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President Kuse

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Everything posted by President Kuse

  1. Thats all well and good Elbo; My concern is for the long term here. I make this statement more on my personal experiences with certain members who used to be in our Alliance. Deserters I'm sure anywhere are frowned upon whether or not they fought or not is irrelevant. If you give someone your word to follow through you expect them to do so, not run away and bail when its convenient or rather....Not getting your way. Loyalty my friend is what is in question here. I am not pointing fingers as a whole at FIRE rather some of its members from The Realm that have merged.
  2. Considering most of us are waiting for actual Peace terms from NPO I did not expect to see such nonsense.
  3. FIRE is made up of those that were in the Realm. Most people that formed The Realm were deserters and traitors from other Alliances. I find no equal respect to be given to them. Trust is a huge watchword to look for here and if FIRE signed a treaty with NPO that would be no surprise to me in the slightest. o/ VE o/ KARMA
  4. I am very glad to see this happen. /o VE /o BRIG
  5. Please do Enlighten us when you speak of Honor. NPO has lost all credible truth from here on out. You guys did this to yourselves.
  6. Awesome, Ride with us to Battle and Justice! o/ FOK o/ VE
  7. Bail Much, That speaks volumes..... Nobody likes a Quitter.
  8. NPO you have no Credibility and you probably never will again.
  9. NPO there are no Words cept this... Your going to get rolled... FOR VE! FOR Great Justice! Retribution is Nigh!
  10. Ride to War Brothers For the Entente!! For Great Justice!!
  11. Brothers in Arms, Allies to the Entente!! Retribution is Here!! We Ride to Glorious Battle!
  12. VE has Cometh!! Prepare to be Annihilated for your Efforts to Bully and corrupt Planet Bob!! Justice Shall Prevail!! Onwards Viridians!!
  13. FOR VE, FOR FREEDOM from the Treacherous NPO!! HAIL!!!!
  14. Now the Real question remains what shall NPO do. Shall they quit and eat some crow? No...they would rather accept Death.
  15. Omg hahahahhaha Wow, God NPO you getting scared yet..cause you should at this point.
  16. There is only one true VE on Planet Bob. That being said, NPO...I almost! want to feel sorry for you guys, but... You Reap what you Sow.
  17. NPO is Cooked. Nuff said. You so deserve it and you know its coming.
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