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Everything posted by Aeternalis

  1. welcome to aqua, guys! im glad you all found great protectors
  2. AEONIC IMPERIUM Charter Government Forums: http://aeonicimperium.8forum.net/forum.htmIRC: #AeonicImperium on irc.coldfront.net This is a DoE. We are an aqua alliance protected by Ragnarok. Please stop by our IRC or forums and set up a consulate! tl;dr - hey, babe
  3. What is my intent? elect RyanGDI for NPO Viceroy How do I plan to carry out my intent? elect him Why does my methodology fall in line with my intent? ...RyanGDI for NPO Viceroy!!! Where might I have done something wrong along the way? there is no wrong in this glorious goal Who have I wronged to carry out my intent? NRM
  4. really? So after the NPO got done pummeling the !@#$ out of some alliance and then demanded insane reps, they deserve to be let of easy to set a precedent? We need to set a precedent for other alliances that actions like the NPO's will be dealt with with a punch to the face (as they did to the innocent alliances who did nothing) and not a slap to the wrist. Alliance leaders have a duty to protect their members from what the NPO is capable at the height of their power.
  5. as the thief so stabbed the father, so shall the father stab the thief to protect his son.
  6. Maybe this is a new age for GGA where they aren't the joke of CN. I hope so. Good luck guys
  7. elborrador we were in that one alliance together, ya? go out in nuclear glory, bro
  8. personally, i think meeting with friends that i know only online would be kinda awkward in RL; but if that's how you roll, bros...
  9. i pioneered the use of this treaty; i demand you give me credit for it.
  11. i found that a ton of people left the game because there was no real conflict after the unjust war. We just want more big wars, mmmkay?
  12. just find alliances that are more "lulzy" or play more for fun #mushroom #de
  13. here is your poll of epic proportions, !@#$%*. Vote for nicest CN player. edit -- god damn poll wouldn't let me have just one option edit2 -- i lied
  14. free markets?! I LOVE THEM!! my pants are wet right now
  15. again, it may not be about the reps they demanded, but what they have done in the past (NoCB war).
  16. are you kidding? I want to be in the kitchen because that is WHERE all the females are
  17. yes, but you see, if we acknowledge the right answer here we might show some semblance of sanity on the OWF and lord knows we can't have that.
  18. Well, echelon, I'd imagine some alliances are still pissed about you ditching BLEU for 1V and then participating in BLEU's destruction, no?
  19. this may have been said, but this dude may be testing the resolve of alliances who said they wouldn't PZI/EZI. He also may just be a moron...
  20. This is why we can't have nice things...
  21. not satisfied with reps. Money amount isn't high enough and all the other !@#$%^&* is just annoying. 3 trillion in reps or bust.
  22. Nintenderek, this is a really cool idea and will stay cool, I believe, if you continue to interview players who are on the game a lot but are not necessarily big name players.
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