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Everything posted by crazymatty

  1. Don't forget TPF...they were held accountable as well
  2. I got Fish and Sugar...sign me up. http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001007
  3. Just the fact that NPO took such info is bad enough. Regardless of who sent him in, you (NPO) read it. You should have ousted him right away, but you didn't. You continued to accept his info knowing full well it was sensitive. Your hands are bloody, trying to wash them with nitpicking is fail.
  4. Ok, hold on TPF...I will let you get back to your release of terms in a second... BUT FAN HAD THE GREATEST RELEASE OF TERMS OF ALL TIME!!!!! Serious though...congrats. Good luck in the future.
  5. What did I miss...where did we go? The whole NAP thing seems stupid to me. So if we had waited three more days everyone would be cool with us? Would more TPF members gone into peace mode?? I don't think so. Would it have turned the tide of the war? No way... But if some of the people on here can't e-lawyer their way on the forums they wouldn't know what to do with themselves. So we threw them a bone to chew on till the next big war.
  6. Well I just want to point one thing out real quick. I had scoped out this target for over a week ago. I was waiting for one of my other raids to expire which it did last night at update. I saw that they had disbanded via the Cyber Wiki and there was no other updated info. So when I logged on, I raided and offered peace. Later I was directed here and saw this DOE. Just so you all know, I did not see this first and see an opportunity to raid before the announcement of Protection. I would never see that someone had a protectorate in the works and risk open war for PC. Hopefully peace will be accepted soon. Thanks.
  7. Get your donation today...last day. Price is 12M 200 tech. payable in 4- 3M 50 tech batches. PM me in game.
  8. Send me an in game message. Best offer wins...can make donation today.
  9. I don't think it ends just because you disband. In fact all it does is allows your enemy to keep on fighting those nations you have left out to dry because they are not in a real alliance any more. Also just becuase you leave you don't get a clean slate. If Saddam Hussein (before he was captured, killed) had moved over to South Africa and set up a new Government I don't think the U.S. would be like "Oh sweet, Saddam, all is forgiven how can we help your new nation?" No they would have hunted him down there and made him pay. Much like VE is doing with you.
  10. So why go into PM if you are so "Protected" and "Have tons of $$"? Something seems out of whack. Go back to none and War mode and I will show you how real raids work
  11. I am currently looking to sell multiple donations for Sept or Oct. (Won't make it by Aug sorry) I have up to 6 (most likely, 5 for sure) You will need to provide middle men and be prompt and efficent, looking for people who have done this before. Highest bidder of course wins! Message me to discuss more.
  12. Thanks VE!! But my birthday isn't till November. That's ok, I'll still take it.
  13. Why is RyanGDI in Peacemode? There looks like a guy in your range... Leading from behind the safety of Dove wings.
  14. So why not stop dancing around the bush...lay it out in black and white. What was the reason?
  15. Didn't you read Bama's post? TPF isn't paying us a dime! So we didn't get paid for breaking anything...I love E-lawyering!
  16. To me it looks like a win/win for both. PC gets the reps and TPF can say they didn't pay us. I am assuming that is why the Outside Aid clause was removed. TPF will rebuild from within until PC reps are paid, something that will bring them even closer I'm sure. Again, congrats to all sides.
  17. Will TPF be required to pay whoever IS paying PC though? Or can a third party pick up the tab if they want?
  18. Here is to peace! Congrats to all of our Karma mates. Let's get together sametime next year?
  19. No offense but do you really think that if PC dropped it's share of the reps TPF would be all cool with us? They would still be mad at the "broken" treaty, the loss of nations, loss of tech, $$ and over Nation Strength. Sure they would be happy they get peace, and dont pay PC anything...but I highly doubt we would be drinking buddies.
  20. Regrettably if that IS the will of the people we shall see you on the battlefield. No amount of text on the OWF will change your minds I guess, and it certainly won't change ours. Good luck sir.
  21. Rather then start a new topic on the same issue I would like to add on to this. I also am seeing, what I feel, is incorrect numbers. Kikos27 has no Missle Defense and I also have 4 Satellites. Thanks in advance to looking into it.
  22. In my wars with Avalon all have been very respectful and overall awesome. I do not begrudge them fighting with TPF, not something I would personally recommend...but still very good all around. Hopefully TPF and PC can hammer out it's differences and Avalon can see peace once again.
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