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Vol Navy

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Posts posted by Vol Navy

  1. [quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1303486131' post='2696599']
    i take it you're no familiar with the problem that caused this to happen :P

    Gotham was trying to force people into their AA via raids and if the person still wouldnt join then the alliance leader gave the order to attack

    i applaud this actually and we're a raiding alliance lol

    I thought most people were applauding the GOONS raid em til they join an alliance method not very long ago.

  2. I have to laugh at people saying this isn't somehow forced reps because MK is paying for tech.

    I can hardly believe TOOL was just sitting around hoping that MK would come along and buy tech from them.

    This prevents in large part TOOL from rebuying tech lost in this war in it's upper tiers because their sellers are being forced to sell to MK.

    As has been the case for the past 2+ years now, MK and company get further ahead, this entire side falls further behind. No more balance in the world until some people that stick with the current hegemony decide that there isn't any challenge or fun in keeping rolling the NPO sphere.

    As members of this small sphere have demonstrated, we aren't going to break, we aren't going to die, we aren't going to disband. We will simply rebuild and fight the best fight we can muster every time you have a bad dream about 2007 NPO. Unfortunately that fight will be less and less even as there is simply no possible way to compete with the technology the PB/DH/CnG and satellite alliances (Sparta, TOP, MHA etc) have aquired over the past 2-3 years while this side has had theirs blown away then shipped out to that side.

  3. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1302293333' post='2687033']
    It's really not the thread, but to humour you briefly: No, PB is not 'imperialistic'. PB has started one war (this one), and that was because of one of our members being spied on. You can bring the NPO front into the discussion but that really doesn't have much to do with PB, as the ties that connect those alliances predate PB and something similar could easily have happened without PB. I'm not sure where you get SF's 'laid back' attitude either since RoK and/or GOD have been primary drivers behind several real or close wars since Karma.

    PB is a power political entity, for sure. I guess you can conflate that with 'imperialistic' if you try really hard. We aren't trying to form an empire or overarching hegemony that everyone has to live under, though, and that's what imperialism is. (There aren't many times in history when anyone really has been imperialist. I guess the Orders with their joint structures of Continuum-One Vision-BLEU could be argued to be one.)

    Now, if you want to have a big discussion about the evils of PB, we should probably take it elsewhere. The only relevance it has here is that apparently RIA bought into some of the nonsense that anti-PB people have been saying recently.

    (I'm going to leave the joining-SF thing alone because someone more informed can field that.)


    So PB doesn't really have anything to do with the NPO front....outside of the fact that 2 members of PB are behind the initial assault and now VE and FOK are fighting against people on that front too. It's also been stated many times that your NpO war is part of the NPO front by top gov from PB members.

    And yes, I am sure that RIA just didn't see anything for themselves based on your actions. Just bought into all this anti-PB propaganda and rage quit on you without a word.

    Once again, chickens come home to roost. Frankly it's a bold move by RIA and one that likely places them in no small amount of danger given the general "if you aren't with us you're against us stance" that comes from PB/DH so often.

  4. [quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1302122177' post='2685669']

    It's funny because this statement is always presented by NPO representatives and their sympathizers without addressing any real point.

    Trying to intimidate representatives into silence, another blatant NPO political atrocity. One which makes me glad that DH took the intiative to punish those responsible for this fascistic stance.

    A) Look at who is running the WPE contest. The same one that runs all the other "worst" whatever contests.

    B) You are making some of the worst and most ill informed posts these boards have ever produced.

    C) Remove the stick from your own eye. One of the 1883 reasons DH has presented for attacking NPO was because they were saying mean stuff about poor little MK on these forums.

    D) Honestly...the Emperor of the NPO doesn't run the NPO? If that's the case then DH should be very happy since one of the things they harp on is that the Gov of NPO never changes (although frankly it changes more often than most DH/PB govts).

    You are just making a very rapid accumulation of posts that make you appear completely clueless as to the history and culture of Bob. It's honestly to the point that I believe you may be a reroll and are being intentionally clueless.

  5. I would say it's more blatant hypocrisy than outright lying.

    PM for FAN....Great tactic! We love FAN!

    PM for NPO....You alliance must be destroyed even though you've lost over 60% of your pre-war NS. It's just so we can stop this from ever happening again....errmm for the good of Bob!! Yeah..that's it.

    Pre-Emptive Strike on CnG....You cowards are terrible and must pay massively for this unprovoked attack!!!

