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Everything posted by Calixo

  1. PS. i see you jaaku

  2. LOUISA,

    sorry for not seeing the merry xmas comment, i don't get on much anymore... but yeah, i hope all is well, and yeah =) xoxox

  3. hahaha, you guys are probebly the second alliance i've seen to use the word Covenant in their alliance name. i always liked it, but yeah... goodluck anyways
  4. well well well Xiphosis. its been a trip hasn't it? lol having history(aka President Smith) with this alliance, i can say that it has provided me with a great community and a great story to live in. and although i must say when my ancestor President Smith was in charge that he was much more naive than Xiphosis. the history we share as GODites is something that shall never be broken. and for that thank you xiph, and thank you all =) Edit: to RandomInterrupt, i must also express my regret for what had transpired.. i do wish things had been better. but the paths we chose are ones we cannot change. and we must live with those choices. to the good days, and to continue on to better ones
  5. all i see here is members of one alliance wishing a brand new start. i do not see the downfall of MCXA for this, or any sort of strife between allies... this is just a DoE by one alliance, and a protecturate announcement by another. i see no reason for all this hostility. i say let them bicker and argue if MCXA, TOP and TSO wish. if they are all cool with it, then i say we let past events die, and let these three alliances go about their own paths... the name calling and flaming in this topic is rediculously irrelivent since it wont change anything and to continue would be a waste of everyones time. for this i say goodluck TSO hail TOP and congrats MCXA on a somewhat new start
  6. later me thinks... anyway, if a way is to happen anytime soon, wouldn't there be a little more of a calm? since usually there is the calm before the storm... but then again... it might just start in a hail of flames and insults... ya never know. but i guess we shall see
  7. nukes, 60k avg, and 11 mill NS. oh my... congrats on all accomplishments. but for one of the best alliances in the game, its not that surprising =)
  8. yus. FOK! iFOK FARK there all good. i support this treaty to the fullest
  9. it is nice to see that diplomacy and good judgement still prevail in situations such as this. i wish DE the best of luck and feel that this chapter in DE's life shall help them grow even more good show DE
  10. although i very much disagree with the dicision DE has made, and it did bring into question their ethical priciples... i do believe everyone makes mistakes... and i hope DE can learn and grow from this one. goodluck to all involved
  11. always good to see friends being friendly with other friends... o.0 yeah... 0/ the hoo, RIA and Nemesis
  12. well, welcome nemesis to the world of CN. yay and hails0/ i look forward to seeing what becomes of this alliance in the future
  13. seriously, hoo. the hoo wub is quite mutual 0/ GOD 0/ Nemesis
  14. your missin some words there bud. no need to be a turd about it. im just glad my post actually had some meaning to it lol
  15. Well this is a strange topic at that... ill say that something about this world is changing... but in what way i have not the fondest idea. too much info knowledge makes me glad to be oblivious harhar
  16. CoAN is dead i believe. since valhalla i believe made them disband... but idk and i think theres a lot missing, but idk dates so yeah
  17. yeah! always nice to see self improvements by allies. oh and hai Sonlar
  18. congrats on 2 million and it looks like the future is bright for STA 0/
  19. how goes it in TOP?


    add me louisa

    ps luvs and huggles

    president Smith

  21. im surprised you havn't read all the recruitment messages you probebly got saying they'd help you with trades and all that.. but goodluck finding an alliance..
  22. i have a topic that may take up a little time on this.. idk if its already been posted but.. Worst and Greatest moments on CN. cuz i know we can all agree on some of the worst, and greatest things about this game... or that have happened in it.
  23. the slushie av. was good, but too many people loved my Chowder Av.

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