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Vol Navy

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Posts posted by Vol Navy

  1. [quote name='ImperialCubanacan' timestamp='1300258193' post='2666341']
    Yes. I wake up every morning and am concerned about how best to derail New Pacific Order. My very existence depends on the final outcome of Cyber Nations as a whole. If New Pacific Order still exists the day the plug is pulled, I will drive my car into a lake. :rolleyes:

    Really though, this game offers nothing else besides the same drama, everywhere.

    Maybe, maybe NoR gets an exception, though you went to great lengths to get into this war vs Pacifica.

    But most Doomhouse/PB posting and policy revolves around NPO. TOP seems to live to get some great revenge on Polaris for BiPolar even though they stuck the first knife in Polar during WoTC.

    Let either Order begin a topic and see how quickly it's filled with DH/PB members deriding everything or how quickly TOP is in a Polar thread threatening them with war shortly.

    Pacifica was the driving force on the planet when the planet was much more crowded and popular. Try as they might no other alliance is ever going to eclipse the impact NPO had on Bob. I think that just causes untold grief among certain parties. They finally took over, but the planet is a shell of it's former self under their rule.

    The other thing that gets me is that people from GOONs and other alliances who are arrogant in the extreme and proud of it that are lecturing Pacifica about being arrogant. I loved Lakerzz8's comment about the invention of mirrors in GOONs land a couple pages ago. It was very fitting.

  2. Surprisingly enough, even though they hadn't fought anyone (0 casualties/wars when I declared) and had similar sized nations to mine 2 of the Synergy guys I fought had no war chest at all. I was litereally looting less than 10 bucks from the 1st attack on them, spying with 90% odds, and they didn't have much of any air force to speak of either.

    Honestly I am not sure what they spent their money on since they had neither spies nor planes.

    The last guy I dow'd had about 600 more infra than me and actually had spies and an air force. Sadly he never ga'd me, just air and cm. I did loot full money each time so I guess he had some savings too.

    In this setting have 20 active and skilled nations is more effective than having 40 nations who are so so or worse at war prep and actual warring.

    And Judge is correct regarding Legion, it wasn't a long fight but I had to send him a message to put some pressure on a Legion guy filling one of my slots before this kicked off.

  3. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1300145004' post='2665025']
    While Yev is certainly joking, I think the easy survival of "the other side of the web" for the 1.5 years between Karma and this war proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that Pacifica isn't a vital ingredient.

    Yes, only around 10k people abandoned the planet and there were almost daily threads about the planet dying during that frame.

    Also a good portion of the last year and a half was spent trying to bait Pacifica into war and by others seeking vengence against Polaris.

    That's why any thread like this from NPO is bombarded by Doomhouse and their allies. Why there was a red raiding safari. The game is extremely NPO centric and so many alliances simply define their very existence based on actions from NPO.

  4. I swear some of the stuff in this thread just cracks me up, especially from parties not from alliances named FAN.

    For 2 years now this side of the web has been randomly rolled for basically nothing, but all the alliances doing it still decry stuff that happened 3 years or more ago and act like they are the clean handed saints of the game.

    Hell, even Mpol admitted that FAN were major dicks back then and just rolled random people for the lulzyness of it, but that's all forgotten. They shouldn't have been kept in peace mode for so long by Pacifica but there is really only so many times NPO should have to pay and keep paying for that.

  5. More from my buddy Fyterpilot22.

    [quote]To: General Neyland From: Fyterpilot22 Date: 3/10/2011 7:56:39 AM

    Subject: RE: Battle Report

    Message: Have fun wasting time on a nation that doesn't care :) i've been playing this game for 4 years too! how awesome. i love screwing nations like yours over in TE.

    I can only figure he is going to turtle the rest of the cycle. That'll show me! Dedicated member you have there Synergy.

  6. Synergy, one of your idiotic members sent me this and switched his AA to The Hell Patrol, I assume he meant to put The Hell Patrol POW in there. He is absolutely flat broke and already cratered. Still, this made the war for me no matter what else happens.

