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Vol Navy

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Posts posted by Vol Navy

  1. [quote name='Owned-You' timestamp='1308258560' post='2732627']
    This was one of my many hopes with the last war...that this fire we lit under their asses would potentially galvanize them into actually doing things again.

    See the IAA cancellation thread for what happens still when they try and do anything FA wise.

    PB/DH etc speak out of both sides of their mouths. They claim they want Pacifica to not isolate themselves on one hand yet heap praise upon anyone who isolates them on the other.

  2. [quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1308121825' post='2731762']
    To be honest, and fair to other alliances, NPO's fighting ability is pretty laughable also when they don't have meat shields or the collective power of alliances fighting for them. So to just single out goons, and legion is just wrong.

    NPO never fought its own war til Karma, and this war, and when they were forced to fight for themselves.. there numbers dropped faster then the American stock market during the recession.. Even in this war they had "glorified meat-shields" and still fell flat on there faces.. So why single out 2 of the 3 bad alliances in the war. Single them all out.

    Just my humble opinion,

    I will let you in on a little secret. When you are fighting 1 vs 4 or 5 against super tech fueled nations, you sink very quickly. No one can overcome those odds, the laws of the planet do not allow it. So fighting those 5 digit tech nations with half that level yourself due to the massive reparations you had to pay is going to have the same result time and again. It has nothing to do with skill at all. Simple Bob war physics.

  3. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1308167381' post='2731965']
    No they weren't. Incase you forget Xiphosis broke ties with GOONS, because he was against hitting Polar. RoK who was a member of SF defended Polar, and RIA fought on both sides. Nice try but that's just completely false.


    In case you forgot Xiph was working with VE to drop the hammer on Polaris. CSN fought and demanded ridiculous reps on that front. GOD fought on that front. What, 80% of SF fought on VE/PB side? Yeah that's no SF involvement at all.

    So did you enjoy it when you ruled with NPO? That just proves the point that you should keep getting beat down.[/quote]

    Well this makes no sense at all and has absolutely no bearing at all in any way, shape or form with what I said. If it does and I am missing something, please explain.

  4. [quote name='Conformist Maryland' timestamp='1308146582' post='2731852']
    Although I understand where you are coming from in regards to the current power structure, NPO was the mastermind of all those years of torture. To say otherwise would be foolish.

    See, I disagree with this. NPO lent it's political might to lots of things, just like a ton of other alliances did. But everything they get blamed for wasn't their fault. Other alliances had grudges and wars their carried out that Pacifica gets blamed for simply by being in power when they happened.

    [quote] Seriously? IAA was destroyed by NPO. It's not just someone "they don't like". It's kind of a big deal that TIO made the agreement to sign with NPO and inform IAA [i]afterward[/i] about the treaty. That's something that should not, and was not taken lightly. [/quote]

    I disagree that NPO destroyed IAA. IAA chose to disband rather than fight for their alliance's continued existence after declaring war on NPO while extremely unprepared to fight. In the end it was their lack of will and desire I guess to save damage to their nations that led to them disbanding. NPO didn't demand they disband and was taken by surprise when they chose to do so.

    But I didn't say I blamed IAA for dropping this treaty. More power to them if that's what they desire. It's the people in this thread who are calling this a "great move" and all that while sitting in a treaty web with people they claim to hate I am referring to with that statement.

  5. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1308120885' post='2731757']
    Every so often is an over statement. "You" were "randomly" attacked once. Don't try and act like it's happening all the frickin' time.

    Also SF wasn't involved in that. So... yeah...

    SF was involved in our Christmas war rolling and in rolling NSO over 6 million bucks. They were also involved in rolling Polar and even helping set Polar up for said rolling in the past war.

    [quote] Imagine if the current crop who get stomped on could figure out a way to dethrone the current power structure... Then Bob might be a bit more interesting eh? [/quote]

    I imagine a good portion of the current ruling crop would simply disband if they were put in the position that NPO and allies have been put in several times over the past 2.5 years. They certainly have in the past for far less.

    No one could do it alone. NPO was just the leader back then, both by sheer size and [I'm sure] politically. The leader gets the credit and the blame for actions, though. Can you argue that NPO wasn't the leader back then? [/quote]

    NPO gets way to much credit/blame for everything that went on back then. Often by people who actually backed NPO and a lot of it's actions with both political and military force.

    [quote] You wouldn't praise an alliance for dumping someone who is getting closer to your enemy? [/quote]

    Not if I sat tied in a pile of treaties with alliances I claim to dislike or downright hate.

  6. [quote name='Greg23' timestamp='1308111142' post='2731677']
    I find it very funny how people who werent around at all during NPO's insane ruling can mock it. If you were not in NPO or a meatshield alliance of NPO then you were cautious every day. Most people never posted on the forums outside of those alliances just for fear that whatever you say, government or just some noob, you gave NPO reason to roll you. Everyone mocks it but NPO ruled Bob with an iron fist. I am glad I was able to experience it all though.