    Pre-Emptive Strike on NPO....Great military planning. No one should be upset with this at all!

    MK provkes, makes fun of, prods, treats NPO like crap.....Goody! It's the DH lifestyle!

    NPO returns a fraction of the same MK's way....NPO is a big meanie and needs to change their attitude!!!!

    GOONS is different than old GOONS. We just get the members from the same place and have several of the same gov members!

    NPO is the same as old NPO. They just have a bunch of new post Karma members and several of the same gov!

    NPO is evil! They rolled GPA! They were big baddies years and years ago. They rolled alliances for terrible reasons!!! Sure they paid more massively than any alliance ever for that and changed leadership twice and have tons of post-Karma new members. Doesn't matter!

    Umb helped NPO roll GPA. TOP and VE supported them via MDoAP for a long time too. But they've changed a ton. They'd never just roll an alliance out of the blue on sketchy charges!

    These are just some of the basics from this thread where the stance from DH is exceptionally hypocritical.

  6. [quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1301971153' post='2684416']
    You would not have been attacked. If you clearly stated you were out, that'd be the end of it. Granted you lose great allies like Legion and TPF (who wouldn't have much reason to stay out of the war anymore) and such but at least you'd truly be "out of it" like you've claimed. If you think Doomhouse would attack you and destroy it's position in the same way NPO attacked GPA and is still haunted by that...


    Problem being Roq has already said NPO was getting rolled soon no matter what, either as part of the Polar/VE fiasco or shortly after.

    And I really hope this ends the poor wittle FAN stuff that constantly crops up here on Bob for good. It's not like they were Little Mary Sunshine strolling innocently along back when they got rolled years ago.

  7. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301942897' post='2684096']
    36 nations (~8% of our alliance) in peace for less than a week because they're restocking nukes is not the same thing as 193 nations (~39% of NPO) in peace, a large portion of which have been there for more than a month (or two) to avoid fighting entirely. All peace mode uses are not equal. But nice try.

    Must you continuously lie? Of your current top 50 nations in PM, none have been there less than 2 weeks. Most of them have been there since February and one since January.

    Peace mode has been used in every war on PB for years. It will continue to be used unless people are just complete idiots no matter how much crying and foot stomping DH does about it.

  8. [quote name='Borsche' timestamp='1301763406' post='2682910']
    What about: it's fine when we do it to people who also did it?

    Then you become one of those people that it's fine to do it to. Which is fine by me. As long as you guys (DH) admit it and stop acting like white knights trying to rid the world of oppression when you are the main source of it the past two years.

  9. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1301715559' post='2682661']
    What exactly have they done since Karma?

    What exactly do they stand for?

    What exactly are their plans?

    To me it appears that it is DH who is trying to force NPO to be a tool of theirs or wipe NPO/their allies off the planet. So I would venture that you are just fine with those two options.

    The prevailing theme of this thread is that it's fine when they do it. Not good when anyone else does it.

  10. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1301693971' post='2682450']
    TPF doesn't regret betraying UJP in that war, so there's really no reason for people to get over it. You even said specifically that when you join an alliance, you take on the baggage that alliance has - in Umbrella's case, it's involvement in the GPA war, which you're now using to state has tainted Umbrella forever. So in your case, wouldn't you say your being in TPF means you have to take the responsibility of betraying the UJP and forcefully disbanding NoV?

    I don't know if the general body of TPF regrets their actions in UJP or not, mainly because most of them have no idea what it even was. They weren't on Bob yet when it happened. There is literally almost no one in TPF who was there and it hasn't been mentioned in years on our boards until the Umbrella member told one of our members that's why you were attacking us.

    I would also argue that we paid for a lot of things in Karma. I mean we lost over half our membership, mostly to deletion and 90% of our pre-war NS. Then paid reps to boot at a time when we had about 3 members left in the alliance with more than 20 million dollars left for warchests.

    Roq is the one saying that Umbrella isn't responsible for the GPA stuff any more because leadership has changed. I would wager our membership turnover is way way higher since UJP than Umbrella's is since GPA got rolled. Our leadership is definitely way different. I don't think TCK had even found Bob when that occured. Slayer99 is long gone from the planet. We've paid our toll in blood 4 times over now for our past actions.

    Either admit that you guys are going to continuously roll what's left of this side til the planet blows up or stop living for revenge for things that happened 3-4 years ago. If not, at least own up to the skeletons in your own closet instead of acting like you are pristine.

