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Everything posted by Calixo

  1. i'd have to say the Unjust War. the Creation of the Unjust path proved many conspiracy theorists right in their "OMG WUT civil war" stuff, and then the war stemming from that, (ie the Unjust war) showed just how easily allies could flip flop on which side they were on. in my opinion it made alliances search more independantly for a secure spot in the political world by searching out treaties with alliances who they felt secure with. not necassarily because of their friendship but because of their power and ability to fight.(this dosn't apply to all treaties, just seen as a rough overveiw) The Unjust war changed the way people veiwed MDP's and the way the political players went about creating CB's and how treaties themselves were written and acted upon. wars before that such as GW2 and 3 were more two sided, in which there was the league vs WUT, or Aegis vs the Coalition because at that point in time, although less evident for GW3, there wasn't as much of a tangle in the MDP web, and alliances couldn't use the "conflicting interestes" excuse as readily as it was used in the previous war. the Unjust War in my mind set a standard for the dominant side of the MDP web. and thus brought out many more of its enemies within the shadows. breaking up those alliances such as Genmay, GOONS and \m/ also allowed for their former membership to dispurse and join various other alliances whether to bring about more of a "opposition" to the current order, or to stabalize the battered and broken side of the MDP web. since then the lines have been blured and much harder to distinguish who is gonna be on what side, and what not.
  2. yeah we had much fun talking about kicking each others arses during CIS vs LOSS part of GW2 =)
  3. too many treaties now a days, i actually agree with this action, their keeping DE as friends, while removing a obviously useless treaty. btw just my thoughts.
  4. yay for the NSO congrats Ivan and the ebil Sith
  5. Ejay... you were in ACID? hmmm, strange, i thought i would have remember that LoSS during GW2, Initiative ally during GW3
  6. funniest thing i think, iirc Ingsoc was created by a former LoSS member also(LKA for those who remember him) but i may be mistaken... also... strange, i didn't know New Reverie left NPO... thought he would be there forever anyway congrats. EDIT: lol at the "entire section of LoSS's history dedicated to NR", seeing as how it was only over a red senate seat that almost caused the destruction of LOSS by the NPO for maybe a month... btw ^not meant to troll, just observation
  7. congrats guys, although i don't understand the title... this treaty is full of win. 0/iFOK and VE =)
  8. i'd have to say "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Order shall set me free." that was the best part of the charter... star wars ftw lol goodluck ivan
  9. i read it... anyway, expected. and goodluck killin dem noobs
  10. looks like the old ACID flag lol. anyway congrats.
  11. well, congrats to the 2 million NS and the new gov. seems like you guys are actually pulling through what seemed to be a fatal blow.. congrats. and like others, i say it would be nice to see and end to the viceroyship.
  12. screwing with other alliances forums, is just bad... hope all goes well for IRON in this situation
  13. goodluck to both MCXA and TSO in the future. although idk how much "money" is going to help with human relations... btw, goodluck none the less
  14. cool read, but yeah. /me is waiting for something a bit mroe juicy... if it comes.
  15. congrats on the ODP hope your relationship with one another can become bigger and better as time goes on
  16. score 1 for the black team. nice lookin color bloc. im sure it'll be very benificial for all involved
  17. kinda what i was thinkin... shoulda spent more time payin attention in all the "other alliances" he was in maybe some of this crazy topic could've been salvaged... but no....... anyway. i suggest you stop this fail alliance... help you and your members find homes.. then spend some time learning about how a successful alliance is run.. goodluck
  18. ^ uh oh... some one got in troouuubbbbllleee... lol anyway goodluck, although i don't see much point to this treaty as non aggression, and mutual diplomacy in situations is... usually... understood without a treaty now a days just a slight off hand comment, somewhat of an observation. if they informed you and discussed it, isn't that all that clause in your protecturate requests.. not that actually decision in to make the above treaty? just a question
  19. well... seems his guy is getting a lot of shizz. never heard of him... guessing from what im seeing posted right now, i should be thankful. btw i saw this "HALO" announcement and thought it was weird, since there was another HALO a while ago, and i never knew what happened to them... protected by LOSS rofl.
  20. **SLAP**

    you've just been slapped.


    have a great day

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