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Everything posted by Venom4Viper

  1. yeap NATO is starting with new faces and from what i can tell they're doing fine!!! gl with your new alliance
  2. Well gramlins should be on the list... guess what i voted?
  3. ok here is the deal to all the selling nations, you send me 50 tech and in 10 days i send you 2 million and the deal is off. If there are some long term partners and see they're good i will proceed with 50tech to 3 mill. Waiting for your ingame offers! EDIT: when you see my nation and i have free slots send the aid and wait to be accepted!! this post is a long term deal B) i am with the disaster relief agency so i got 6 aid slots available!!! Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=239504
  4. Good to see this issue fixed! This is a diplomacy WIN and once again o/ NSO!! Well done to all the parties envolved B)
  5. Good luck!!! new alliances are always welcomed , also.. i'm strongly against the epicurean view of the world
  6. Sad but you will do just fine i think B)
  7. Sir Paul, why do you have the frostbite sig with NPO on it??? p.s. SORRY for the off record message but i kinda hate this sigs...
  8. NATO for 11 months and now NpO for a VERY LONG time!!! (i never quit alliances!!! only for a VERY SERIOUS REASON!!)
  9. Good Luck TOOL, it seems you have everything figured out though and won't be needing it B)
  10. well i shall respond with something you say: There is no failure, just postponed success remember that...
  11. after decomissioning my army and sending peaces over my attackers i see attacks from Exultus [Dark Fist] even the last day he wanted to get me down, nice going Dark Fist we surrender and you attack..... for everyone else it was a good war...
  12. using nukes every day and then attack is hard work?? but remember...the wheel is always turning... also ODN no spaces for you to attack we are all on 3 to 6 wars...good luck finding a target and also very brave move![hironic]
  13. As an old member of NATO you should know we ALWAYS HONOR our treaties, we never follow the victory side but stand side by side with our treaty partners!!! That is why we are unique...and everyone respect us!!! p.s. 6 alliances are at war with us.....we're maybe going down but with a BANG!!!!
  14. you can always declare on me when you find a slot cause i'm now in 6 wars.... then i will show you how NATO goes to war.... Good Battles are always welcomed!!! EDIT: Most of us got anarchied by Nuclear Attacks...we all were Second to respond with Nukes...
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