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Everything posted by EaTeMuP

  1. Roll [s]Tanks[/s] Trucks. This should be fun. Good luck! We have some good competition on this one.
  2. [quote name='Viluin' timestamp='1341731334' post='3006550'] No, you chose Communist because you know nothing, like the rest of your alliance, and you thought it would be the best in this situation. [/quote] You are right. I know nothing about Gov't types, guides, or nation building. I guess I should give up now. Good day.
  3. [quote name='Viluin' timestamp='1341730959' post='3006545'] You're right, spending hundreds of millions with a mediocre warchest like yours just to keep me in anarchy is winning. Why are you using the Communist government type if someone else is doing your spy-ops? Don't you people have war guides? It's painful watching you fight. [/quote] I choose Communist out of habit. Why are you using Anarchy as your Gov't type? It doesn't really matter what my Gov't type is, if you are worth your salt, and have any luck I will be in anarchy tomorrow. You put too much faith in guides.
  4. [quote name='Viluin' timestamp='1341730489' post='3006542'] And I can buy back to where I started after 7 days for $500k. What about you? $500 mil? http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=309477 You should tell this guy to attack me, I bet he will help you win. [/quote] Don't need any help. As long as I get more casualties, and you stay in Anarchy, I win.
  5. [quote name='Viluin' timestamp='1341730221' post='3006539'] My math skills are just fine, I just did around 1/3 more damage than what you did to me. And the nukes haven't even started flying yet! [/quote] It's all good, I'm in it for the casualties. I can re-buy back to where I started after 7 days for less than 1bil, so your math is wrong.
  6. [quote name='Viluin' timestamp='1341729690' post='3006535'] Oh my.. so much infra. I was hoping you'd hit me, I'm gonna cause billions in damage. [/quote] Bring it. Apparently your ability to talk trash exceeds your ability to do basic math.
  7. [quote name='Viluin' timestamp='1341718785' post='3006437'] Haha. I'm pretty sure they won't have the will to see this through. Few things in this game are more frustrating than fighting someone who can't take damage, I've been in that situation before and it is agonizing. Only one person can nuke me, what are the other two going to do? CM/air? The infra they destroy will be cheaper than a single piece of aircraft. But they have to put 3 nations on me, because I would dominate 1v1. Basically they're going to take massive damage trying to keep me in anarchy and I'm going to laugh my ass off. This is indeed a very very bad decision on their part. [/quote] I'll go 1 v 1 with you, please dominate me. The safety word is !@#$%-bag.
  8. You know, you could just come out of PM and fight, maybe this would go away.
  9. [quote name='Eregor' timestamp='1329634524' post='2923899'] Nah, I doctored your Twinkies while you weren't looking. Anyway, the terms are what they are, and while some aren't happy with them, it appears that the logistics of meeting them are already in order (based on someone's comment many pages back whose name escapes me now). So I will simply say congratulations on peace to all parties! [/quote] It was me... I am easily forgettable.
  10. I was having a conversation with some other soccer coaches the other day, and the only way I was able to describe problems another coach was having was "Real-life Issues"
  11. Great fighting with you guys... o/ moving on. All of you crunching numbers and such, save your brain cells. We have the logistics under control.
  12. [quote name='Blue Lightning' timestamp='1328026111' post='2911552'] While TOP may not be able to smash your <40k NS nations into even smaller pieces, we are able to effectively cap your nations' growth to below that marker. Meanwhile, TOP's upper tier are able to grow exponentially and there isn't anything Polaris can do to stop them (militarily, at least). If your definition of military victory is continuing to smash your opponent while they sit at ZI, ZT, etc...then yes, TOP is unable to defeat Polaris. By that definition I don't think anyone has ever truly won a war, though. While this stalemate continues however, the gap in strength (and relative strength in particular) increasingly sways in TOP's favour over time. Not to mention we can effectively finance IRON's war against you through aid to those nations that are in range of your non-PM nations. I agree with you that wars are won primarily with politics, but your underestimation of the effect of nation building may go some way to explain Polaris' long history of military incompetence. [/quote] I'm pretty sure the only alliance that cares about TOP's upper tier stats is TOP. I've intentionally not grown past 70k for the past 2 years because above there just isn't fun for me. I encourage TOP's upper tier to keep growing until your opponent pool diminishes to the point where there is no one left for you to fight. You Win!!! Yay!
  13. [quote name='enderland' timestamp='1328018519' post='2911515'] Wow, really? Does this mean NpO is winning? [/quote] No, it just means we aren't fighting TOP. We are fighting IRON, and it seems both IRON and NpO are having fun with it. I know I'm having fun.
  14. [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1327861514' post='2909560'] Thank you. I hope you enjoy your nuking. [/quote] Thank you for your well wishes. I'm having a blast... as are the 20 or so IRON nations I've nuked. Wish you were here!!!
  15. [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1327860912' post='2909545'] If I were to sell all my infra I'd be in the 70k ns bracket and your first war mode nation is at 30k ns. Unfortunately this is not a viable solution. [/quote] Yes, I guess you are right. I'm sorry for your loss. Happy Birthday!!!
  16. [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1327859579' post='2909527'] I wanted to address this personally: Hey, baby. Do you have anyone like you in my range [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/wub.gif[/img] XOXOXO BEazy [/quote] Sorry, you will have to sell infra if you want to play. IRON is getting to have all the fun.
  17. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1322342699' post='2852859'] Bye-Polar is the name of the VE-NpO war already. It can't be Bye-Polar. I think Die-Polar is a good suggestion although I still think Thanksgiving Massacre is best fitting. [/quote] Yet we are still here, and will be after this one. Blackest Friday sounds good to me.
  18. I hate to see alliances lose members to inactivity, especially allies. Avalanche is gaining a great group of people.
  19. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1318742678' post='2826097'] What cat? What bag? [/quote] Which beer?
  20. Now that the cat is out of the bag, I think NSO should provide Legion with a beer review.
  21. [quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1318617397' post='2825034'] Yeah handbags/purses whatever you want to call them. Just my take on the handful of "proxy wars" due to external aiding from none involved alliances [/quote] I got it... that is why I liked it.
  22. [quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1318615027' post='2825010'] [img]http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/4480/waraid.png[/img] [/quote] Haha... swinging purses? I like.
  23. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1318569507' post='2824681'] So what is with knives, napalm, nukes? [/quote] They are tools for killing. Also, it looks much better filling up an aid screen than "Oh, I think this is a CB", or "Come at me bro", and the other useless things people put in aid offers.
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