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V The King

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Everything posted by V The King

  1. I recommend following Drai's suggestion. I found myself in a situation similar to yours (I got Marble and Furs), and the best solution was to go for the 5 bonus resources set, as it provides me with sufficient happiness and population boost (not that outstanding, though) with a nice infrastructure cost reduction. Although I'd suggest swapping out Cattle in favor of Uranium once your nation is much larger and you plan to acquire nuclear weapons.
  2. I think it'd be neat if the blockade effects progressively diminished every day a nation did not receive a blockade. Say, a percent per day if the nation was not blocked but is at war, and from 1 to 3-5 percent if it has no wars. That way, a blockade that is not being strictly enforced (that's it, not being applied everyday) will naturally start to lose its effectiveness: some ships may slip through and reach the defending nation. And when the enemy's ships and blockades are no longer threatening the defender's nation, his convoys/containers/whatever will go back into the water, but it will of course take some time until the loss caused by the blockades are compensated. EDIT: Numbers can change, of course. That was just an idea that hit me while reading this thread. Maybe I should post in the Suggestion Box.
  3. True, but the way that one chooses to build is not the only factor determining how fast one grows. You also ought to consider whether if that person got aided by his alliance, if he faced a war while in the losing side and so on.
  4. Fast and steady would be better.
  5. Hello there! I am currently in need of exactly 300 technology, which should be delivered to a friend. However, I only need one nation to do that, so it's going to be a 1-slot long term deal. I am willing to pay 3 Millions for each 100 tech points. How is it going to work: Day 1: I send 3 Millions, seller sends 50 tech to friend Day 11: Seller sends another 50 tech Day 21: I send 3 Millions, seller send 50 tech Day 31: Seller sends another 50 tech Day 41: I send 3 Millions, seller send 50 tech Day 51: Seller sends another 50 tech, end of deal My nation link is: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=131081 My friend's nation is: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=119998 If interested, contact me through in-game PM. Cheers! - V The King EDIT: Just as a disclaimer, I am not dealing with any newly created nations.
  6. I don't think the 7 BR would beat the 3 BR combo, or even the 5 one, unless you got a *lot* of infrastructure and a maxed out navy. You throw away plenty of population boost (and thus income) by adopting gold, lead and the such. But I'd need to do some actual math before giving an accurate statement.
  7. I am currently shedding tears of joy.
  8. ...Or suddenly everyone realized their ships were completely outdated and decided to build new ones.
  9. I've already purchased 5x of each. Now, I'm waiting for the ships... >_>
  10. That's pretty much my stance as well.
  11. can i has join alliance plz On an unrelated note, you'll might have better luck if you post about your alliance in this forum.
  12. EDIT: Didn't realize I made a double post.
  13. I used roughly 110M (or a bit less, can't remember) for the jump, it got me about 450-500ish infrastructure (playing safe, heh).with another 100 millions to handle future bills/warchest. So, with about 200 Millions saved, all went very smoothly. If you want to make a good jump using cash only and without having to do a new LC cycle solely to replenish funds, I'd say you would be well safe with 150 Millions in your hands. You could try saving as little as 100 Millions, with that you'd be able to buy about 200-250 infrastructure and have about 10 days worth of bills in your hands.
  14. Either way, there's a jump at 15K, so your bills spiked to a certain extent as well.
  15. Basically, this is the deal: Day 1: I send the money (3 millions) Day 11: You send 50 tech Day 21: You send 50 tech again I want to get the ball rolling on Monday. Alliance-coordinated deals preferred. That is all. Contact me through in-game PM.
  16. That was the same thing I thought when I scrolled through the new wonders. The income bonus ought to be somewhere between +2$ and +3$ per resource.
  17. I must've lost roughly 5K citizens, and my collections are about a million bucks smaller. Not too bad when one can afford border walls. A comment on the change overall, I think some warning should've been given as it was a major modification to the game, and it caught many people with their pants down. Also, it hurts nations around 4-6K infra with nukes quite a bit, as most of them will be compelled to sacrifice some improvement for border walls, while bigger nations will continue to grow almost as fast as before.
  18. I feel the cut on NS provided by tanks and soldiers was a tad harsh (a 80% cut), but overall, I think it was for the best.
  19. Got a friend to donate for me. This may be locked.
  20. Bump, again. I can also arrange tech deals as a way to pay off the donations.
  21. 36 Millions for both donations. Tech may be added to the mix as well, with the 1.5M per 50 tech ratio. However, they MUST be made at April 30th, then May 1st. No exceptions. PM me in the forums or in game to work out this deal. Thanks!
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