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Matt Miller

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Everything posted by Matt Miller

  1. You should know by now that with most of the OWF usual crowd, there's not much said that isn't at least a subtle nose-thumbing at the people that they see as on "the other side." Most folks feel the need to show how clever or macho they are with their posts, and roughly 90% of the time it comes from people that don't have to stones to actually do much more than post on the OWF. It's become a sad state of affairs around these forums, hence why I usually don't waste my time. Alas, someday it may change when people learn to speak to each other in more respectful terms. With that said, sorry to see the state of your relationship get to this point, TORN and VE.
  2. Good luck to you guys with your new adventure. I'm sure it'll be fun and rewarding for you all.
  3. JB, back when you first posted the logs of your chat with Finster, I was certain that you had done so only to paint him in a bad light as well as garner some form of pity from the rank and file of the OWF. It appears I was wrong in that assumption and for that, I apologize. I as well as IRON thank you for posting this thread.
  4. This is very well-put, Crush. Congrats to MHA for making their mind up and not being afraid to voice their opinion on EZI. I know it must seem odd that an IRON member is saying this regarding EZI, but to be honest I'm all for alliances stating their beliefs. As far as some people trying to paint this move by MHA in the light of meaninglessness due to still being allied to alliances on the other side of that debate, that's nothing but trying to further their own agenda. That's perfectly clear for all to see. If everyone was only allied to people that shared 100% the same beliefs, then wouldn't we all just be in the same alliance of 2000+ nations? I'm sure someone will have some sort of snarky remark regarding IRON and EZI, but I truly don't care. I'm not here to debate you, just here to congratulate MHA.
  5. This is very nice to see, congrats TOOL and NPO on The Red Light PIAT.
  6. It certainly feels good to cross a major milestone like that. Congrats from IRON to you for your hard work on getting there, Vanguard.
  7. dw, I was just getting to know you and you ran off from LoSS? Was it something I said? Should I chew a piece of gum? Ah well, good luck to you and your buds. Also, keep in touch you seem like a keeper.
  8. I know sarcasm doesn't really transmit very well online so if you were joking I do apologize. However, your post reminds me of something involving pots and kettles...
  9. The current formula for global radiation is: global radiation = (total nations hit by nukes * 300) / total nations The above is taken from the CN Information Index. Joracy, you are correct.
  10. Please listen to this man, he's crazy, CRAZY I tell you... what's that smell, it reminds me of chlorof.......
  11. I particularly like the fact that Lord Nightmare makes himself a multi during that video. LordNightmare: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=293837 Said Multi created in video: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=306968
  12. Sorry if I'm mistaken, but when reading the information concerning the new war declaration ranges in the game update log, I believe I should be able to declare on the top 250 nations. However, after testing this out, I can only declare on nations within the 75% of my NS range which is currently only the top 10 nations in game. Perhaps I'm mistaken, but it seems only part of the new system is in place.
  13. So, IRON, how do I go about applying for membership in your fine alliance? Oh, wait....
  14. For a large nation to not have the max infra upkeep reducing effect from tech, means someone needs to get more tech.
  15. I know I'm not the only one that read the fine print on how to use the extra planes in battle. It would seem fairly easy to prevent your attackers from using them against you on bombing runs now wouldn't it?
  16. Strange, I saw a jump in upkeep although small. You won't see it until you cross 15k.
  17. I'd go with the SDC, UHC, and NEO in that order. If you are deciding between only those you listed, then I would go with the UHC.
  18. 5% is still the limit. The nations you see that low with nukes probably got knocked down through war.
  19. Less than a month ago I launched 1 aggressive ground attack that killed 73,163 of my opponents soldiers and lost 43,155 soldiers of my own. There weren't any tanks involved on either side of the fight either.
  20. I posted this a few days ago in the Question Center forum, but not much came of it. Is there anyone that has the correct answer to the following? This is the in-game description of the FAC wonder: My question is, does it raise the cap on only money aided between two holders of the FAC wonder, or does that +50% pertain to technology and troops as well? Thanks!
  21. You should jump over the 3k infra mark by 200 Infra IMO. Given your nation's current resources, improvements, and government that will cost you just over 8.2 Million to buy that much. However, if you are able to secure an Aluminum / Coal trade before buying the infrastructure, then that same 200 will only cost you just over 6.8 Million which will take you one less day to save.
  22. Sorry if this has already been answered earlier in this forum, but I could not find it easily. This is the in-game description of the FAC wonder: My question is, does it raise the cap on only money aided between two holders of the FAC wonder, or does that +50% pertain to technology and troops as well? Thanks!
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