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V The King

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Everything posted by V The King

  1. Then I'd reckon that those who RP higher populations should expect to have lower RP average income/standards of living.
  2. Hey FF, read your in-game inbox. :P

  3. I'll make a quick suggestion, there ought to be an "unified sticky" thread, rather than the huge amount of stickies. There's been more and more stickies, which results in less non-sticky threads being displayed in the front page, and activity in general has increased. So threads last little time in the first page. The thread would simply contain links to the currently stuck threads - while some could be necessary to remain as a sticky (such as the World Map), others such as the Military Databse are not.
  4. It's your own RP, you're preparing for a potential disaster if you want to. Likewise, you RP the disaster itself if you wish to as well. No one should be compelled to roleplay a disaster just because someone else said so. Also, natural disasters occur much more often in some part of the worlds than in others - there'd be great geographical discrepancies if "disasters" were to be "regulated" (e.g. while natural threats such as Hurricanes are commonplace and damaging in the Gulf of Mexico, not much is going to happen in, say, Scandinavia).
  5. We request no assistance in our current war against DKT. We've entered the war through the Columbia Pact and The Sovereign Initiative, either way, and not accomplishing our goals in the war will not threaten the integrity of America. EDIT: And the act that leads us to join the war did not happen in American lands, too.
  6. Why can't I see any of the pictures? I'm using the most recent version of Firefox. Anyone else having the same problem?
  7. We agree with USNA here. However, in case Nordland and its allies managed to mount a counter-attack and land into American (Saborian) soil, would it be considered an aggressive act, or simply a result of Saboria's actions?
  8. Viniland has signed a MDoAP with Wiedergeburt. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=41974
  9. We need more people like you, Sil. People associating themselves in a clear side would make things so more interesting here. Per instance, while I generally act friendly and non-belligerent, I hardly sign treaties that have military responsibilities - I simply don't feel like entangling myself to half the world just like that. Most of my treaties are NAP's and trading pacts, and both my ODP/MDoAP partners are inside the TSI either way, which is the bloc I associate myself with - and the ATO as well, but it's a regional bloc in this case.
  10. Yes, as we believe the organization is true enough to its intents and most of the signatory nations have our trust, while the remaining, our sympathy. OOC: I know I should've written this in my other post.
  11. OOC: Just assume I've began the production of cables since I last posted. IC: *** Classified to Saboria *** Since we last contacted you, major private corporation Carbono & Aço became interested in producing the necessary cables for the space elevator. Thus far, 2,500 Kilometers of cables have been produced and they're ready to be shipped to the construction site, due to arrive in a large convoy in about 72 hours. Unfortunately, we have not found yet a willing company wishing to supply materials for the space station because not many folks see the potential of the project - and the government is currently unable to provide significant subsidies. Let us know when we can ship the cables. /end of message
  12. We don't truly see an issue with Martenism, if that's what the Sarnian people desires. Although it greatly troubles us how they suddenly seemed to win huge support in a ridiculously small time frame. Either way, we will commit one airborne division and aerial support in order to stabilize the Sarnian Empire, though we will ensure who actually has the popular support before moving out.
  13. We fully agree with the Wilson Empire.
  14. I just calculated mine, and I got 17 Billions. :C Which formula did you employ? I used: I*Y*P Where "I" is daily gross income, "y" is 365 (days in a year) and P is total civilian population. Unless you're using the 100x multiplier, which would bring me to a "GDP" of 1,7 Trillions. However, income is the only constant being used (where actually GDP = Consumer Spending (which equals household earnings, or total income) + Investments + Government Spending + Net Exports), and income in CN is grossly overestimated.
  15. It is impossible to keep track of a nation's in-game reserves. I'd rather if people just used common sense and realized there is such thing as "economics" and a treasury with a bottom.
  16. Updated on December the 2nd. Feel free to take a look at it.
  17. OOC: I guess I'll try to participate as well. IC: Classified to Saboria: We would like to know what components are currently needed for the construction of the elevator. We've got large deposits of coal within our nation and with our current technology, it wouldn't be an issue to initiate production of the cables. We also have qualified engineers and willing laborers, if there is still need for such. Reply as soon as possible. - Vinilandese Ministry of Science and Technology
