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King William IV

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Everything posted by King William IV

  1. ^ sums up my feelings to the first quote Also, I cant help but feel I helped this along at some point Ave Legio! o/ NADC
  2. The Mafia is outside of Chicago's Jurisdiction, and The Liquor cabinet is fine, it does not break protocol in terms of Prohibition, you couldn't buy or transport liquor, but you could consume it if you own it, and since they are a cabinet, I can only assume that they didn't buy it anywhere.
  3. o/ Vidia Thanks for protecting us, I look forward to working with you guys and gals in Vidia.
  4. A few months ago, I was talking to my friend wootmeister and another friend about making ourselves a home, where we could build up our house around us and make our own way in Planet Bob. Our plans today have come to fruition, and with that I am glad to present The Untouchables. Charter Forums #cnuntouchables on Coldfront Meet the Untouchables Protectorate soon to follow
  5. Genghis, ZayneHumphrey and Lord Xnut all have posted at some point. All 3 of those have posted as an ambassador with the most recent being Zayne who is a former Legionnaire.
  6. I love you BAPSters you guys rock. I wish you the best on your journey back above 1M ns First spam is so two years ago.
  7. Great issue this week, I especially love the Legion mention!!!
  8. o/ OMFG you guys are great allies and I wish you the best for your peace To your opponents, you guys have been respectful and I appreciate that.
  9. Congrats PoF, glad to finally have this DoE done
  10. In response to PoF DoE, The Legion has this announcement to make. PoF is made up of former friends and members and it gives me pleasure to make this announcement. tl;dr-PoF is protected by The Legion, any war on them is a war on us
  11. Sorry, I have never met a bear species I haven't liked besides a Hoobear To Porksaber, Neffer, Lancer, Michael Harland, Magnum, and Fruta 18x That is every nuke I sent you ways, Can I has them back? Besides that it was a good war and I enjoyed fighting you.
  12. Way to join in a few days late while ignoring MDoAPs and not even hit the Legion... I mean come on!!!
  13. To Lancer: Nothing personal man, you have fought well and I respect you a lot, CN needs more people like you. To Fruta: Good luck, I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. To Neffer: I cant wait to fight you some more, it will be fun. To porksaber: <3<3<3 Can't wait for update tonight man, your attacks have been the most fun. To Magnum T. Gundraw: Epic fighting, but you haven't narked me yet To Michael Harland: We spoke on IRC, you people in Nemsis aren't too bad and I have gained a lotta respect for you on that front.
  14. So with 41 nations and 1 a ghost and in peace mode, you have 32 nations active in wars and 8 in PM for strategic reasoning. Meaning legion with 81% at war and nemesis with only 80% at war means we win right? :lol:
  15. Funny how this is over a day late, nonetheless. See you on the Battlefield.
  16. By putting your fingers in your ears and saying "LOL LEGION NO EXIST" so you could be in denial more? Sadness is not denying our existence, sadness is saying "sorry you are with NPO on this one, but I respect you for honoring your treaty good show Legion."
  17. Yea I know nothing of the old legion, other then getting messed up for her in the Dove war, Purplegate and missing out on GWIV cause of school, but thanks for updating me on what I know I will be sure to ask you what I know for my calc test laster. I know a lot more about Legionnaires then you think, I read my history and learned a lot. You do try to be important by trying to condemn us for moving on. We do not hate you, we are sick and tired sycophantic pleas of "Legion Died". If you doubt me, then tell me what telling true Legionnaires does for you. I try to be civil, but this "Legion is dead" is some bullcrap. Go back to being quiet and get out of this thread clearly you do not belong.
  18. First we didn't suspend Orrple, ODN did so get your facts straight. Second you left the Legion in a time of need so don't talk about it being a shell, you have no idea. Third, congrats on getting 2 hours of sleep during GWII I haven't slept since this started so thanks for the contribution. Now go back to STA and stop trying to be important, clearly we moved on from your "Spirit" and made ourselves a new one which we stand for. Edit: Legion isn't dead and wont be for a long time, but thanks for your pessimism.
  19. You seem to think its impossible to say hello from a higher ns?
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