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Everything posted by Essenia

  1. Why is Anthony the greatest military strategist in Cybernations history?
  2. Congratulations to our allies on this election and the excellent candidates who have been given the honor of leading such a fine alliance.
  3. Well, if my old memory serves me correctly, a number of members of TOP voted to not sign the Writ de Credo because of its excess verbiage/overly highfalutin language. Not related to this probably, but still amusing.
  4. All glory to Anthony, leader of the free Cyberverse.
  5. In 2006, yes. Also, even with elite members, direct democracy is pretty awful. When every member has access to the decision on whether or not to go to war, your opsec will go down the drain.
  6. Please Gromlins don't betray TOP.
  7. What does August 2006 have to do with it? That's not when WUT was written. I could only assume you were responding to his comments.
  8. You're both badly wrong. August 2007 was the end of WUT domination, the tail end of the uncertain period between GWIII and the UJW. It was very much the powerful bloc in the game, even if the cracks were showing. As for Hal, WUT was the brainchild of GOONS around October/November 06. As Chron said, hardly victorious at that point.
  9. The long overdue changing of the guard has come. It will be interesting to see what comes of it.
  10. VE withdrew from WUT well before the attack on them.
  11. You didn't actually read the discussion. Those were not alliances friendly to NPO at one point.
  12. Cost is 700 tech, which will take you 21 million and 7 aid slots to pay off using dealers. PM me ingame if interested.
  13. Three picks for governments using the standards of some of the alliances I've been in. 1. NpO Style Emperor: Crymson Regent: mpol MoPax: WarriorConcept MoT: dilber MoPlenty: Azaghul MoL: domisi 2. TOP GM: Roquentin GH: Dr. Dan GC: Random GI: Myself (nostalgia) GT: Penguin GD: diskord Umbrella Tri: Fallen_Fail, Daemon_Vower, Heft
  14. It's nice to hear someone who disappears for an extended period of time from a high level position without giving any notice talk about reliability. To put it bluntly, when you have an alliance with oodles of rerolls, with a good number of banned players and ZI listers along with lots of mass recruited scrubs, it's not the greatest idea to pump all their slots with aid. In addition to this, military discussion took pre-eminence for the obvious reason that a major war was bound to happen soon and we needed to be prepared for it. BC styl aid programs for reliable members had gotten rolling by a couple weeks before the war. We were able to get a nice aid BC thing after the war as well. Currently, NSO's slot usage is around 12 (raw) percentage points down from what it was at its peak, so I wouldn't exactly call my tenure there a total failure, though your disappointment at failing to achieve anything whatsoever may cloud your perspective some. And, to add to that, you should ask some people in Umbrella about the idea that I don't actually do work on the econ front.
  15. God yes. This is a truly amazing choice.
  16. King: Crymson Queen: Roquentin Very easy decisions.
  17. My advice: think of a catchy phrase that can be used to condemn Fark. Max337 may have disappeared from the cyberverse long ago, but his legacy lives on through the classic accusation that "they [the GOONS] ascend via the unjust path." If you think of a similarly amusing epithet you bring laughter to many people even after you have departed this world.
  18. Well, uh, that's an interesting nomination. Not quite sure what to make of that.
  19. For the umpteenth time, it's "WUT", not "TI".
  20. A couple things about the political analysis: Sparta seems most tied to Athens (lol) and MHA is tied far closer to Gromlins and Citadel in general than any other bloc right now. Other than that, it seems reasonable- Citadel could go down, but you'd have to go a lot of things to go 'right' for it to happen.
  21. I could see very good things involving the implosion of a certain non-pink, non-brown color.
  22. I think you may be underestimating warchests. The thing about those, is that as time goes on, the distances widens- ie while a nation at 8.5k infra will catch up to a nation at 14k infra in time that nation's will warchest will take a very, very long time to do the same. As for coordination, the problem is that inter-alliance (and furthermore inter-bloc) communication is quite difficult and times and could pose a serious challenge to the logistics of the anti-citadel coalition; a coalition that would realistically have to include a lot of ex-hegemony to succeed.
  23. The problem is that Citadel has much larger warchests, considerably better coordination and quite a bit more military prowess than the other blocs.
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