  15. No - that's actually Titan himself while he was making this announcement.
  16. !@#$ yeh DT, read it and weep. Also, stay away from Tom Riddle - seriously that guy, oh man that guy...
  17. o/ LoSS! An impressive amount of wars, welcome to the fray.
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