    Welcome to the last 2+ years of sitting where we sit now where DH/PB/CnG/SF and whomever randomly roll you every so often because you actually have the sack to exist still among other things. You realize there are a large portion of nation rulers who never knew of this but only know the current world structure where the current heg has always been the world power. Imagine if the current crop who get stomped on these past 2+ years lacked spine like so many past alliances and just chose to quit after a couple weeks or month of war?

    Also, NPO never did it alone. Not even the current crop of whipping boys that get rolled with NPO were all their support. Most of that power is still in power today. They just made sure to position themselves in a way where they are always clinging to that structure.

    IAA can hold a grudge and more power to them if that's how they choose to run their alliance. People in the current heg can praise the move and it's for the reason Schatt pointed out. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. They sit huddled with people they claim to have a great dislike for simply to remain in power, yet praise IAA here for abandoning someone because that someone is allied to someone they don't like.

  7. I voted 90-100 and yes. When every semi-major war the past 2+ years has saw them rolling in lockstep, I can't see any reason to see it differently.

    MHA and Sparta have never been ones to lead anything. Look at the hoops Umbrella had Sparta jumping through last war. MHA only wakes up to help out in extreme curbstomp situations. CnG is down so low that it can't afford to lose any ties to PB/DH that it currently has, so I doubt it steps away from this cluster, and SF is in nearly the same shape these days.

    When you look at it, it's a grouping of alliances who have never lost a war, or never lost a modern era war. By that I mean a Karma onwards type that is full nuke from the 25th hour and lasts 2-4 months. They have managed that by not sticking their necks out until 100 percent sure they have far superior numbers. I doubt we see them do it anytime soon.

  8. Many in tC didn't like each other either. You still stuck with each other and your members tied yourselves in such as way that to take on one bloc was to defacto take on the other bloc.

    Now, while both blocs are not the premiere blocs in the current ruling hegemony, they are still snuggled into the middle of the pack through their treaty ties. Especially now that SF has shed RoK and their Polar treaty and appeared to choose VE over complete bloc unity.

  9. [quote name='Natan' timestamp='1305781055' post='2714758']
    When have we ever said that?

    Really it is pretty wide spread thought within the old guard of Umbrella that the most regretablle decisions we made were partaking in the woodstock massacre and demanding reperations of polaris during WoTC, but that is the fault of the alliance not an individual, we're democratic so we can't do what polar does, and just always blame it on the emperors power ("Hey man we couldn't stop it I'm only the regent, I just stood by and watched, couldn't do anything more than that) I know if nearly any umbrella member could go back in cybernations time and change things they would change those two events.

    Good try though, I guess?

    Actually I am pretty sure Roq was throwing the govt has changed line of thinking out there a month or two ago in regards to certain UMB actions that other alliances have been vilified and rolled for in the past.

  10. [quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1305690236' post='2714124']
    From my understanding, Exodus accepted El Barto and only after El Barto was firmly on the Exodus AA did attacks begin with no prior warning. Nor were they informed of the PZI listing until after attacks began.

    His war screen shows that he was unaligned when the attacks started.

  11. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1305688471' post='2714104']

    5. TPF vs trying to find a way out of fighting in great wars


    We keep getting our ass kicked in that one because we end up fighting in all of them the past several years. As it is, we've probably spent well over 200 days at war in the past 4 large wars. And we had the Christmas war to boot.

    I would say we rank in the top 3 or 4 for total days at war since 2008.

  12. [quote name='Chaunce' timestamp='1305688914' post='2714108']
    After he rejoined, we talked to SUN and thought it was over with and worked out. But then they continued to attack, saying "you can have him with no infra". They acknowledged he was an X member, but they were going to zi him. That is when we had a problem with it.

    In most cases the person would have been accepted after his ZI was complete. I certainly think it's fairly ridiculous that SUN has to pay 24 million in reps to be honest.

    But if they agreed to pay it, oh well.

  13. Actually we were probably as heated with STA at one point as we were with anyone else. But those leaders departed the planet and STA as it turns out is one of the best alliances out there.

    Atlantis back in the earlier days, they folded up shop though.

    PC, there was lots of dislike there from certain members and other members thought of those guys as friends even though all the Karma stuff happened how it did.

    Athens was pretty heated for a while, they've been pretty cool in the current war however. So has LOST for that matter. You guys are alright in my book.

    Probably #1 on the rivalry list these days is still the former UJP members. Mainly because they never seem to want to get over anything and keep attacking us.

  14. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1305144358' post='2710218']
    We're putting our best nations forward to do the maximum amount of damage possible, not hiding from a war and trying to wish it away. There's a pretty clear difference here.

    Umbrella maybe....but MK members have just said they are in peace mode because they knew NPO would be coming after them.

  15. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1305100599' post='2710047']
    When quoting my leaders you seem to have forgotten my actual leader and focused instead on Mushroom Kingdom for some reason, and for that your post is as useless as it is fallacious. But I'll spare you the effort of looking it up:


    I believe that a good portion of that was from the Doomhouse DoW. Not an MK DoW....Doomhouse. You. Your leaders. Your nations, through aggressive warfare backing that document and everything in it.

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