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Everything posted by Urmom

  1. Thanks for the ego boost, guess an entire bloc was having trouble with us... enjoy the n00ks.
  2. [quote name='Hyperion321' date='31 January 2010 - 06:35 PM' timestamp='1264980922' post='2148606'] Well, I got that part But why not kick him out some time between the two years of him not doing anything for your alliance? [/quote] Well, he's taking up valuable war slots so he isn't completely useless. And I'm not going to tell my RL friend to GTFO of TOP's AA lol, we just let him sit there.
  3. I am sure that Johan will be pleased with your actions. Welcome to the fight, fellow Paradoxian.
  4. [quote name='Jack Diorno' date='31 January 2010 - 12:35 AM' timestamp='1264916144' post='2146776'] The nation of Israel http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=186157 You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Nation of Israel. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation: Desired Religion: Christianity Desired Government: Totalitarian State Threat Level: Low Tax Rate: 30% Number of Spies: 550 Last Nuke Purchase: 4/7/2009 5:16:30 PM Last Wonder Purchase: 11/2/2009 Total Money: $29,001,247 Technology: 1,721.69 Levels Last Bill Payment: 1/27/2010 9:59:14 AM Trade Partners: Union of Socialists, Ostenteria, Libre, Brfitonia, Chindia Secret Aid Sent To: None Total Aircraft: 37 Aircraft Fighter Strength: 243 Aircraft Bomber Strength: 90 Navy Purchases Today: 0 Navy Vessels: # Corvettes: 0 # Landing Ships: 0 # Battleships: 0 # Cruisers: 0 # Frigates: 0 # Destroyers: 0 # Submarines: 0 # Aircraft Carriers: 0 Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified. EDIT: oh and the other 3 I'm fighting I am just spying their money away I havn't succesfully gathered intelligence yet [/quote] This is my RL friend. He quit a long time ago and just buys infra every once in a while. He hasn't even signed up to the new TOP forums, enjoy the free tech.
  5. [quote name='QuotingTheCrow' date='30 January 2010 - 11:03 PM' timestamp='1264910612' post='2146492'] I'm installing that right now. Edit: Damn thats nice. [/quote] I just updated it again. I wish I could have it get the CSS page from my website so that it would auto update itself, but I haven't figured it out. So just copy and paste the new CSS over the old.
  6. [quote name='QuotingTheCrow' date='30 January 2010 - 11:03 PM' timestamp='1264910612' post='2146492'] I'm installing that right now. [/quote] Some of the warscreen boxes are miscolored (blame admin ), so I'll work on fixing those as I find them and update my style sheet.
  7. Not really funny, just thought I had to do it. More importantly, if you want the TOP CN Skin, follow these instructions: 1. Download the Stylish Firefox Addon 2. Open up the CN homepage, click the Stylish icon (bottom right) and click "Write New Style" >> "For www.cybernations.net..." 3. Go to http://sogacity.com/b/TOP.css and copy and paste all that into the box that opened up 4. Name it and save.
  8. LOL, seriously these are really good I'm lol'ing in RL. Mind if I use one? How do you guys think of these lol.
  9. Congrats, although it seems that wars never last more than a week now (compared to older wars). Good to see allies and friends out of the war.
  10. Please read my other post. I believe our DoW came before a peace announcement. And if peace was declared earlier, it was without our knowledge, otherwise I'm 99% sure we would have called off the attack. This is a big assumption, but my thoughts are that it was just a spur of the moment situation that they took advantage of. I don't believe they elaborately planned \m/ to tech raid an alliance, etc. This is just my speculation. And so you are already playing right into my prediction! CnG will now try to call this a separate war to have their way with us. Have fun with your new hegemony planet Bob. I don't really care to be honest, I'm having enough fun warring. If this really was a misunderstanding then peace would be sought, otherwise there are underlying motives.
  11. Again, I'll just let it be known that I had no part in the planning, but I'm assuming that from the way we assumed the war would go CnG would become involved. To combat this, we decided to just attack them to have the advantage since CnG is actually pretty competent and we wouldn't want them to strike us, giving them the upper hand. Who knows.
