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Everything posted by Stetson76

  1. Glad to have you aboard AOD. Hail purple! Hail Economics!
  2. I want to congratulate our purple brethren on this merger. A few weeks ago, I went back and looked at the Holy Order forums and re-read the topics where we fought over what we should name the alliance when we decided to “re-brand”. Tempest finally won in a hard fought battle replete with many references to tempests in teapots. I’d like to after all this time, thank Ligs for the great name and for fighting for it so vigorously. It’s a good name and served our membership well. Tonight, it is relegated to the history books, but it will always have a special place in the thoughts of all of her former members and friends. Here’s to Hydra being the next step in the evolution of an alliance that had provided a home for me and many others. Just as the transition from Holy Order to Tempest was an enormous success, I sincerely hope the progress will continue and our friends will reach ever new heights. So, for a final time Hail Tempest! and hail the other alliances coming together. And for the first time Hail Hydra!
  3. Hey, when did our diplomatic corps get involved? In regard to the sentiment of the post, being relevant is different than being popular. Other than the number of his friends and admirers falling all over themselves to laugh at his joke, I fail to see relevance in getting lucky that it happened to be the largest alliance in the game that took RV's bait and attacked him while he was flying NPO's colors. Likewise that the senator that the sanction request was made to happened to no longer be a member of an alliance that resides primarily on the blue sphere. The sanction of course being the thing that most people took seriously i.e. "OMG, publicity hound, out to damage the reputation of a large alliance via spurious demands for a public apology and outrageous reparations, which he knew wouldn't be accepted, is treated more harshly than a garden variety non-nuclear rogue!" As I said in a previous post, when you paint a larger than life, flashing neon target on your back expect to get hit with a bigger stick than the guy looking to steal a little tech. So, yeah, if getting lucky, being popular and being willing to carry a joke well past the stages where it was funny are qualifications for being relevant, I guess RV may in fact be the most relevant CN player of all time!
  4. So, I'm really bored, and just thought I'd throw some things out there which crossed my mind while reading this thread... I first off find it funny that it wasn't until page 35 that someone pointed out that it was pure luck that Sparta is the one that decided to take Rebel Virginia's bait and not one of the other alliances at war with NPO...the bolded part is where that question comes up, but even that is quite a leap to believe that Sparta was his target all along. The next thing that came to mind was if the NPO when/if it comes out of this mess with treat RV as a war time deserter? He was clearly flying the NPO AA and then switched to FAIL to continue his fight... I can't get over the hypocrisy of someone who has repeatedly stated that they will use any means necessary in prosecuting a war as this is just one example of... should be outraged over the fact that he was sanctioned. Did it every occur to everyone who has decried the sanction as too harsh to think that a "wittle, tiny, 4k NS nation" that goes to the OWF and makes a headline grabbing, reputation smearing post, poking fun at an alliance chosen seemingly at random, who was completely acting within their rights and engaging in a war that most of you want to see happen, might react a bit more forcefully than when dealing with your garden variety pest? I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin' that the bigger target you put on your back, the bigger the stick that's gonna be used to smash you... And finally in regards to the OOC attacks...for your reference and Trinite's response which I think handles the majority of the question... Except for Nintenderek who didn't quite get it... He said he'd like to be in the room when RV died...that's different than saying he wanted him to die, or that he wanted him to die then. An hour later, he made the other statement which Trinite seems to have sufficiently explained. Now, I'm not saying that a member of mine that said something like that wouldn't be facing serious censure, or even expulsion, but that's a matter of decorum, not because it was and OOC attack. So, sorry for extending this topic, but it's not often that I get so far into something like this and feel that there's anything else to be said. I'm sure none of this needed to be said, but then again, this topic doesn't "need" to exist.
  5. Congratulations Olympus! Here's to more long term purple love.
  6. I am no expert regarding the history of treaties or their application on Plante Bob, but I can say that the PIAT's that I have been a part of specifically do not have any military commitments to them at all. Being a big proponent of being as faithful to treaties as possible, I congratulate TOP for getting rid of NAP's. If you feel it necessary to indicate that you won't be attacking someone just because you've signed a treaty, then there's obviously not enough friendship there to sign a treaty anyway. A mandated commitment for an exchange of intelligence and financial exchanges seems to be acceptable to, if nothing else, indicate priorities. I hope I don't ever get convinced to sign a PIAT with those cool kids then, cause we sure try to live up to the intelligence and aid portions of our PIAT's.
  7. Awesome guys! The day I left was one of the hardest I've experienced in this game, but I knew that if you kept your core together you'd be successful. Not only have you done that, but you've picked up some new great members! Keep up the great work. Here's to Tempest!!!!
  8. Nice policy change guys. I'm usre there'll be plenty of people who want to take advantage of it.
  9. It's not a lot of effort when it's fun Hydro. Thank you to everyone that has wished us well. In the end this treaty is little more than a written confirmation of the bonds we have formed in the time since before OSA came into existence.
  10. They say that all the world's a stage but we hope that this PIAT shows that the friendship between SNAFU and OSA is not merely the delivered lines of two lively actors, but instead is reality at it's finest. The founders of OSA spent some time with SNAFU as they finalized the structure of their new venture and we came to realize that these were people of both the highest character and ability. At that time it was decided to keep close with each other even as they started off on their great journey. Open Source's commitment to providing their members a clear picture of their alliance's operations and to visible government is something we all should respect and try to provide our members. Today is a day in which we present our camaraderie for the entire world to see. May it never grow old and may the ties that bind us now never fray. Here's to the Open Source Alliance! Here's to SNAFU! Here's to friendship!
