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Everything posted by potato

  1. We did drop all our treaties. But we never said we wouldn't resign any of them. Also, disbanding an alliance doesn't mean every single nation is leaving Planet Bob. You, of all people, should know this. But I won't hold my breath for that so called eulogy.
  2. Did you actually expect us to come out and tell the plan to everyone? I know you're not the brightest crayon in the box but come on... It's much funnier to have half the world shit its own pants and the other half -wrongly- speculating about what we have up our sleeve.
  3. I never got a disbandment notice :( PS: Azaghul also says he doesn't think a message was sent. Which means, you know, he's not sure if it happened or not. But good on you for debunking something that wasn't said.
  4. Respect is earned, not given. And people have spent a long time explaining in clear and simple words why Junkalunka was wrong. He refuses to understand and keeps on harping about how MK=MQ and we're losing miserably... After a while, you get bored of trying to reason with morons and you don't want to bother anymore.
  5. What I'm saying, right now, is that you're either being dumb or you can't read.
  6. Complaining about this again? Historically, MK (since you guys insist on believing MK=MQ) have always jumped AAs during wars, winning or losing. You, of all people, should know this...
  7. It's because we, supposedly, have a super secret plan (we do, it's just not what ChairmanHal thinks he knows).
  8. Your graph shows that MQ, after two weeks of war and having a good part of Planet Bob hitting us, is at the same NS as it was on the 16th, eg pre-war.
  9. I love it when lightweight alliances like Invicta act all tough. It's so cute.
  10. You discovered our secret! Not everyone in MK or MQ is the same! Congrats!
  11. The same as whatever inane drivel you've said in the past. None whatsoever.
  12. Not only did MK never claim "lulz", we also were arguably one of the better organised and most efficient alliance to ever grace Planet Bob. But yeah, I can see how someone who was in IAA and NATO wouldn't fancy a well oiled machine.
  13. GATO isn't exactly a scary force though...
  14. And we're winning! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  15. Someone who offered a TIAP to another alliance really shouldn't get to lecture anyone.
  16. CCC attacked MQ. Not the other way round. MQ attacked TDO. CCC (who isn't allied to TDO), for no good reason, thought they could finally win a war and figured now would be the best time to attack a former enemy, since they didn't have the balls to do earlier.
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