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V The King

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Everything posted by V The King

  1. Peaceful Protests Across Viniland Demand For Foreign Policy Change: Nadrink, Distretto Federal: After the conclusion of the Guerra nas Américas (how the Colstream War is known in Viniland), many people within the country began questioning the established foreign policy, set by the ruling Monarchist party. The set policy stated that Viniland would be actively interventionist within the Americas and make use of full military force in case the nation involved itself in a war and not stop until the enemy has been defeated. Yet, the Monarchist government, while standing by its allies during the war, it took no offensive action, and even worse, did not even make use of its Navy or Army - the Airforce only experienced limited aerial combat and a small number of casualties. As the warring nations declared cease fires and white peaces as the reasons for the conflict were resolved, the population began to draw the conclusion that the Monarchists are not willing to follow their own foreign policy, which led many to march on the streets of major cities. While demonstrations took place in many places, protesting was most intense in the cities of Nadrink, Calgari and Recife - which are deemed "voting strongholds" for the Monarchist party, showing that the party's voting base were the most unsatisfied ones. "If they're going to say they're going to do something, they better do it. We didn't vote for them to do one thing so they could do another.", an angry citizen stated. Protesters marching through a street in Nadrink. In light of the negative reaction towards the party's foreign policy, Bernardo Vidal accepted to be interviewed today, and made a number of statements. His "summary" phrase was: "Unfortunately, we could not match our own foreign policy this time, it was simply unfeasible and would result in a great bloodshed." Bernardo Vidal explains himself to the media.
  2. That's because most nations here now are considered well advanced according to the chart, that's it, it became outdated.
  3. We're coming for you, ODN... once again.
  4. You can also seize technology and land if you're successful in a ground attack.
  5. I'm not sure if it would be that good. Pretty much all nations on RP would have between 10 and 120ish millions, which would make for some very odd demographics in many places.
  6. I've always wondered this as well, although I tend to interpret their presence on my own, e.g. having an SDI means nukes against me will more likely not hit, AADN provides better AA cover, WRC allows for more advanced weapons, and so on.
  7. Viniland is also a member of The Sovereign Initiative, along with Tahoe, Rebel Army and Proxian Empire (who were left out). Highbuzz's Republic of War is a "partial" signatory as he did not sign the mutual defense/optional aggression clauses.
  8. Well, I didn't really notice Dell Land was gone until recently, so I'd reckon he "ceded" his territories while I was fairly inactive. I'd totally RP an invasion of Kanteroo's colonies, but that'd result in a cluster$%&@ of treaties activation and I currently don't have time to play it out. EDIT: Oh, and I concur with SKW's suggestion.
  9. Well, I dunno about you guys, but I've never recognized any Kanteroo claim in South America or Sri Lanka. For Viniland, those lands are up for grabs.
  10. Nationwide Anti-Air Defense Network Finished: Nadrink, Distretto Federal:Today, the final Anti-Air installations were built at Itamaracá, and now the Rede Di Defesas Contraerei (Anti-Air Defense Network) became fully operational. The Network was planned many months in advance, and construction began at a rapid pace in the last month, and they took place everywhere in the country, from Midway Island to Saskatoon and from Nanaimo to Maceió. Higher concentrations of AA installations exists near coastal and border areas. Specific information in regards to the AA devices being used are confidential. Tahoe's Financial Crisis Felt In Viniland Calgari, Nova Coimbra: Over the course of the last days, Calgari's Stock Exchange has consistently fallen around half a percent every day, amount to a total decrease of 3% in terms of stock points. Such has happened due to the collapse of the Washington Mutual, one of Tahoe's largest banks. The Stock Exchange is expected to only start recovering at the end of the week, although it depends on how the Tahoan government responds to the crisis. Last WAF Cell in Viniland Caught Saskatoon, Rio Grande do Leste: This Saturday, following arrests and confessions made by WAF members attempting to set up shop in Viniland culminated in a renewed investigation in regards to who might have let them establish themselves in the first place - a mastermind was amiss. Following deeper analysis, phone calls, wire tapping, among other methods of investigation, the Polizefederal reached the residence of the suspect - recently promoted Captain of the Vinilandese Army - Giorgio Sales. The man was laying on his couch when the police broke in and offered no resistance when he was handcuffed. Giorgio did not hesitate to confess his involvement in the WAF - he was to be the head of the Vinilandese branch. He bribed several military men (the five men arrested a few nights ago) charged with checking certain aircraft loads into letting the cargo containing the weapons unchecked and agreed to transport it all to Regina from a nearby airport, and threatened retaliation if they did not promptly comply, as well as managing to "send home" two police cars that were patrolling the streets through which the trucks with the weapons passed through. He will be tried this Sunday for smuggling weapons, bribery, active corruption, collaborating with a terrorist organization and treason, and his penalty will probably be to serve in a labor camp for life. The Polizefederal and Forzaespecial have ended their investigations, concluding that there are no other WAF cells inside Viniland, Likely, the same goes to Tahoe and any Vinilandese protectorate region as the arrested secured WAF had no intentions of operating inside Tahoe or any Vinilandese protectorate region, with the Forzaespecial backing those claims up. EDIT: OOC: And I managed to find a new trade partner, yay!