  18. Columbia Pact, strongly worded MDoAP between Tahoe and Viniland.
  19. State-Owned internet service provider"Di Net" founded Calgari, Nova Coimbra: Last week, Viniland's leading internet service provider, Velox, filled for bankruptcy, citing accumulated debts and attempts of tax evasion due to lack of funds as reasons for such action. Despite being exponentially larger than other firms in the area and controlling more than half of the ISP market and looking prosperous, mismanagement and poor investments and allocation of funds over the course of this year led the company to its doom. In order to fill the void left by Velox, the Vinilandese government stepped in and founded a new ISP, "Di Net". The newly created company bought nearly all of Velox's servers and its main headquarters (located in Calgari) and will provide services for free to all subscribers of the deceased ISP until December 15th, when they must choose to renew the subscription under Di Net's regulations or not. Velox's former headquarters, now Di Net's, downtown Calgari EMP-proofing complete for government buildings and items - Nuclear shelters being built Nadrink, Disttreto Federal: Starting a few months ago, the Monarchist government began a massive campaign aimed to "Proof the whole nation against potential EMP attacks and nuclear strikes" after the end of the South American war. Buildings, many of them government owned, were renewed in order to provide structural EMP proofing and many electronic items (and all of the government's) were also substituted or improved so to also immunize individual equipment. The "anti-EMP"drive, while currently "successful in protecting anything that is state-owned", did not fully integrate with the public yet. Even though EMP-proof equipment is only somewhat more expensive and citizens buying those get temporary discounts on many products, they tend to be more cumbersome and much less aesthetically pleasant than their unprotected counterparts. A poll conducted yesterday revealed that only 28% of the population has all of their electronic inventory "fully protected", while 48% stated that they "had only the most essential items proofed", and 24% said that "they did not bother proofing their equipment yet". The percentages would probably be lower if Viniland's car manufacturer Sidim Motors did not launch two affordable EMP-proof vehicles, the Eme and the Cujo, which found their way into the popular car market; new EMP-proof models are projected to be manufactured by the same company plus three other Vinilandese ones. However, there is still a lack of luxury cars, and with such hundreds of upper-class citizens decided to import Nordlandic models instead and no national luxury design is expected to be on the market until next year. Sidim's Eme, which has been selling very well as of lately. Despite the significant hit on the budget and the sluggish adoption of proofed inventory, Prime Minister Bernardo Vidal stated that the campaign has been so far a "success" and that "most of the nation should be fully protected against EMP attacks next year". --- On the meanwhile, nuclear shelters have been included in every new building so far, and house owner are not having much of a problem building their own as they're receiving both significant subsides from the government and having an easy time finding banks willing to finance the construction of the shelter. However, such fallout shelters are being much more expensive and harder to build in many downtown buildings, as the current regulation requires each office building to have the capability of sheltering all of its occupants for at least 4 months, thus particularly big and expensive underground shelters have to be built. Listening to the request of the population, the Parliament approved a bill which will extent the "obligatory nuclear shelter" compliance deadline for office buildings employing 100 or more workers to two years rather than one. As of now, 37% of Viniland's buildings have a fallout shelter, while 54% have one under construction.
  20. Viniland has signed a Non-Agression and Free Trade treaty with Rebel Virginia. Link: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=40396
  21. OOC: Phew, at least you folks are going to be reasonable about it.
  22. 1) Protectorates are in fact free land, although it's under the guard of someone. While you're free to lay a claim on protectorates, you should contact the protector in order to get the green light. I believe that the occupied land in South America is current free as well, not sure. 2) Basically anything pertaining to your RP nation should go in the News Reports forum. Material related to military or war can go to the National and War forum.
  23. OOC: Meh, I just don't want to see CNRP turned into SpaceRP or some crap like that.
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