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Vol Navy

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Posts posted by Vol Navy

  1. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1301114838' post='2676797']
    8 counters by carlos.

    As of now 4 Carlos nations have declared offensively and 0 TF nations.

    So I stand by my statement that we are pretty much in this alone.

    Oh well, to ZI I go!

  2. We we are pretty much fighting RE alone at this point. I think they have about 3 TF declarations and maybe a dozen or so wars with Carlos. TF hasn't fought back at all and Carlos has had maybe 2-3 nations declare offensively.

  3. [quote name='Owney OSullivan' timestamp='1301047365' post='2675941']
    Anyone feel like posting the pre-war stats? I'm too lazy right now...

    And hey RE, if you're declaring war on those 3 alliances why haven't you declared a single war on TF yet? And why are you focusing mostly on THP? I count 14 offensive wars on THP, 5 on CA, and 0 on TF. Interesting. Seems like RE really wanted to get at THP for screwing up the last down-declare and perhaps added CA and TF to make it look like it's not another one. Just the impression I get, no offense intended if I am incorrect of course.

    P.S. Rome wasn't built in a day but it's been proven that it can be torn down in just a few. Good luck and have fun everyone, especially THP! o7

    Interesting isn't it? I kinda thought the same thing but who knows with RE. It's not exactly like they had that much of a blitz on us either, though we are getting about 75% of the declarations they could muster.

  4. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1301032135' post='2675835']
    you know you love it :D

    Ha, I wouldn't mind fighting someone different on occasion. We had brief fun with Legion and Synergy earlier this round. But at least it's a lot of old familiar faces across the trenches from RE.

  5. [quote name='stepanek' timestamp='1301025614' post='2675617']
    I'm seeing the phrase "pre-Karma" appearing repeatedly... can someone explain this?

    Karma was the war that removed NPO from power. It was kicked off with a flowery statement from Archon of the Mushroom Kingdom about how the entire world was sick of NPO's various "crimes" such as unprovoked curbstomps, prolonged wars, harsh reparations, things like that. NPO and what allies it had that didn't bail for the other side lost that war. It lasted 3 months for NPO and did more damage than any war in the history of CN. To top it off NPO had to pay the largest reparations by far in the history of CN to quite a number of alliances for those "crimes" which kept the largest alliance in CN out of the game for a full year and a half. They still hadn't come close to a full recovery when DH launched their current war.

    So when people say pre-Karma they refer to a time when NPO was in power and hadn't yet shed blood and tech for their various actions.

  6. [quote name='Tromp' timestamp='1301010189' post='2675250']
    If that's the minimum, I'm fine with it. We're helping to get this front closed sooner, and I'm sure that in the end it'll have a satisfactory end for all those who are involved. Which you are not, by the way. :)

    Someday your bill will come due, unless you are allowed to flop sides again.

  7. [quote name='Tromp' timestamp='1301007041' post='2675189']

    We're here to support those we are friends with and allied to. It's nothing different from what other alliances do.


    Sorry but at the very minimum you are lending your political and military strength to preemptive aggressive war and imposing large reps on people defending several fronts away from the original triggering mechanism for the whole conflict.

    Since FOK never had to pay the toll for these same type of acts as part of tC I guess it was never driven into your skull that you are just as guilty as the people demanding reps if you are lending your strength to taking them.

  8. [quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1301006758' post='2675181']
    It's not paranoia if there is a justifiable reason behind it. That reason being it's happened a dozen times before.

    Your brothers in TPF, loyal to NPO as they are, must not have read much about NPO and their philosophy regarding non-Pacificans. It's clear you haven't.

    I think when you refer to revisionism you are accusing me of using incorrect information to back my case. I charge you to provide evidence. I get my facts from the NPO wiki. Good luck.

    In closing, I think you like using the words paranoi-a, -d and hilarious, as well as delusional, when you have no valid rebuttal.

    We are quite happy with our relationship with NPO. NPO has been a fine ally to us and even sent out billions in aid that we never even asked for once they were released from Karma terms. We, unlike many on Bob, aren't good timing allies that jump ship when the wind blows ill. We are friends to hell and back. NPO has shown nothing but that friendship back to us over the past several years.

  9. FOK you are imposing reps, just like Umbrella. Just because you didn't grab the money of out the guy's pocket, you are still part of the gang bashing his head on the ground while the robbery occurs.

    This thread is all about your backing of large reparations payments. So don't try and deflect it out of this topic.

  10. [quote name='Feldheim C' timestamp='1300958424' post='2674572']
    Nice try, but that doesn't answer the question.

    If attacking NPO meant we attacked TPF (as a coalition) then why did you declare on GOONS only and not all of DH and our comrades at arms? there's a full 10 day gap there, was that the length of time it took your alliance (and to an extent coalition) to come up with that policy (read: excuse)?

    Welcome to the new world. Not sure why we bothered with a DoW just as I said, DH and company certainly don't bother with them.

    Coalition warfare is like that I guess. Bob has a treaty web but after this war that no longer really applies. It's basically just coalitions, or so we were told when Sparta was ordered to attack NV by Umbrella without any treaty obligation.

    The Pacifica coalition was aggressively declared upon by the Doomhouse coalition. In the future when DH coaltion rolls us again (I figure you have at least one more in you before the political fallout becomes great enough to see DH on the chopping block) I would suggest our entire coalition just post a RoH and fight whomever we match up with best.