    To: General Neyland From: Fyterpilot22 Date: 3/9/2011 2:13:41 AM

    Subject: RE: Battle Report

    Message: are you $%&*ing retarded? hmmm... yeah let's go ahead and drop our alliance ranking by attacking our own people. god damn you are $%&*ing retarded. good luck staying in the $%&*ing top 10 percent. [/quote]

    And sorry mod's for the language, that was his message verbatim.

  7. [quote name='Fyfe XIV' timestamp='1299570184' post='2656512']
    I was actually responding to ktarthan with an explanation for what he had encountered. Thanks for the concern though.

    I'm sad to see TPF knocked out (semi-serious face). I've actually come to appreciate you guys with this war <_<

    You Athens guys are alright too. But people are peacing out and rebuilding, we are still at war, so it's not surprising we are slipping down while others pass us on their way back up the charts.

  8. At this point it seems RoK has the upper hand on the war front. Sure their top tier got roughed up but now they have PC at an almost 3-1 disadvantage where the war can be fought. PC is bringing in nations from other alliances to actually fight RoK at this point.

    Well over half of PC's ns is in it's top 15 and I think maybe one of those nations can currently engage RoK. So PC isn't really able to put any additional war pressure on RoK and is just holding their own nations at war extra rounds over this.

  9. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1299434919' post='2654528']
    Sounds great.

    So why is your side supporting it when they do it and then coming here to complain about us doing it?

    I have been going along with the whole coalition idea, thus the other thread you referred to. It's you guys who only want to call it coalition warfare when it suits you.

  10. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1299390565' post='2654162']
    I heard in another thread that the other side is using coalition warfare and doesn't need treaties or CBs to declare war, so can't we just apply that here and stop asking NoR what their reasons were?

    I heard in a thread a long time before that one from your side that this was acceptable behavior in coalition warfare and that treaties weren't needed. Here are a few examples from the Sparta DoW on NV after UMB told em to hit NV.

    [quote name='Matthew Conrad' timestamp='1295900418' post='2597001']
    Honestly people who complain about coalition warfare seem to often find themselves on the wrong side of one. Seriously, stop complaining about the use of strategy.

    [quote name='King Chill I' timestamp='1295916236' post='2597425']
    When will people get this through their heads. You attack whoever you want and whoever needs to be attacked.

    [quote name='KingEd' timestamp='1295919733' post='2597539']
    And please, stop being so naive as to think that people aren't treating this as a coalition war - it has been a coalition war since day 1.

    [quote name='King Chill I' timestamp='1295923823' post='2597716']
    I pray to the gods that we have more CBless declarations in the future.

    This whole "you need a treaty to declare war" things is just plain illogical and counterproductive to an overall victory.

    [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1295856332' post='2596253']
    The attacks on Sparta for not having a bunch of ghost declarations so their could be an official treaty link for this is pretty silly.

    They picked their side based on who their allies and friends are, and now they are helping that side win. I have no problem with this.

    Good luck Sparta!

  11. I would only say that anyone who thought there was some kind of window for this side to have evened out this war by having the upper tier come out of PM and fight is quite spectacularly wrong.

    DH and company would never, ever have declared in the first place if the end was in the slightest doubt. I suppose you thought that alliances like TOP were just going to twiddle their thumbs when all the upper tier on this side attacked.

    Some of you also must not have fought much warfare in the 100k+ range. Those 10k+ tech nations going against the 5-6k tech nations on this side do about twice as much damage, so fighting 3 of them isn't very easy. I lost 65k NS in a cycle vs 4 MK and 1 UMB, 3 of which had 11 or 12 thousand tech.

  12. [quote name='Denial' timestamp='1299367589' post='2653847']
    As far as I see it, neither GOONS nor Doom House as a whole have a single issue with the act of being counter-attacked. Yet, when alliances make a clear [i]choice[/i] to be involved in the counter-attack - that is, they acted though optional treaty clauses, or no treaty at all - they better believe they are going to receive a swift and devastating reprimand for such action upon losing the war. Just as I would have expected Doom House to receive quite harsh terms had we lost this conflict.

    And alliances on this side pretty much say flip you and your terms. We've saw that even massive reps make not a single bit of difference other than to strengthen your side for the next time you decide to roll us.

