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Everything posted by potato

  1. I refuse to vote in such a poll. You're just a bunch of murderers and cannibals.
  2. It's been an honour to serve and lead you for a year or so, ODN. Thank you for everything, my friends. Here's to another year.
  3. It's not a pirate. This, my friend, is the infamous LeChuck. Guybrush Threepwood's nightmare! And he's obviously holding a voodoo doll. Also hello.
  4. potato=MacLand=Spartak MK, indeed. Also hello.
  5. I have no idea what this is about but a nice move from FOK. As expected, one might add.
  6. You obviously don't know my history then. Or that I never cared about my nation.
  7. Coal and Alu. Not bad. I only wish I could find a stable Aqua trade circle.
  8. That explains a lot for both you and your alliance.
  9. May I ask why you chose the name of the famous French region around Bordeaux?
  10. Especially ex-gov't members. At least he didn't leave mid-term. Oh wait ...
  11. Join Q. On topic, Vanadrin Failing has emerged from our wars and that is, imo, the best thing that could happen to the three of us. MK holds no ill will towards WAPA that I know of. And judging by my fellow Shrooms' posts, I'm not the only one believe this.
  12. You still owe me 3 mil from the tech I sent you during UjW.
  13. NATION: MacLand RULER: potato NATION LINK: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=116484 NATIONALITY OF TEAM: England
  14. That little smiley in the end is quite ironic considering the actions of some of your members in the last war. But this is not the place nor time to pursue this. Congrats to you, GPA. A long earned freedom: may you go back to your happy end neutral ways.
  15. 5. Spartak Mac/Spartak MK is MacLand's best team although we are in Serie Segunda.
  16. I know. So was Ivan, apparently. I'd like ES to be back. Not just have a nation.
  17. As far as I remember (and I could be wrong), he got his final warn for suggesting to a certain Red alliance's Emperor to do something with someone's particular body part. Then again I believe he went from 0 to 100% in that same thread. As for the OP, for CN drama, ES, Josef_Thorne or Ivan. And maybe some GOONS like Alastor or DV. Oh and Prodigal_Chieftain and If2 since I never got to know them. For personnal reasons, IAmCelery or PeachesIII. EDIT: I can't choose >_<
  18. Polar's submission is epic. Best one by far. Sorry FARK and MHA. You are top notch but Polaris is just ... amazing. EDIT: if they are going with the one I think they should be going with. >_<
  19. If you had been in GATO at least two alliances would have threatened with war.
  20. Fark clearly wins that one. Well, the "No Image Available" one is better but that doesn't really count. The Mods have it. Is it really harder to do it for us, regular members? (Honest question, I'm not trying to be a smart arse, I know zilch about forums)
  21. When is it the time to ask for pics in exchange for a protectorate?
  22. Machiabelly IS awesome. And he's a Shroom now. You can thank me later.
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