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Everything posted by LokiLockpicker

  1. This could be interesting. The only thing I've heard about Sweden is from a guy from Finland. He said all the women were hot and he made not so nice statements about the men. Good luck with your alliance
  2. [quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' date='23 May 2010 - 09:54 PM' timestamp='1274669659' post='2309810'] Agreed. The rules are, no destroying your own nukes. Ready? Set? GO! [/quote] Except by shooting them off you mean?
  3. I also like that MHA has about 5 times as many nukes, I would say the extra soldiers and tanks don't come anywhere near making up for the missing nukes, in either bills or war preparedness.
  4. Congratulations on a surviving a long difficult period
  5. [quote name='Dr Beefstupid' date='19 May 2010 - 11:00 PM' timestamp='1274328037' post='2304182'] Nor can I. I'm afraid I detest your actions, Rebel Virginia. Namely, abusing your freedom of speech to slander GOONS at every conceivable opportunity to advance your own petty political grudge against them regardless of its relevance, and with little to no accuracy or legitimacy to your complaints. As such, I cannot allow your verbal warfare to go uncriticized. [/quote] There are many things he's said that are true, not all, and he definitely talks beyond what needs/should be said. However, it is not slander (technically libel) if what he says is true
  6. Congrats on the government, hopefully you can find a few more active members to help you guys with day to day stuff
  7. [quote]Methrage did continue his attacks on us while we were trying to ZI him[/quote] I have a question. Did Methrage actually declare wars on GOONS members after he was ZI'd? I'm guessing that he wouldn't have to considering it would have been difficult for him to be able to buy 6 nukes every 10 days.
  8. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='18 May 2010 - 09:34 PM' timestamp='1274236430' post='2302799'] [color="#0000FF"]That is the definition of PZI. War until peace is achieved. And often it won't be easy to get. So yes, you can skirt around it all you like, but your EoG list is essentially a PZI list. [/quote] Actually, as they haven't stated whether or not they would attempt to attack new nations with similar names, it is really more of a ZI list. PZI implies that the nation ruler will be attacked no matter how many times they reform their government.
  9. [quote name='CptGodzilla' date='18 May 2010 - 07:10 PM' timestamp='1274227810' post='2302582'] It's not your UPN treaty that causes USN to act as UPN's shield. Also expecting someone to leave a bloc I am tied to is considered bad, and I take offense to the fact that you think something I am allied to is going to fail. [/quote] Interesting words. So you must take offense to your own words in your previous post, wanting USN to disband, as your alliance is tied to the USN. Back to topic: It's sad when an alliance finally decides that the bloc they are in is not going the way it needs to be going. Good luck in your future endeavors TYR
  10. [quote name='AirMe' date='16 May 2010 - 05:58 PM' timestamp='1274050703' post='2300514'] Having not read the rest of this other than the original announcement. There was a time when if you missed 1 reparation payment that NATO and friends would threaten violence and eventually attack the offending alliance, they are lucky to have an alliance like GOONS who would rather waive the reps instead of escalating it the way it has in the past. That being said, GOONs could have been a little more tactful with this announcement but it is their right to state it the way they did. It has always been my opinion that reps need to be taken care of like taking a band aid off...no matter how much it hurts, just get it over with. [/quote] My understanding of the OP is that they did not miss a payment, as no required schedule was set up originally. And after reading the thread, this is rather funny. Just let the GOONS be, either they are being nice, out of what they consider their character, or they are just doing a massive PR slander, either way no amount of posting on either side will convince people more than they are right now.
  11. [quote name='Van Hoo III' date='15 May 2010 - 07:53 PM' timestamp='1273971192' post='2299246'] Not once in 195 total posts have you [b]ever[/b] had any idea what you were talking about nor have you given [b]any[/b] actual thought to what you were saying before posting ... you are quite possibly the single most off-base poster in all of Bob, and that is very hard to do. ERA and RoK have not spoken to eachother since the day they left the bloc and I am fairly certain that they can confirm that for you should you care to suddenly take an interest in facts. [b]Edit:[/b] Spacebar error. [/quote] Considering I saw nothing in her post referencing RoK, I'm not sure why you are bringing that up. She expressed a valid question of why it would take more than a day for the leaders of an alliance to make a statement of outrage.
  12. [quote name='Dexomega' date='11 May 2010 - 09:38 PM' timestamp='1273631864' post='2295585'] It's a good question. I don't know. It is after 9 PM. Nothing I say makes sense after 9 PM. [/quote] What!? When do you say stuff that makes sense?
  13. Amazing that we've made it after the various struggles that we've endured. Also congrats Dexo
  14. If you guys need an incentive, just have the loser pay the winner equivalent of winner's losses.
  15. [quote name='Branimir' date='03 May 2010 - 09:35 PM' timestamp='1272940500' post='2285836'] We did as it was the time and its standards. You came, to change the standards of time. You didn't, as you are sheep, you do not have it in you to change or make anew, you are a reactionary, opportunistic grouping of what is, midgets in size. Do not worry, what you couldn't do, or live up to, we will. As we are leaders, setters of standards and conduct. Shapers of time. And you are big collection of, what are individually, midgets in size. The only ones that get any credit are the ex Voxians. They tried, out of anger, and netted some results. Without, mind you, armies to fallow but just words. And with that, maybe we can now get back to topic. [/quote] It's nice to hear that you guys don't hold a grudge against those that joined Vox.
