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Everything posted by Azhrei

  1. All these "new Hegemony" references are quite humorous.
  2. [quote name='emily' date='15 February 2010 - 09:34 PM' timestamp='1266269651' post='2183477']jack diorno... I'd love to get to know you better, same with WCR, tbh i never really spoke to either of you.[/quote] Uh-oh, careful here, Jack!
  3. Arsenal blinds opponents with awesome treaty. It does massive damage! WalkerNinja hits back with obsolete terms. It backfires greatly! Yeah, I'm no good at these things. I'll just go with the safe old - \o/ Athens \o/ Orange Defense Network
  4. It's always Athens, isn't it? Big, bad Athens who tells everyone else what to do.
  5. One would hope... but it doesn't stop the PR machine.
  6. This is a sadness... I've always liked and respected M*A*S*H, and it's a shame things have gone this way. Best of luck for the future, guys...
  7. Yeah, we've been planning this for months
  8. Stop leading them on, Mathias. Everyone knows Athens was the first name of the Snickers chocolate bar, before it was called Marathon. Everything was going well until Londo publicly mentioned that he didn't actually like the bar. It's a sad, sad tale.
  9. Azhrei - A combination of two words in the Old Tongue of Melanie Rawn's books. Azh'Rei means Dragon Prince, and is a title of affection and awe bestowed on one of the main characters. Ossetia - Not inspired by the region in Russia, instead it is from the same book series by Melanie Rawn, the Dragon Prince/Dragon Star trilogies.
  10. I used to frequent a few BBS' on my C128 system, and I never saw anybody use that. In any case, certainly in this guy's case, he doesn't seem old enough to know what a BBS is, never mind use one and acquire the habit of signing one's name on every post.
  11. How do people pick up the habit of signing their posts? Do they think people won't know who is posting because their name is all the way over to the left there? Honestly.
  12. This guy doesn't seem new to only CN, he seems new to the Internet.
  13. You know, if you say his name three times, he'll appear. Woo!
  14. I wish you wouldn't use the word "you" in the plural sense. I wasn't part of the attack, I thought it was a terrible idea and I still do, political fallout or not. There was a lot of serious discussions in Athens after it was over, and I was firmly on the side of, "It was stupid, but more importantly, it was wrong". And I'm horrified by how much our name has become blackened since Penkala's thread first came up, because the name Athens has always meant "honour" and "integrity" to me. And I definitely don't agree with taking away from Ni's reps every time Bilrow posts - why should they suffer because he can't keep his mouth closed for longer than a few minutes? Not that I agree that any of us should have the power to set such terms. Godammit. Again with the plural here. I understand that some of our members have been... less than diplomatic with their posts, but I don't believe I have intentionally attacked anyone's character, or threatened anyone. I am disgusted with the whole situation - what makes it worse is that the NPO then has the gall to pretend to care about Ni for a PR stunt, when anyone who knows anything about their history knows better. I think I'll stop posting, now. None of this should ever have happened.
  15. I see dead people. Oh wait, you're serious?
  16. It's often used as a transparent excuse to further blacken the image of an alliance you don't like when they attack someone that, up to that point, you couldn't give two !@#$s about. You know. Fun.
  17. He wasn't talking about attacking their protectorate, I only mentioned that ignoring the military result to focus on the parallels of moral outrage that they'd be screaming bloody murder about. What he meant is what he said - back in the bad old days, nobody could give NPO a wrong look without getting stomped.
  18. I can only imagine their glee when Penkala posted his thread. The opportunity was too good for them to pass up... Athens did something bad? WE NPO MEMBERS ARE OUTRAGED HOW DARE THEY. It's just getting a little sad now though... if Athens had done this to an NPO protectorate the Moral Outrage Brigade © would probably feel no stronger than they do now.
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