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Shadow Slayer

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Everything posted by Shadow Slayer

  1. [quote name='Graphix' timestamp='1306897757' post='2721769'] A thread that involves Shadow Slayer, Croix, and CDS... wow. I was completely ready to believe you'd try to revive CDS, SS. Edit: Omg, Rambo is here too. This is too much. [/quote] Hi Graphix . Sorry for being a n00b all those years ago. [quote name='Lord Fingolfin' timestamp='1306897964' post='2721772'] You guys don't disappoint. Sorry to see Thunder and Shadow step down though, that was a solid Triumvirate, though I have faith the current one will stand strong. Also you guys are doomed with Leo as HoFA. Doomed. [/quote] Shadow didn't step down. I defeated him in 1v1 combat.
  2. [quote name='Liz Girard' timestamp='1306896314' post='2721745'] LOL I kinda hate you right now SS. o/ RIA congrats on new gov!!! [/quote] <3 Thanks Rambo!
  3. [quote name='Rambo' timestamp='1306895133' post='2721722'] [img]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m108/Rambo49xx/CDSsecks.jpg[/img] [size="5"]Official Announcement of the Coalition of Dark States[/size] Today marks a vital day for the Coalition. We've finally managed to pirate an alliance's leadership. Victory is finally ours! [/quote] I can't tell you how much I missed you man.
  4. [center][img]http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01112/mission_accomplish_1112950c.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][u]Election Results[/u][/b][/center] Greetings OWF. It is my pleasure to announce the election results for the Random Insanity Alliance. In this thread, you'll be overjoyed at the extremes one of our members has taken to spread the word of Cactuar, weep in sadness as a long standing government member bows out, and gawk in horror as you see an important position handed to a prankster. If you feel you aren't prepared enough to ride this emotional roller coaster, you should stop reading. This is unlike anything you've ever seen. We'll tell it to you straight. This election cycle was random, even for the RIA. You're going to see the results, and think to yourself "Are they Insane?" Yes. Yes we are. Let us start with our esteemed Triumvir Thunder Strike, who has decided to step down two months into his term. Although he greatly enjoyed his time in a RIA government position, he felt that the Word of Cactuar wasn't being spread fast enough. He claimed there was a higher calling for individuals as gifted as he, and we were "Keeping him down, man". Indeed, recent reports indicate that he is leading an extremist movement somewhere Down Under. We wish him the best! [center][img]http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/8763/cactuar.gif[/img][/center] But let us continue, and move on to the feature presentation: Election Results. Starting with my personal favorite, our current Head of Economics, cctmsp13 (also known as Lord Viceroy of the RIA) posted a very compelling campaign made [url=http://rialliance.net/Smileys/default/spot.gif]available to the public[/url] that drew great debate and discussion. In the end his 13 terms in government spoke for themselves, regardless of his (lack of) eloquence. He will be returning next term as our Head of Economics. Surprise, surprise. Our Captain Planet position faced significantly greater competition. Mansa Musa III, Rorick, Meatkin Pie, Arsenal 10, and [img]http://rialliance.net/Smileys/default/rainbowsheep.gif[/img] all fought fiercely for victory. Topic after topic was posted, and debate after debate was held. After many days, there was no clear victory; the vote was incredibly close. In the end though, the Nubbetry BRIgade deity Rainbow Sheep edged out a victory. It should be noted that Arsenal 10 will be [img]http://rialliance.net/Smileys/default/rainbowsheep.gif[/img]'s agent; all matters regarding the office of Captain Planet can be directed through him. [center][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_K_gWOOnqdIg/TUhaFDrfEbI/AAAAAAAABGQ/TV4KNMI5beU/s1600/captain-planet.jpg[/img] [i]Sup Gibsonator21 ~_^[/i][/center] For our Head of Military Operations, despite his opponent becoming self aware and voting for itself, Jenne managed to defeat Skynet. Yeah, who can do that and live with themselves at night? Most of RIA is seriously upset over this election. Seriously, Jenne is such a HoMo. As a programmer, I've had many a great conversation with Skynet. And I can tell you that he is [i]not[/i] taking it well. [center][img]http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj127/desche_weyard/T303_T3_nuclearAttack.jpg[/img][/center] But this is where it gets really interesting. First let's start with Thunder Strike's recently abdicated seat. This was a very contested match. SWAT128 and im317 (despite sharing three numbers at the end of their names) each had a distinct campaign platform. It was a very close race, but our former