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Fyfe XIV

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Everything posted by Fyfe XIV

  1. [quote name='The Catalyst' timestamp='1295966253' post='2600082'] srroy if you dnot hvae teh aibltiy to raed. [b]why would i spend the time useing correct spelling puntuationand !@#$%^&* on the internet?[/b] did you know that the human brain can piece together alot of mispelled crap, so if you dont understand then i will try writeing in caps locks so you do understand. STFU [/quote] Because otherwise we can't understand what the hell you're saying. Please, type in all caps
  2. [quote name='KahlanRahl' timestamp='1295970145' post='2600181'] Oh calm down. It was hugely amusing. Haven't you ever heard of exaggeration? [/quote] There are just so many good posts in this thread though!
  3. [quote name='KahlanRahl' timestamp='1295968084' post='2600127'] This, is the best post in this thread. Bar none. I had to keep myself from laughing out loud... [/quote] Really? The best post in the thread. [b]Bar none[/b]?
  4. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1295944507' post='2599624'] [IMG]http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/KainIIIC/Doomhouse.jpg[/IMG] [/quote] Oh yeah?! OH YEAH?! [Img]http://images1.memegenerator.net/ImageMacro/5413726/DUOMBHUOSE-Y-U-DO-SUMTHIN-BOUT-IT.jpg?imageSize=Medium&generatorName=Y-U-NO[/img]
  5. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295944286' post='2599614'] Rock beats scissors, I know. [/quote] I'm going to blame the fact that it's 4am and say i don't get it
  6. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295943106' post='2599559'] First piece of this war: [img]http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/786/mkhypocrites.gif[/img] [/quote] Can you explain how they are 'whining'? I'm curious. I understand your hypocrisy angle, I just fail to see how they are whining
  7. [quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1295920355' post='2597572'] Those who performed admirably in wars or who [b]jumped in the defense/offense unexpectedly for one side[/b], will see more treaties signed with their coalition. [/quote] Sparta for example?
  8. [quote name='Geoffron X' timestamp='1295940646' post='2599432'] Really? Who says I can objectively look at what we do? I've been a member of the NPO for years. Tell me. How contradictory am I being, exactly? [/quote] Your wall of text is no different from a lot of their posting. In the end, neither of you likes what the other is doing and so you voice your opinion. For some reason people seem to take this as crying when in fact it's actually not. I can tell you how many tears are actually being shed over anything that goes on here... [spoiler] If it's more than 0, something's wrong[/spoiler] I'm just saying that as someone who comes here with the knowledge that [ooc] this forum [/ooc] is a cesspool of e-lawyering and mindless droning, the style of posting that you describe as crying and bawwing is the exact same style that you yourself use. I'm not questioning your ability to objectively look at what you do, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of "crying" about other people "crying".
  9. [quote name='Geoffron X' timestamp='1295940060' post='2599401'] no u Wow, what power that gives! I can see why you do that. [/quote] I mean honestly, you accuse MK of crying, whining, and bawwing as well as contradicting themselves but if you'd objectively look at how they do it and how you're doing it you'd be surprised how contradictory you are actually being. Also, OWF lets me power trip
  10. [quote name='Geoffron X' timestamp='1295939745' post='2599383'] I'm not crying [/quote] Yes... you are
  11. [quote name='Prodigal Moon' timestamp='1295932221' post='2598577'] Well, thanks for finally putting all the cards on the table. Only one thing left to do. [/quote] BURN.THE.CARDS
  12. Aww Invict-o-sphere you're so ugly when you cry.
  13. Literally the only time I read/enjoyed reading something involving a story/RP o/
  14. [quote name='mompson' timestamp='1295925304' post='2597762'] PotFace wins. End of story. [/quote] If I had a CB for every time someone said something like this in this thread, I'd be set to go to war whenever I wanted Edit: I do like the piece though, pretty
  15. Poor NPO, gained score and still got biggest loser
  16. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1295851499' post='2596081'] 40+ is a little over the top, but I certainly do expect plenty to go down the drain. [/quote] One can only hope
  17. The poll says it all. How do you think the treaty web will be looking after this war? For bonus points, throw in some treaties you think will be cancelled!
  18. I officially support =LOST= in the cold war
  19. [quote name='Rudolph' timestamp='1295847037' post='2595623'] Everyone sucks. War Gud, Nurses hot. [/quote] This is something I can get behind o/ moo
  20. Roquentin|Umbrella: : Umbrella declares war on the Siberian Tiger Alliance Roquentin|Umbrella: Signed, Roquentin|Umbrella: Roquentin, President Roquentin|Umbrella: NFL Generic, Vice President Roquentin|Umbrella: Natan, Field Marshal This is my favorite part
  21. [quote name='omfghi2u2' timestamp='1295835341' post='2595087'] [img]http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/2451/thl.jpg[/img] [img]http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3811/honortreaties.jpg[/img] edit: changed the hosting, thanks Locke for the heads up! -omfg [/quote] As overused as these images may become, it will always make me laugh
  22. Enjoy your championship while it lasts, NCAA will be all over that soon enough. Roll Tide
  23. Glad I could help. I just strongly dislike Auburn and a certain commercial won me over Edit: Also a Steelers fan
  24. [quote name='NationRuler' timestamp='1295840433' post='2595361'] o/ to this guy. All of CN: be like this guy. [/quote] Everything.Must.You get the point. Join TCU or leave.
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