  11. One of our members was told recently by a member of UMB that we were being attacked for the whole UJP stuff that happened almost 4 years ago under completely different leadership and alliance makeup. Hell, I've been in TPF for over 3 years and I wasn't there for the UJP. Talk about people not being able to let things go...

  12. Now if you tell DH/PB/CNG/SF no, if you enter via oA on a treaty, if you defend yourself or your allies, or if you do nothing at all you get rolled for months and then charged reps for the privilege.

    You guy sure are different from the old NPO.

    At least mpol admitted that FAN were complete dicks to everyone they could treat that way back when they got rolled. You guys act like your crap doesn't smell bad and that it never has, that it was just big bad NPO and it's 1200 nations forcing the other 14 or 15 thousand it was allied to to do their bidding.

  13. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1301351381' post='2679396']
    Once again, its not really a point that's up for debate. The numbers and people involved have all been publicly tracked for all to see.

    [url="https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ao8LX9Y0ZHL6dEV2cFA3d05jdGFhVWJsYW9qcWtaaEE&hl=en#gid=2"]This sheet was circulating all over IRC and had constant updates as people came in and went out[/url], so this is all pretty much common knowledge (note that at this point it obviously isn't current and the last update was well after the surrenders began, but you can still see the lack of disparity between the sides and the amount of engagement in each). Honestly, ask around if you don't believe it. I'm sorry if it ruins your excuse-fantasy, but it just kind of is what it is.

    The problem being that this side had pretty much exhausted every alliance that could possibly enter the conflict. The other side still has alliances that hadn't or haven't fought that could enter. Other problems also crop up, the huge nuke and tech advantage being two of the larger ones.

    At no point would this war have been in doubt for DH/Allies no matter what anyone on this side did.

  14. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1301347274' post='2679338']
    The numbers in this war were more even then any other in recent memory, for the onset and short time thereafter until surrenders started rolling in, that is. A few fronts remained even throughout as well. So while it may be true as a general statement, it certainly doesn't apply to this war.

    This fallacy kills me. There was a huge amount of NS in reserve that was sitting idle or mostly idle to help out as soon as DH wanted it. There was never a point in this war where this side would have had any numerical advantage for more than 1 day. If it was even in question DH would never have launched the war to start with.

  15. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1301321137' post='2679065']
    hahahahahaha. I love how Confusion is hated for carrying grudges while it is apparent that many others do the same. So glad that hypocrisy and double standards continue to reign in TE as well.

    We have been attacked 3 or 4 rounds in a row by your running mates in RE. When something happens every single round it sorta makes you raise an eyebrow about who is carrying things over. This round they finally figured out that they should declare on several people but focus all their energy upon THP. I will give them kudos for that, they finally managed a destructive war against us even though it took them pretty much fighting us with double our NS.

  16. [quote name='Frostfirefox' timestamp='1301293761' post='2678917']
    Wait, we're a bloc now?

    When you are "friends" and your President is planning their wars in a fashion to weak future opponents, yes, you are a defacto bloc.

    When your bloc rises, another will rise against it. I suspect you will have long rounds in the future. Hell, next few rounds might be TE Karma for your bloc from early stages onward. You can almost guarantee you won't be allowed to sit back and twiddle your thumbs while everyone else burns like you did this round.

  17. 80% of the wars in the first couple of days were focused on THP and the lions share by far still are even though CA had more members than we had. Hell, I have a peak infra of 1260 this round and was declared on by 2 nations with 2000 and one with 3800, all of which had nukes, I did not. I declared on 3 guys with 1040, 1550, and 999 infra.

    CA and TF didn't even have nations in range of your top tier of nations when you declared.

  18. We got the same treatment this round from RE as the tW/G-6 situation earlier to a large extent. They technically DoW'd on 3 alliances but 80% of the war was focused on THP the first couple days, so in effect it was their 50+ nations vs our 25. I ended up declaring on 3 guys with similar infra to me, then getting declared on by 3 guys with double or triple my infra as well as some 15 or so nukes. I had 0 nukes.

    I will only say this, early rounds should be quite fun for the G-6/RE bloc in the future.

  19. Oh well, looks like the curbstomp mentality of SE is now being firmly established in TE. And yes I am 100% sure that RE's attack on us and the fact that they are focusing 90% of their war effort on us is directly related to this conflict.

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