HoFA managed to pull off a victory. im317 will fill the remaining four months of Thunder Strike's term. As his first piece of legislation, he is promising 5000 tech to whoever can correctly guess what in King Ayden's name im317 stands for. Personally, I'm not even gonna try. All this typing has actually given me a handcramp, so I'm going to take a quick break. Delta1212 was kind enough to compose an original piece for you all to hear. Don't tell Liz though, we promised we wouldn't post it. [quote][13:17:52] <&Delta1212[RIA]> Xiphin' in the front seat, Lizzin' in the back seat [13:17:57] <&Delta1212[RIA]> Gotta make your mind up [13:18:28] <&Delta1212[RIA]> Which seat can you take[/quote] Sorry Liz. Anyways. At this point, if you're still reading, you're probably wondering how the hell our Topic Title ties into the RIA election results. Before I answer that, let me announce our new Head of Foreign Affairs..... Leo! That's right, the man that has made a game out of being banned from as many IRC channels as possible when he's not trolling other alliance government (Lol, u mad wF?) has been elected into actual government. If you don't know who he is, you don't have enough contact with the RIA. Those of you who do are probably in shock right now, or thinking that this is a poor troll attempt on my part. See, that's the beauty of this. It's not trolling, but at the same time it is. Leo finally figured out that the best way to cause Mayhem in CN is to become an [i]actual[/i] gov member. Yeah, be scared. Lord knows Delta1212 is. [center][img]http://www.funnycommercialsworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/dean-winters-mayhem-is-coming.jpg[/img][/center] So now that that is out of the way, why call this thread Coalition of Dark States Reformation? Because our next three gov members actually grew up in the CDS. Almost all of you know one of them. That's right, Mogar has been elected as the RIA HoR. He will take over Recruitment from our esteemed Gangs. And there was much rejoicing. Next, Croix has been elected as our Head of Internal Affairs. This will be his first term in RIA gov, and we wish him the best. He'll do a fantastic job! [center][img]http://www.glamkiller.com/wp-content/gallery/barbie-amp-ken/expos-deco-design-barbie-karl-lagerfeldf-45760.jpg[/img] [i]Speaking of HoR's, did you know Simms from RnR likes Barbies? Information courtesy of Torchwood[/i][/center] Finally, we arrive at the Coup de Grâce. Some of you are probably wondering why Shadow Dragon, more commonly known as Shadow, isn't posting this topic. Well, after 19 terms as Triumvir alongside Delta, the combo has finally been broken. I have risen up and completed my life goal. Shadow, it pleases me to say, has been Slain. He is no more. Let that sink in for a minute [img]http://rialliance.net/Smileys/default/smiley_smug.gif[/img]. Yeah, I defeated the ultimate life form (Don't let Delta see that word, he'll start ranting about his evolution game ) How did I do it? I'm glad you asked. My campaign platform was relatively simple. I just pointed to my username, and promised that if I won I'd troll Shadow quite hard. An activity I would now like to invite all of you to participate in as well. It's relatively easy to contribute: [list] [*]Laugh at him in this topic, and/or.... [*]Join #ria on coldfront [*]Highlight Shadow[RIA] [*]Point and laugh [/list] So Shadow... how does it feel? Does it hurt? Do you feel regret at not making it to twenty terms? Are you angry with me? How are you coping? As your Triumvir, I order you to write me a response that is exactly 326 words long. Any more or any less, and you will be tried for Treason. That said, I must take my burritos and attend to important Tri specific issues. Namely, demasking Shadow, so he cannot see our government materials. After all, we wouldn't want classified information falling into the hands of a regular member now would we Shadow? But before our tearful farewell, our esteemed member Mansa Musa III has agreed to impart some of his wisdom upon us. "That reminds me of one time my girlfriend invited me to her house. I found her sister alone in the house; she was unbelievably sexy and whispered in my ear, “I have feelings for you, let's f***.” I immediately turned around and walked out the front door to my car. I found my girlfriend standing there; she hugged me and said: “You’ve passed the test!” Moral of the story: always keep your condoms in the car" So, it is my (Read: Not Shadow's) pleasure to announce our new Cabinet XLIV and Triumvirate VII, unofficially nicknamed "Troll": Triumvirate: Delta1212, Shadow Slayer, im317 Head of Economics: cctmsp13 Head of Foreign Affairs: Leo Head of Internal Affairs: Croix Head of Military Operations: Jenne Head of Recruitment: Mogar Captain Planet: [img]http://rialliance.net/Smileys/default/rainbowsheep.gif[/img] [center][img]http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj127/desche_weyard/Cactuar-1.png[/img][/center]