  11. Identity of arrested criminals revealed: Regina, Rio Grande do Laste: Over the afternoon, harsher interrogation means led to several of the arrested to change their minds and reveal information in regards to their intentions and association. It turns out that they're part of the international and terrorist organization called Frente da Anarquia Mundial (Portuguese for "World Anarchy Front", or WAF) and that the weapons were smuggled into the country and later transported to Regina with the cooperation of corrupt military-men. While they said no names, the Forzaespecial performed tonight five arrests in unrevealed localities based on the information given in the confessions plus further investigation. Details on this night's operation will be made public tomorrow. Wheat shortage in Itamaracá Recife, Itamaracá: Coastal Northeastern Brazil has rarely suffered from food shortages, but this time, due to the region's dependency on imported wheat, many Brazilians in Itamaracá is currently suffering from much higher Wheat prices. Such is because many shipments of wheat intended to supply the region were spontaneously canceled, along with any subsequent ones. Hence, the governor of Iramaracá has requested assistance from the government, mostly asking for food alternatives and shipments of wheat directly from mainland Viniland. The request was granted, and help is currently en route. From now on, all of the wheat consumed in Itamaracá will either be locally produced or directly shipped from Viniland rather than imported. OOC: My Wheat and Water partner deleted his nation. Here's to a painful week of searching for a new trade circle buddy.
  12. Aluminum: Redge Coal: Carlton The Great Fish: Grand Duke David Furs: V The King Iron: Droop Lumber: Droop Marble: V The King Oil: Grand Duke David Rubber: Carlton The Great Uranium: Redge Water: Wheat: Basically, this is a trade set that will provide you with Steel, Construction, Asphalt, Automobiles and Beer, in addition to Uranium (instrumental if one wishes to go nuclear, it's a good income source if not) and Furs (actually useful, very nice for older nations due to the tripled natural growth). It is located on the Orange sphere. Move over if you wish to join in, but maybe an exception could be made. You may contact me or Grand Duke David through PM, or post here if you're interested. Cheers!
  13. Large weapons arsenal seized; eight people arrested Regina, Rio Grande do Leste: At 2:30 PM, PST time, a squad from the Forzaespecial and two units from the Polizefederal broke into a two-store house located in the outskirts of Regina, following reports of unusual trucks unloading cargo into the residence. Five individuals who were inside the house were preventively arrested on the spot before searches began. Once the police reached the basement, explosives inside unsealed boxes were visible, along with ammunition scattered throughout the floor. All of the sealed crates were opened, revealing a huge amount of weapons, ammunition, paperwork, money bills and more. Then, all of the arrested were immediately driven to the nearest police station and thrown into jail. Searches elsewhere in the house unveiled a few addresses and telephone numbers. Personal computers and laptops were also taken, but pretty much all of the information inside those were well encrypted, the encryption should be fully cracked by tomorrow afternoon. Once the residence was secured, the police drove towards three more locations, all situated at the North Central neighborhood. Such resulted in three more arrests. The suspects were likely related to the seized arsenal, and will be tried with the others once investigation has ended. The Polizefederal has issued a statement in regards to the event: "We do not have much of an idea of who they are associated with yet, soft interrogations were at this point close to being fruitless. However, we do know they are part of a larger, international and likely terrorist organization. The whole arsenal originated from somewhere other than Viniland, some of the documents seized indicated association with terror plots around the world and... well, why would someone bring all of that crap into Regina? Set up an HQ in our country, that's it." Currently, the Forzaespecial is working in cooperation with the Intelligence Agency to finding out who transported the arsenal - and who the arrested are associated with, in the first place, as background checks in the individuals did not revealing anything suspecting. Harsher interrogation will take place tomorrow as well. A portion of the seized weapons.
  14. Vinilandese Broadcasting Network Brought to you by the Ministry of Communications Useful Information Area: Current Vinilandese Claims: National Territory: Plus Midway Islands. Protectorates (latter one jointly protected with the Imperium of America) Information Database: The database can be found at: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?a...&pid=918221 Plenty of information in regards to Viniland can be found there. In case you're curious about certain aspects of our country, the database should be quite satisfactory. -------- OOC: The main purpose of this thread is to report events that takes place in Viniland. Avoid derailment. Merci beaucoup.
  15. While I generally agree that nuclear capable yet nuclear unarmed should be able to RP nukes, I simply do not think they should be up to par with those who own them in-game. After all, nuke owners take quite a hit on their income and environment to be able to sustain their arsenal. I can't think of something to make up for that, though.
  16. You've got a point there. With the many different opinions in regards to nuclear weapons, should we create a separate thread to better discuss nuclear guidelines (mainly concerning possession of nukes by nations who are not nuclear in-game), or just keep on discussing here?
  17. 11.14% is quite far away from the nuke mark. EDIT: As far as game play allows, a nuclear capable nation is one that: - Is in the top 5% OR owns a Manhattan Project - Has at least 1,000 infra and 75 tech (any nation on top 5%, either way) - Has access to Uranium
  18. Oh, I misread it. For some reason, I first read the bottom quote then what he wrote above. :< In regards to the suggestion, I think it's pushing it a bit. I don't think there's a need to increase it.
