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Vol Navy

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Posts posted by Vol Navy

  1. [quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1309523166' post='2745889']
    Well this one is interesting... I always kind of saw the NPO as part of a central hub for the NSO after they drifted away from the NpO and well now I guess I'm wondering where the NSO wants to focus. I guess time will tell.

    I am probably way off but I've expected this followed by a GOONS treaty for quite a while now.

  2. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1309507559' post='2745802']
    I don't remember that many, to be fair. Not saying there wasn't but heh.


    I only know that MK went from 200+ to about 140 members during the course of the war. So MK was losing nations and I know of several who deleted while fighting TPF nations. What I couldn't understand were the people from MK who just rolled over and turtled in 1 vs 1 wars with billion dollar plus war chests. One of your guys fought one day of conventional attacks and fired one nuke at me. Then just sank on down to ZI. I spied him thinking he might be broke and he had 1.7 billion or something like that. It was a shocking change from MK during Karma for the entire course of the war.

  3. The biggest fallacy in any of this is saying or thinking that it would have made one whit of difference if Legion had all came out and fought at the same time. Or if everyone on this side had all came out and fought at the same time. The DH/PB/CnG/TOP conglomeration had this one well dominated before the first shot was fired. Otherwise it would have never been fired at all.

    As it is it was a protracted guerrilla type war. GOONs was wiped out from a NS perspective essentially from top to bottom, pretty much pounded into dust. MK's bottom 100 or so nations were beaten pretty badly to the point of wide spread PM, turtling if they couldn't get to PM and quite a few deletions.

    That's really about all we were capable of from a coalition stand point. 2 of the 3 initial aggressors took beatings that were likely far worse than they initially thought they would have to face. We were extremely overmatched in the upper tier as this side has never been able to recover the tech that was lost over the past 3-4 wars in comparison to the alliances who have mostly avoided major war losses or gotten massive tech reparations over the past 2+ years.

  4. I think SF would probably come out ahead. Mj would bleed off a lot of infra related NS compared to SF who appear to have much better infra/tech ratios among the top nations. After that it would be a numbers game with SF being able to get people to PM while keeping Mj staggered.

  5. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1309025478' post='2741216']

    Anyone remember the old boring unipolar world we lived in during the Q days? I think we've finally seen some interesting multipolar dynamics develop and hopefully a complete end to that abysmal period in history of our Planet Bob.

    Ummm the world is probably at it's unipolar peak from a sheer percentage of NS perspective. All these blocs have overlapping treaties that tie them together as much as Q ever had.

    Since Karma ended that was the FA goal by the current hegemony, first through the SF/CnG overlapping treaty fest that Xiph spoke of recently all the way through treaties like this.

  6. [quote name='Lord Curzon' timestamp='1309036567' post='2741319']
    Mmm, funny this one has come up again. I think you're aware of our position on who attempted what. So we could refight this point [b]AGAIN[/b] in a thread that has nothing to do with it, or we could leave it at that.

    I am actually referring to Sparta, MHA, alliances like that.

  7. [quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1308994395' post='2741074']
    Urrr.. I didn't fight for TORN in Karma. I was actually a member of one of the allies that burned for weeks. So thanking NPO would be out the question either way you look at it. I am just saddend TIO which is a good group of guys/gals has to suffer the PR hit they did, and the future issues they will have with the treaty upgrade.

    See, I burned for months in Karma. Was nuked for 45 consecutive days or so until there was finally a blown stagger. Went to PM for a couple weeks, came back out and burned again for months. Went from the top 200 in CN to a pile of rubble. Burned nearly a billion dollar war chest in 2 years ago money. Difference being, they are my allies and I have and would do it again for them and not feel bitter about it. I am curious about what alliance you were in and how you felt they betrayed you during that time frame as Karma was essentially a huge set up to roll NPO and certain allies who didn't chose to stab in the back to save their own skins.

  8. The only things I disagree with about your post is the claim that NPO is still any kind of world power and that they "sucked" at leading. If you took away their name and just looked at their nations and their treaties you'd see they are far from it. They are still isolated politically due to in large part to the very successful pre-Karma propaganda machine that was rolling along here on the OWF.

    As far as MK and NPO being friends, dunno about that. But treaty wise they currently have an ODAP for the next 6 months.

    As for Duckroll, I believe the last war showed you guys won't be defending NPO for a long long time, so you shouldn't worry about that. Even ML from Duckroll was left to fight on their own when they chose to defend TPF.

    In the leading department they were actually pretty great. They were the unquestioned top alliance on the planet while the planet was at it's height. If the history of Bob is were to be written they are basically the most important alliance that has existed. That's how much the entire planet has revolved around them for years now.

  9. [quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1308967813' post='2740845']
    :( Poor TIO getting sucked into the lies and the failure that we call Pacifica. I hope you guys get smart and get out before they turn there backs on you in a situation they start.

    I know you are big on the back stabbing thing due to the very convoluted events right as Karma started but really, you guys got off essentially scot-free in Karma.

    And I say convoluted because frankly I believe that you guys got played by Archon, which happens, that's why he's one of the most influential rules in Bob history.