  12. Down with the tyrants! We will DoW \m/ tomorrow and ask for their assistance... jk <3 MHA (or am I falling into another tarp?)
  13. It's a lot of assumptions, but look at it this way: - Polar enters a war against thugs (not sure if planned, probably not) - TOP expresses interest in war because we believe Polar is right - Polar realizes the opportunity they have, tells CnG about it - Polar convinces TOP to enter the war for her "side" - Polar declares peace with attackers soon after - TOP falls right into a setup by Polaris/CnG - CnG/Polaris laughs It's a lot of assumptions, but when laid out like that it makes a lot more sense. TOP making a bold move like this was caused by Polar practically leading us to do it. We may have been duped, but we are not completely retarded to just be like "Hey IRON, you wanna take out CnG for the hell of it?" "LOLZ OK LETS DO ITTT". Not to mention, when it seems like the whole world is working against you behind your back, it makes it a lot more feasible. Sure, it all depended on us actually declaring, but with TOP's nature and practically being led into the war, it's not hard to believe.
  14. Well if the assumptions about the war are true, I'd say that they were plotting to destroy us if they got their ally to work against us behind our backs and it would prove our paranoia right... I read the CB and it was rather vague, but I got from it that CnG would be pulled in regardless (despite the PR) so we just cut to the chase. I guess it could be read either way, so it doesn't matter.
  15. I lol'ed. I don't know who to root for. I rather like both of you.
  16. Well most of TOP would like to assume it was one war that we're fighting for. But since so many convenient peace declarations happened RIGHT after we attacked, trying to help out Polar, it's not tough to believe that it was just an elaborate plot to destroy IRON/TOP and really a separate, baited war. It's like seeing two people fighting in a forest, you (TOP) running over to help, when suddenly you step in a beartrap (CnG), and the two people stop fighting and just laugh at you. At least this is what it seems like now, but I'll have to wait for tomorrow to really tell. Yes, a poor analogy, but I envisioned a bear trap and that's the only thing I could think of. And if this wasn't baited on by CnG, they would give peace (maybe ask for slight reps for the update blitz). Since if the whole Polar side is at peace except us, what business do we have being there unless there were ulterior motives? How is this like the Polar war? From my perspective (I didn't have anything to do with the planning, and I'm not debating if it was a good decision), we were attacking people who we knew would eventually enter the war, and attacking them before they could declare so that we would have the upper hand. The Polar war was just cause it was either we kill them or they kill us.
  17. Hey, we might have DoW'ed a bunch of people, but don't try to tell me that this won't be fun for everyone.
  18. I'm sure that some people in TOP, seeing as there are around 200 members, feel that we should have physical treaties. So to answer your question, probably. That doesn't go to say that everyone in TOP is in favor of that. We had the "Avernite Doctrine" idea for quite some time, but never really followed through with it since many weren't convinced that it would be practical unless everyone else did it. And I think the general consensus of the recent cancellation topics that we've had was that we don't need treaties to remain very friendly and close with certain alliances.
  19. I really don't understand the point of treaties anymore if people just sign them right before a war to say that they were "allied". I'm becoming a big fan of the "paperless" route. Regardless, good luck.
  20. Tbh, I haven't really read into this much, but it seems like you are DoW'ing on a bunch of bullying tech raiders. If that is the case, then o/ NpO, if not then please correct me.
  21. What does Crymson in office have anything to do with TOP honoring a treaty with a MDoAP partner?
  22. Somebody want to take one for the team and go "spy"?
  23. Well, this was a disappointment, I was looking to see for once a decently even war with lots of things being blown up. Would have been a fun way for both sides to let off steam. Off to waiting again I guess.
  24. It's really hilarious that so many people are buying into this whole peace scenario. SuperComplaints know that CC will not attack the night of a new year on planet Bob, meaning that tonight would be the only plausible time to strike. So, conveniently, right before update they try to start talks of peace so that they can claim the moral high ground that "peace was being achieved!" and CC attacked when it is really just a simple PR stunt.
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