    I would personally rather be at bill lock and triple Z than to see a single unit of technology flow from here towards PB/DH. This planet is old and withered and if my nation must perish off it after nearly 4 years, so be it.

  13. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1299367384' post='2653842']
    To say we're "mad" is a stretch. Frankly I was glad to fight and smash HeroofTime not once, but twice. And watch his NS dwindle to nothing while I went back up and destroyed six more NPO guys (or five and a TPF or something, I forget).

    What we're arguing is the idea that 64Digits had no choice but to enter, and that them paying reps would be unreasonable. If HoT wants to make good on his "we'll never pay you reps and will wage an eternal war against GOONS" claim, he's free to. But arguing that it's extortion to ask for 64Digits to pay something when they triggered an optional treaty to defend someone defending someone? Yeah, that's dumb.

    It's war. If you lose you're going to be at the mercy of the people who won. So if you aren't cool with that, don't declare war in the first place.

    Well he seems to acknowledge that he will be at the mercy of you, just that he's not paying you reps. His choice to make. And you guys have spent much of this thread trying to look like the victims here. At one point you posted that every alliance besides NPO was the aggressors on your front. That's ridiculous.

  14. [quote name='Choson' timestamp='1299366224' post='2653827']
    I didn't know we had assaulted 64Digits. I could have sworn they attacked us.

    At least wait until the war is over to start revising history.

    Your side assaulted this side. Coalition warfare. You know.....what Umbrella and your side has been speaking of since the Polar war started. No more ghost DoW's. Just attack who you want to, treaty be damned. That has been the stance coming from PB/UMB. It appears that UMB is pretty much at the top of the food chain in this conflict with the war planning.

    Except in this case you are actually being critical of people who entered via direct treaty where not even ghost DoW's were required.

  15. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1299365616' post='2653817']
    We're willing to be responded to, but those who respond should be aware of the risks when they have no real obligation, especially when bad blood is pre-existing. Simple as that.

    They felt they had an obligation. Simple as that. 64 digits has fought in every single war TPF has fought in for years. Our entire section of the web is under direct, aggressive, and unprovoked assault from your side of the web.

    I swear if people don't fight you guys get mad, if they do you guys get mad. Well if you are going to get mad either way, blowing up GOOns is a better reason than sitting on the sidelines waiting on you to pre-emptively strike next.

  16. [quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1299362372' post='2653777']
    NPO isn't going to financially back its supporters like our allies will.

    Pacifica sent out billions of dollars that no one even asked for to it's allies post-Karma.

    We don't particularly need their money currently, unlike a certain alliance that is simply unprepared to the max for the fire it jumped into.

  17. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1299312766' post='2653355']
    Where is the clash? You can be aggressive while participating in a coalition war. Was 10-12 alliances on GOONS needed? Or was it a good way of getting a cheap shot in? Given the history between GOONS and several of the alliances who are not directly treatied to the New Pacific Order that attacked them, they knew what they were getting into.

    I agree completely, you were extremely aggressive in starting this coalition war. GOOns shouldn't complain when they are responded to after starting an aggressive war. You were all for no treaty at all being required for Sparta earlier in the Polar front. Now everyone from your side complains that GOOns are responded to by actual treaties. It's bold faced hypocrisy. If you don't want to be responded too, don't start aggressive wars just because you don't like someone.

  18. [quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1299291309' post='2652990']
    Ok, I may have understated things with a "slight" advantage, but historically speaking when you look at world wars in the past, a two-to-one advantage for the declaring side on day one before counters is fairly unremarkable.

    Yes, and you never ever had alliances waiting in the wings, like say...TOP to enter either did you? Your side had a massive advantage from day one. You never would have lauched this attack unless that was assured. Heck, the massive tech advantage that UMB and the upper tier of MK has over this side who have spent two years getting stomped and paying reps basically means their nations pretty much double the damage of nations on this side in the same NS ranges.

  19. I wish you DH people could get a story straight. The big bosses at Umbrella are saying this is a coalition war and that your side doesn't even need a treaty chain to enter any front, just go where needed. Then you have Beefspari saying every single alliance at war with GOONs besides NPO are the aggressors on their front. Lamuella seems somewhere in the middle of the pack.

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