  16. I'm just curious here, but which of NPO's crimes are so terrible that Penkala wouldn't condone them? He's obviously in favor of extremely high reparations and has threatened PZI. I'm obviously forgetting some, but I really would like to know exactly which behaviors won't be tolerated any more. I'm guessing it must have something to do with claiming an entire sphere for their own, protecting it and making sure that they were the only ones that could claim.
  17. Congratulations on finally being so close to the end of terms. As a side note, a verbal contract has the same weight as a written contract unless contradicted by a written contract. So as long as they could prove the verbal terms it's binding. As has already been stated, though, NPO obviously isn't allowed to be in a position to enforce the terms. I hope that NPO was allowed to deduct the cost of the undefended attacks on their nations, no matter how small, from their owed reparations. Edit: If you guys need some help with small rogue attacks, let someone know, we might be able to find a few guys to help you out.
  18. Good luck on a speedy recovery effort, our friends
  19. I'm hoping that those that are willing, can rebuild UCN. I'm shocked to hear that they left a protectorate hanging in the wind. Definitely an example of a decision that needed some time to think about before announcing.
  20. [quote name='Schattenmann' date='16 April 2010 - 01:40 PM' timestamp='1271443193' post='2262983'] It's been 6 months or more since I spoke to Francesca. We pretty much stopped talking when she joined NPO. This isn't a paddleboat, when you peddle in the opposite direction you don't go backwards, you just sit there. "ham" isn't even close to "mann" and anyone that reads as much as you knows that a certain portion of the community calls me Schattenmham (as in bad actor) for giggles. As usual, when there's no good real reply. As Ashoka said: Chasing people down is chasing people down. Period. Call it "just wanting to know where she is" or use some other trite phrase that will make you feel better, but it's stalking. It's creepy and you need to cut it the hell out. E: Sorry to get a good thread going and jet, but I have a commitment this weekend so you won't hear any more out of me til Sunday. [/quote] So she wasn't even in your alliance when you got the information? Why wouldn't your response in that case have been 'she's not here'? It bothers me that if you claim supercoolyellow was responsible for her leaving, that you don't take a large amount of the blame for yourself, or your government, since you obviously decided to do more with the information than just ignoring it, as you would have done were you worried that it was stalking. The only way to consider this stalking, without him asking for anything, is if someone bothered her on the assumption that he wanted it. That would make the person actually bothering her as guilty as the person giving out the info. Also, in general it isn't considered illegal to give out public information, and since her IP was available for anyone that chatted with her and on any and all sites she visited, it was relatively public.
  21. Honestly the proper response from Francesca, assuming that's who it was, when approached by her new government about it would have been to tell the truth. The response from her government should have been honest, either they had no problem with it as they say, or they did and told her to leave. If they had no problem they could have just ignored any questions or responded that she wasn't there, or said that the IP belonged to a different person now. Any of which would have the effect of not outing the 'stalked' individual in their eyes. They are all unprovable and likely would have caused any speculation into it to stop. Personally, if I had a problem with what Supercoolyellow was doing, I would have responded to Supercoolyellow's queries asking why he was doing it, and if given a response that was not stalking would have let him off with a stern warning, rather than accuse him in public of something he may or may not have had any intention of doing. Public accusation over a non-issue seems to me to be a worse crime than giving information to others without any stated intent.
  22. What can she say, her official proofreader had the day off for the holiday Good luck on having a better term than the last
  23. If it makes any of you larger nations feel better, Win and Learz (and dozens of other people as evidenced by the short time of the PTD program) have been willing to pay $3 million to get 50 tech quickly without much wait. I think the real reason for this change is due to how bad the coordinators felt having a list of 30+ people that had to wait on deals for days. Come on, it's hard on us to see these people suffer
  24. I think it has always been the main nation page (what you get when you click view my nation). Oh, except I have clicked on it from the "nation doesn't exist" page a few times after I was sent there. Edit: Interesting it worked now. I wonder if the server was overloaded for a few minutes when I was trying it earlier. Edit2: Actually it didn't work, just brought me to the CN home page without actually logging me out I'm not sure what it did. I brought up my home nation page without logging in, but had to when I clicked on the trade agreements link. Either I'm overtired and not thinking straight, or CN is trying to confuse me tonight.
  25. Well, first problem, every time I try to log in with Firefox it brings me back to the log in screen. I'm 99.9% sure that it is something on my end as it was intermittent before now. The real interesting bug: When I try to log out with IE, it brings up the nation does not exist page without logging me out. I don't mind overly much, but it is annoying to not be able to log out (especially when another browser doesn't allow me to log in ) I'm not sure if anyone else has this problem but, thought it would be a fun thing for you guys to look into. enjoy
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