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Everything posted by crazymatty

  1. Wait, so that whole OP wasn't "your moment"? You keep changing your moment. Cause I thought it was because we attacked blah blah blah...right? But now you have latched onto something different. Hmmm... I think you should change your name to NoBallMan, cause the last one you owned is most certainty in mhawks purse.
  2. So PC doesn't get 20K tech and has to fight TPF into disbandment?Oh darn. However will I sleep. If OBM and the rest of the hippes had ANY clue as to what PC wants and therefore would do the exact opposite... they would pay the reps.
  3. Didn't you just forgive them 5 posts ago? The Realm of PBX's would have simply squashed the bug and moved on. Scat man...looks like your knees are shaking a little bit. Just saying.
  4. It's a tech raid. Get over yourself. Edit: It is a poorly executed raid...get over yourself.
  5. Did you read the whole Soda war threads? He delayed on those reps he needed to pay so far as to make people warn him to pay up. Not until he was past the limits he agreed to and War was knocking on his doorstep did he pay. Sound like something familiar? You don't need to meet someone to tell what kind of character they have (IC). Would you join his alliance?? ...and there is your answer.
  6. As another part of the GDI surrender is broken... This nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=312410 Has started an offensive war.
  7. "Soon" is Ryan's way of trying to stretch it out till everyone forgets. How long will you give him till "soon" isn't good enough?
  8. At least they were smart enough not to join GDI...
  9. RyanGDI still hasn't fulfilled his reps in the form of his video in his last war. (Billy Mayes tribute I think) Hopefully he gets the whole Alliance declared on because of it... Edit: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...p;#entry1675871
  10. Ryan still owes the video correct? Or you can start attacking those three nations again right? Please? Pretty please?
  11. With all the big wars going on I had almost forgot about RyanGDI. Wow...it's like that favorite Reality TV show you don't want to tell your friends you like. It is so bad...yet so fun to watch. Ryan, I would watch out for some of these people gunning for you to join the MF A.A. and fight GDI. And no...you won't win. This dude already has 9M waiting for him when he logs on. More then your entire warchest for you last fight.
  12. This is so typical RyanGDI, after the Christmas war when things got tough he left to join another alliance. Now he has left again. What a horrible commander. Horrible leader...why would ANYONE follow this guy? P.S. Soda took on Ryan's whole alliance by himself. Ryan may have beat him on an unexpected blitz one time, but when it came down to it Ryan had to pay reps to Soda.
  13. I just wonder why mhawk and TPF government as a whole care more about NPO then the member's of their own alliance? Although at this point it is easy for TPF to "continue" to fight. Most of them are in PM and not really "on the battlefield". So when mhawk says we will be the last to leave the field, he is talking about all of his 300-2000 NS guys, not him, not any of his generals, no officer to speak of...just a bunch of privates who do what they are told and get slaughtered. They will be the last to leave the field while the upper echelon of TPF get fat. Poor show TPF. To the REAL fighters of TPF, I salute you, you have shown great resolve in the face of impossible odds. BamaBuc, you kept your word and came back out fighting, much respect.
  14. So which Alliance is the chick then? Good Luck all!
  15. Wait...you do know you are still in hippy mode right? I mean, your brothers and allies are out here, actually...you know...fighting. They don't seem to "give a damn" how much the war damages THEM. You sir seem like you DO care how much damage you take. You could be out sending Aid, fighting alongside your "brothers and allies". I did fight you one round, I know you WERE out fighting, but not any more. To be honest you knocked my teeth out as well as a couple others I'm sure. I also managed a quick spy attempt on you and your War Chest was/is HUGE. What gives? You rant seems to ring very hollow shouted behind the wings of a dove.
  16. Is there any chance that RyanGDI is really Spencer Pratt? /OOC NRM...if a guy named King Daniel comes knocking on your door...run!
  17. Nation Link:http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=234126 Which circle are you applying to?: ANY Resources:Pigs and Gems
  18. Hey thanks! That quote is molded after a quote from General Norman Schwartzkopf after he was asked if there was room for forgiveness toward the people who abetted the 9/11 terrorist attacks against America. He responded: "I believe that forgiving them is God's function. Our job is simply to arrange the meeting."
  19. Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter...
  20. If this is the case how come I still see 10 G.C.'s 16 Nukes 10 Navy 832 CM's Over 17K's tanks I think some of these people need to get to Decoming pretty fast.
  21. I know what you need in order to purchase a nuke...just wondering about to Launch one? Can you launch a nuke with 500 Infra as long as you are upto date on bills?
  22. Is it possible someone else already beat you to the defeat alert? From what I understand, a nation will only get 1 defeat alert per day. So if player 1 sent a defeat alert already...player 2 is out of luck.
  23. So..."almost" before we do it = "after" we do it then right? Doesn't everyone know stuff after we do it? TPF is surely a better place with your awesome insight.
  24. Just remember, before a Phoenix can rise from the ashes...it's needs to burn. Burning to start in about 3 hours.
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