  11. Congrats to OSA on their new friends. Now just remember to not do what you did the last time you made friends...<sigh> the last time...
  12. Great to see some of you guys back. (Oh, and by some I mean the people I know, I'm sure the rest of you are cool too. LOL)
  13. I think a government that awesome definitely deserves a WTF! Congrats everyone.
  14. We're not officially Pegasus at this time, but I can say from experience that those guys rock! Congratulations to both Pegasus and OFLC in getting together as I know you're both class acts. P.S. Tempest's flag isn't the current one...
  15. How did I get dragged into this announcement? Congratulations FAN, you've been fighting your battle since before I started this game, and although I don't know you guys, it's really impressive how you guys have hung together.
  16. Very nice Soviet Attack. Thank you for sharing. \o creativity and love of your alliance/home!
  17. Okay cool. This really wasn't war related, especially since we're neutral and he's only been a member for 7 days, but I can understand if that's been happening a lot why you would question it.
  18. Well Mogar, in case you weren't aware, an ode is a poem and not necessarily a song, although I suppose it could be put to music. That being said, SNAFU doesn't have an official song, so in answer to your question no, not EVERYONE is going to make a song. One of our members decided that he wanted to create a poem about our alliance and I liked it so much I asked him if it was okay to share with everyone else. You don't have to appreciate it, and/or comment on it, but making a post completely unrelated to the topic seems a little uncalled for. I apologize if there's been a large number of postings here regarding in house creativity, but as someone who merely follows the Alliance Announcements and not generally the RP sections of the forums, I was unaware of the fad. I do however understand that it's a compulsion of yours to be the first poster in a new topic, so I'll kindly write your comment off to your zeal for notoriety and go back to encouraging my members to have with this game by whatever means makes them the happiest. Thanks for your time.
  19. Ode to SNAFU written by UbarElite So you've made your Cyber Nation, And you're ready to kick some $@!, But you've got to join an alliance first, Or they will cut you up like grass. Is what a lot of recruitment messages said. They were sent buy lots of guys, But there was probably one in particular That just might have caught your eye. It was sent by a man named Stetson, "If you join us it would make my day, But what I would love even more Is just to show you how to play." You think "What the heck, I've nothing to lose; I'll play your little game." So you ventured to our forums Where you registered yourself a name. "We know you had a choice for alliances, But you chose us over the rest. Now go read the beginner's guide, And get started on your test." So now you're masked as a radar blip, Confused and Oblivious. So you scrolled down the forum page, And entered our oasis. INFRA! INFRA! INFRA! Trade Circles are so awesome. THIS TEXT IS GREEN: IT MUST BE IMPORTANT! Tech Deals rock! Go get some! So you sent Stetson a PM, And submitted to him your test. “Congratulations! You’re officially in. We’ll help make you the best!” Now you’re off to tame the beast That is the forums of SNAFU, But do not fret; it’s not that bad, I’ll even help guide you. First there is the new recruit thread, Which you have already been shown, But some people have replied to your post Whom you may not have known. Of all those who reply to these I notice a common three: Stetson, CaVi and Lord Exodus. Whom we will look at with scrutiny. Next on the forums is SNAFU Spam, Domain of CaVi and her rose, She is the Director of Affairs Illicit. How Illicit? Nobody knows. She says “I’m sweet! I’m a good CaVi! Why would you think I’m mean?” But I’ve seen the way some react, When her IRC Nick turns bold green. But if you take the time to meet her, You’ll find she’s truly kind. Just send me a PM later though If you want to read her mind. On our list next is Lord Exodus: An interesting guest. As you may have seen in the beginners guide, He makes the School of Hard Knocks his nest. In here you will find his many guides. Browse between them to and fro. They contain invaluable information, To help your nation expand and grow. The subject without his name is war, Which was left up to Stetson. And this links me quite nicely To our final scrutinized person. He seems an upright, outstanding guy, Although I’ve heard he can be mean. Just remember Diet Pepsi is superior to Diet Coke, Or he will “inform” you as he did me. He keeps everything running as our Grand Fubar, Which is not always an easy feat. He’s always organizing, plotting, scheming, recruiting… I wonder if he can sleep or eat? There are many others here in our alliance Who have not been warned about to you. But get to know them; they’re not half bad. And welcome to SNAFU.
  20. Congrats guys! Glad you see you on the other side of this.
  21. As I consider Tempest my first real home on planet Bob, I wish you guys the best. Purple love is the best kind of love. \o Tempest
  22. Don't worry Dest, when we're protecting you, we won't require nearly the volume of novelty joke supplies as a weekly tribute. Our warehouse is already full of fake vomit, whoopie cushions and hand buzzers to keep up with your insatiable demands. (We'll be more than willing to still supply you with your requirements, with only a slightly astronomic markup.) We will however require weekly shipments of Diet Pepsi and Marlboro Lights delivered to my compound by Cairna dressed in his favorite french maid outfit while singing When the Saints Come Marching In. (And please tell him to shave this time. ) On a more serious note, thank you all for your kind wishes and rest assured that our commitment to all of our allies is unchanged. Hail Carpe Diem! Hail TPF! Hail PEACE! and hail peace!
  23. Happy Birthday guys. I honestly never thought you'd make it this far either. Carpe Diem has been nothing but fantastic as protectors and we look forward to much hilarity in the next year! \o Carpe Diem
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