    That's basically what we did here but via DoW rather than RoH. We removed GOONs nations in the 20-50k ns range and have moved on to fighting UMB/MK/CnG as best we are currently able in those ranges. Sure MK's upper tier is sitting pretty but plenty of their nations are running through the meat grinder. They've lost almost half their pre-war NS themselves.

    As has been pointed out, Umbrella has been twiddling it's thumbs and using it's aid slots for means not normal to them, ie not importing huge amounts of tech.

    No one really grows. We stagnate, you stagnate. The rest of the world moves on, rebuilds, stocks up, techs up while both the DH coalition and the Pacifica coaltion fall behind. But since we see our options as be killed and pay reps or be killed in a way of our own choosing, we choose to be killed in the way that causes you the most trouble and frustration. It's quite fun.

  11. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300957749' post='2674559']
    I meant 78m, sorry.

    It's not new because it's not a coalition-wide policy and only applies to Umbrella. All I have said is Umbrella will not be asking for reps, which has been a consistent stance.

    To me you are asking for reps, just that they be sent to GOONs instead of UMB itself.

  12. [quote name='Feldheim C' timestamp='1300956838' post='2674551']
    Them why, by your logic, is it [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97811"]this[/url] and [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=98281"]this[/url] not one solid DoW?

    Honestly we were probably trying to stick to old world standards when DH threw them out the window. In the future I would hope we no longer post DoW's at all, just begin attacking per the Doomhouse standard.

  13. We posted a RoH because your coalition was attacking us with not even a DoW posted.

    Nothing is going to change any of that at this point. The greater world knows this is a war of your making, your aggression, your choosing.

    I am not sure why you don't just accept that and be done with it. At least MK does that much. The rest of you either cry about reps or try and spin 10 different reasons for the war.

    You hate NPO and want them dead is plenty enough reason to DoW as long as you have the power to do it. And for now you have the power. The political fallout has most likely been worse than you'd calculated but hey, even that doesn't matter much with the NS your coalition has and the alliances you lead around by the nose and sic on people who rock the boat.

  14. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300955317' post='2674535']
    You'll spin it as a RoH, but it doesn't matter since even your DoW on GOONS was superfluous as attacking NPO is attacking TPF automatically. Still waiting for the decs on FAN nations, tough guy.

    As far as I am concerned we are at war with FAN and NoR and every single alliance on your entire front. Your coalition aggressively declared on our coalition. But I did get a nice laugh out of the tough guy statement. Too bad I've been out of middle school for a few decades or that one would have really gotten me.

  15. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300954645' post='2674533']
    NoR had no one with decision-making capacity, while the leaders of CoJ and 64 digits and TPF all had their main guy on. In the case of WCE, it was you, Schattenmann, and TCK fully involved. Haha, I almost forgot the last one until now, but it's great.

    No, if attacking NPO was attacking TPF, you would have included Umbrella, MK, and FAN in your declaration. You didn't declare on us until like a week later. Deal with it.

    We declared war on you?

    I would love to see that.

  16. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300954191' post='2674522']
    That's not exactly it. CoJ and 64digits had history with GOONS. Simple as that. To expect them to get out without reps is ludicrous especially when they didn't have to declare on them. At least we don't pretend an oA is an MD.

    Declaring war on NPO isn't declaring war on TPF.

    You aggressively attacked our chaining MADP partner. By doing so you aggressively attacked TPF.

    As for 64 Digits, they are required by the OPP to defend TPF should TPF ask. It's a mandatory defense clause.

    You guys started this war 100%. You are the aggressors in every way, shape and form. You can spin. You can baw about poor wittle GOONs needing their reps. But that will never change the facts that you guys started the fight.

  17. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300953973' post='2674515']
    Not at all, you made the choice to declare solely on GOONS. The rest except Athens are GOONS treaty partners.

    GOONs declared aggressive war vs our MADP partner. Attacking NPO = attacking TPF.

    Trying to spin any of this in a way that suggests DH isn't the aggressor in this conflict is possibly to much of a stretch even for you guys.

  18. [quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1300953794' post='2674512']
    Fine, so they don't like how we entered. I was talking about how they hate us for "lampooning them" on the forums.

    They are in maximum hypocrite mode. They enter wars constantly with ghost DoW's that chain to oA or in the case of Sparta on NV, just because Umbrella told them thats where they had to go, treaty be damned.

    When they do it it's coalition warfare. When someone from this side enters even via treaty it's "AAAAHHHHH YOU MUST PAY REPS AND DIE!!!"

  19. [quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1300830946' post='2673328']
    Interesting, this is the first I've heard of this. Screenshots? Logs?

    What I find curious is that an imminent Pacifican entry was not cited in the declaration of war. Indeed, Archon's post claimed that Pacifica's allies were acting to protect them [i]from[/i] the war. If you attacked because you thought they were going to come in anyway, why not just say so?


    They hadn't needed to change the story to that line of reasoning at that time. They figured everyone would just say "LOLZZZ NPO sucks!" and hail them as heroes again.

  20. I think it's pretty hilarious that people are bragging they will keep getting aid for months and months. It's like Umbrella, MK, etc are paying reps to GOONs but instead of GOONs actually growing they are just stagnating too while barely keeping a pulse. And yes I know GOONs gained a bunch of new members during the war and has managed to up it's total ns by 100k or so since they bottomed out. Still, they aren't using all the money they are getting to do more than merely survive.

    But as was pointed out by Learz and others, this sets back your entire side by months. As for us, we frankly don't care because we've been told that our friends and by extension us, have no right to exist or prosper on Bob.

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