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Everything posted by Yuurei

  1. I swear I though KoH merged into someone... I really don't mean that in a hater way... I just really thought that.
  2. [img]http://i545.photobucket.com/albums/hh386/ikiryoh/flag1d.png[/img]
  3. Best of luck on this... I hope you achieve your goals.
  4. Happy Anniversary... may the end always remain far from sight.
  5. Happy Birthday Invicta! 5 years is a good start.
  6. I hope that that was truly the last of this discussion, and I ask that no one follow up on this publicly any further. My previous post stand. The TSA AA will remain protected.
  7. [img]http://i.imgur.com/T6c3F.png[/img]
  8. [center][img]http://i545.photobucket.com/albums/hh386/ikiryoh/001.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i48.tinypic.com/3522784.png [/img][/center] It is always sad to see a friendly alliance close it's doors, and even more so to lose a close and trusted ally. TSA has meant a lot to Terran Empire ever since we first met, and we shall miss them as they disappear into the annals of CN history. I'm sure I will find myself checking on our embassy at TSA out of habit. We wish them all the best as they begin their new chapter as a part of The Apparatus. [b]The Terran Empire and all of Arizona will be continuing to protect The Shadow Accord AA indefinitely.[/b] Go well my friends... We salute you. o7 TSA
  9. Read the previous post for further details.
  10. I didn't see this coming... Congratulations on your treaty.
  11. I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that I don't currently have any new information relevant to this post.
  12. I am glad to see this announcement.
  13. I see Richard was caught gravedigging the TOOL thread...
  14. You get a dollar??? No wonder you have a fancy top hat...
  15. [quote name='SalviusAurelius' timestamp='1336783392' post='2966382'] Basically a trustworthy alliance, that isn't overall aggressive against other alliances just because they can be If it meets that, and my Cons, then they will have my full loyalty. [/quote] I think we meet those.
  16. The Terran Empire can accept your conditions, and could welcome your experience. We're an alliance filled with good people, and we aren't planning on going away any time soon. By that I mean we are stable and growing. We are strictly non-raiding, so that's the big thing we ask from you. If you are interested, then just let me know.
  17. I am stunned... This is not just the loss of another little alliance that couldn't get itself together. Rather this is the loss of a major alliance of Planet Bob. We never directly crossed paths, but I feel the loss in your passing. Fare thee well, FOK, for you shall be missed. o7 FOK
  18. Congratulations my friends on your fine achievement. o/ TIO
  19. Congratulations on your latest in a string of treaties... does everyone eventually get one with LSF?
  20. On behalf of the Terran Empire, I congratulate both of my allies on such a fine looking treaty. o/ TSA o/ UCoN o/ Arizona
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