  5. EM signing for both alliances? Why, that just sounds.... insane.
  6. [quote name='Dontasemebro' timestamp='1299922623' post='2661342'] [center][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090423162638/cybernations/images/1/1d/Riaboat.jpg[/img] [/center] [center][size="6"]Random Insanity Alliance Announcement of Victory[/size][/center] A sad attempt at announcing solidarity, RIA. Soon, you will see, we will have won the war. In fact, we just did win the war. One of our victory conditions was getting you to no longer be a super friend. And the other victory condition was for us to still be in the bloc! SO while we, RIA, are still in superfriends, you, RIA, are no longer a superfriend. Our vicious and unrelenting attacks on your self esteem have finally paid off. Your move, RIA. Checkmate. [/quote] That image just made my freakin day
  7. [quote name='TheListener' timestamp='1299909016' post='2661061'] RIA, Your Pip is Amazing, it is most definitely in our top 3 favorite pips, but we can't take #1, as the GATO Pip happens to be a Spanish cat playing with a Death Star, that just so happens to by the Imperial Insignia, but the RIA pip comes in behind the GATO pip in a close second. Both are Freaking awesome Pips, Good Job RIA. Signed The Imperial Senate Good enough for you? [/quote] <3 You guys are always so classy. Rebuild fast
  8. I still say we should have added a clause making IAA admit our Pip is awesome, and congratulating our ingenuity. Good work IAA, you guys are chill
  9. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1299836883' post='2659811'] that is really !@#$@#$ annoying. welcome to adblock :< [/quote] Mission accomplished.
  10. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1299830028' post='2659743'] I'll blame you personally then. [/quote] You better. I've been trying to get revenge on the OWF for years. Ha, the mods thought they'd seen the last of me. NOT SO
  11. Well, [i]we[/i] know what Pip we want. I bet it doesn't fly with the Mods though
  12. I don't think I've ever seen so many edits before.
  13. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1296634162' post='2615956'] From RIA, just to be clear. [/quote] Yeah, sorry -- forgot to mention that tidbit. Edited my post accordingly.
  14. [quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1296631241' post='2615911'] No. The fact that IAA gov supported the decision does not invalidate my point. If you think it does, I would love for you to show me how. All of my arguments that lead up to show their cowardice remain applicable regardless of what IAA or whatever says. If IAA wanted GATO to leave, understandable. However, magicninja explicitly stated that their reasoning for leaving the war was because they don't want to burn for Polar. Therefore they found the necessity for not burning for Polar more important than helping out a friend. Do you see now? Or maybe you need some more deflections before we get this drilled into your head. [/quote] 1. Cowardice is defined as lack of resolution. GATO's resolution was to come into the war to defend IAA, not Polar. Again, they defended IAA through diplomacy. They have ensured that IAA will get a white peace + no reps from RIA when the IAA are ready to step out. 2. Magicninja explicitly stated that their reason for [b]not remaining[/b] in the war was because of Polar. If you read his posts, he does explicitly state (multiple times, cause you don't seem to get it) that the reason they entered the war is because they wanted to make sure IAA's future was protected. It now is. Therefore, they have successfully defended their ally, and can gracefully step out. I mean, I'm not sure how much clearer we can make this for you. Leaders from all sides are telling you you're wrong, and you sit there telling us that we don't get it? Really? Regardless, if you still disagree, you're beyond hope.
  15. [quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1296630639' post='2615902'] No. Me being in Pacifica does not lessen the credibility of my rationale. And I don't think you understand my point either. My point wasn't to use the historical event as a reason for why GATO should "return the favor". My point was that GATO and IAA have always been portrayed as best of buddies from that point on. This is almost common knowledge if you have ever engaged in diplomatic relations with GATO. It is true that I do not know what IAA and GATO said to each other, but that does not lessen the validity of my point. Which is GATO is abandoning a good friend because they don't want to fight for Polar. [/quote] Get off your high horse. Your point isn't valid at all. GATO is not abandoning anyone. IAA gov themselves say you are wrong. Move on.
  16. Guys, get off GATO's case. They entered the war with a clear purpose, which they fulfilled. They are not abandoning their allies. As mentioned, their allies were informed and in some cases gave wanted them to take the peace. Defending someone isn't limited to war. GATO achieved what they wanted diplomatically.
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