    But still, even if you didn't and your version of the story is 100% accurate, you were allowed to peace out immediately while many of your allies burned for weeks or months then paid huge reps.

    You should probably thank NPO for doing you a huge favor.

  10. [quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1308881260' post='2739859']
    I agree that reps suck, but this isn't the reason why wars never start. I retract that blog I had stating that this was the reason (this was during my crazy stage).

    Wars don't start because the web is so very intertwined among basically every alliance that is currently capable of fighting a war. So since it takes the Orders and direct allies months to recover from the 4 month stompings war has become now, you have long waits between wars.

    God forbid a bloc pop up that someone from the PB/DH sphere doesn't cast a line to to bring them into the treaty ball of the current ruling core.

  11. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1308869491' post='2739670']
    No offense but, I'm willing to bet Duckroll & Mjolnir alone can take out SF and XX. Just sayin'


    Do you believe they'd be fighting them alone though? GOD and VE still have that whole MDAP thing going on, and Sparta and MHA are both tied directly to Umbrella. I believe FOK is tied to FARK and R&R. CSN is tied to GOONS. So it looks like you'd get PB along with your XX/SF. I don't believe either DR or Mj are quite so tied into the Pandoran/DH ruling structure.

    At that point I can't believe MK would activate their PIAoDPT or whatever it is exactly with NoR either. So unless there was a rash of treaty cancellations it would most likely just be DR and Mj getting rolled for a few months.

  12. Must not unravel treaty ball. Check.

    SOS gets a sucker punch in with little consequence. Check.

    I agree with Schatt, they actually came out of this pretty decently. How often do you get to blitz someone's protectorate for basically nothing and get away with 0 reps?

    Heck, NSO got rolled for aiding one nation at war with a RoK protectorate. But that had no treaty web implications, so it was a prosecutable war. This one, not so much.

  13. [quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1308547333' post='2735573']
    Lucky you... as someone that considers a lot of these guys on both sides friends the closest comparison I can make is being a kid down at the local mall and watching your parents break into a complete screaming match resulting in divorse papers being signed then and there in the food court with a hundred odd gawkers leaning in to watch. sad...very sad

    I can see that from your point of view. For the rest of us, well, drama drives the game and it's nice to actually see drama not directly involving an Order and someone else for a change.

  14. First Poison Clan goes and now Athens. Thank goodness for GOONs or there wouldn't be anyone left to dislike since we made amends with STA.

    Seriously though, I had a good time with Athens and =LOST= this past war. Hope you guys enjoy your new alliance with your old friends.

    Another thanks to Helstrm from =LOST= who pushed me over 5 million casualties this war. I haven't forgotten ya buddy! Hope you enjoy this new alliance as much as you did =LOST=. You are a credit to whatever alliance you are a part of.

  15. I can't blame RoK for having a change of heart after the VE story quickly sprang so many leaks.

    Fact is VE/Xiph/Lennox set up RoK's ally. If the respect was truly there diplomacy would have prevailed but there was a rush order in to roll some Orders.

    Now they landed on their feet with a pretty good bloc of alliances and are still tied into the ruling structure. Pretty good FA moves on their part.

  16. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1308444267' post='2734287']

    The modern age is dominated by blocs, but the number and diversity of blocs that actually wield significant influence is greater and the blocs themselves are smaller and more distinct. This allows a greater mobility for individual alliances and allows individual alliances to have a more pronounced influence. There are a few blocs that overlap with others in terms of alliances being part of multiple blocs (R&R in SF and XX, GOONS in PB and DH), but there is not a single bloc out there that truly subsumes others.


    Due to 4 of the top 5 blocs in the game (plus MK&TOP) working as one coalition, Bob is just as controlled by that grouping as it ever was at the height of tC. Those blocs possibly have an even higher % of non neutral NS relative to total NS of all the planet than tC had at it's height.

  17. They might not be 100% unified, but there is so much overlap that for all intents and purposes they are unified and it shows up in the fact that they are closing in on 3 straight years of rolling together in every major war. Some members might hold animosity towards each other, but as has been confirmed, high GOV in these alliances actively work with each other to become even more unified in the face of the ongoing Pacifican menace.

    The new Viking bloc seems to be set up perfectly to make sure it remains completely neutral in the next big war as Duckroll was in the past war except for ML, who actually honored their treaty with us. That is unless they too feel the need to attempt to take down the looming Pacifican threat and start a war themselves.

  18. I actually remember Peggy Sue blocking 17 or 18 in a row from Twisted Rebel back about a month before Karma.

    I don't recall ever blocking more than 4 in a row and I have about an 80% rate of getting first struck. I rarely ever get to actually first strike anyone. Usually takes me 3-5 shots to hit.

  19. I am honestly stunned that someone called MK a 1st tier fighting alliance a page or two ago.

    They were terrible this past war if you had anything close to an even tech amount. Riddled with inactivity despite having giant war chests. I fought several that would maybe lob 1 nuke and then just turtle the rest of the war despite them having billion+ dollar war chests.

    The change in them from Karma til now was stunning to me.

    As for the merger, meh. I am long since over Poison Clan and never cared that much one way or another about iFOK.

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