  19. The general citizen multiplier is 100x, why change the soldier one to 1,000x? Not to mention many nations would have juggernaut armies (e.g. mine would be 60 Millions strong!)
  20. Hm, in order to avoid creating a new thread, I'll address two concerns in regards to some practices in RP'ing. 1) "He's my ally, so he's got the exact technology as myself and can handle it the same way." - I've already made an address to this, just posting here to allow it to get some more attention: 2) Nuclear weapons ownership. The general consensus is that RP nations cannot own nukes until they've got them in game. However, I've observed this thread and noticed non-nuclear nations, in theory, were getting hold of nukes. Sincerely, I think this is pushing things way too far. A nation that has no nukes and is either out of the top 5% or does not own a Manhattan Project does not have the capability of owning and maintaining a nuclear warhead. Also, if such is gone unnoticed, then we're setting a precedent where pretty much any RP nation can own a nuclear weapon by merely approaching a larger nation and buying them with their infinite national treasury. In short, ownership of nukes by non-nuclear nations oughtn't to be recognized, as they're decimating the "RP by your in-game nation's means" rule by having something you should have in-game before being able to role play it (akin to RP'ing a navy when you don't have any ships), and making it banal to be a nuclear nation. Unless, of course, those warheads happen to be extremely primitive, but even so, it's still bending the established by a lot.
  21. As mentioned, the Monarch uses the veto power very rarely. It has been used only twice in the lifetime of the nation; once in Viniland's earliest days to repeal a bill which would nationalize pretty much all major corporations of the country (voted by a Communist-leaning government which fell apart within two weeks), and another time close to a year ago when the Monarch vetoed an amendment which would re-instate the death penalty (harshest sentences in Viniland is to either serve at least 25 years in a Labor Camp or life imprisonment), voted by a Conservative government. OOC: Nah, Viniland has always been a Constitutional Monarchy/Representative Democracy. Although with the Monarchists now in power, the country is a bit more authoritarian, although still very democratic.
  22. Viniland's Information Database Official Name: Regno de Vinilândia (Kingdom of Viniland) Official Map: (None yet) Official Flag: Population: 35,104,000 (2009 estimate) Gross Domestic Product: $1,811,134,708,500 (2008 estimate) Gross Domestic Product per capita: $51,593 (2008 estimate) Possessions: Viniland currently holds: -Alta Vancavite (Northern, Central Vancouver Island) -Columbina (British Columbia; excluding Vancouver + Southeastern tip of Alaska) -Nova Coimbra (Alberta) -Rio Grande do Leste (Saskatchewan) -Midway Island -Itamaracá (Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe and Eastern Bahia) -Brasília Official Languages: Portuguese and Italian; Cree and Athabaskan are recognized languages. Official Religion: None, although Roman Catholicism is the de facto religion of Viniland. Capital: Nadrink (located around Columbina's southwestern coast) Largest cities: Calgari (largest), Nanaimo, Edmonton, Nadrink, Kelowna, Regina, Saskatoon, Recife, Salvador. Demonym: Vinilandese Governmental Structure: Viniland is a Constitutional Monarchy and a Representative Democracy. The Monarch serves as the Head of State, and the Prime Minister as the Head of Government. An elected Parliament (Parlamento) and a Supreme Court (Supremo Tribunal) also exist. The Prime Minister and his Cabinet wields Executive powers, while the Parlamento has Legislative power and the Supremo Tribunal, Judiciary. According to the constitution, the Monarch may veto any bill or amendment passed by the Parlamento, or overrule any decision by either the Prime Minister or the Supremo Tribunal, in addition to being able to call elections, dissolve the Parlamento or declare martial law whenever he deems fit. However, cases of the monarch using such powers are very rare. However, the constitution was recently amended by the Liberal Democrat-Labor majority in the Parlamento - now the Monarch may only cast a tie-breaking vote in either the Parlamento or the Supreme Court. He may still hold emergency elections or declare a state of emergency, public calamity or martial law. Parties/Elections: Viniland is a multi-party state and has four main parties: Monarchists (right-wing/nationalistic), Liberal Democrats (center-left, ruling), Conservatives (right) and Labor (left/social democrat, ruling). Minor parties will often get an irrelevant amount of votes. Every four years, an election takes place, unless the Monarch calls an early election. The population votes for Parliament Members, Prime Minister, City Council members and Governors. Universal suffrage is granted, provided they age 18 or older may take part in the voting. All parties have a quota on Campaign Spending - each individual party may not spend more than $50 million on campaign-related events, personnel materials, space, etc. All four major parties receive $10 million in public funding while minor ones receive a varied amount, from 1 to 10, usually. Private donations are limited to up to $20,000 per capita. Attempting to use any fund designated for campaign spending for other purposes, or spending beyond the quota, or receiving individual donations worth more than the cap may result in a complete cutoff of public funding to the offending party, or criminal charges may be pressed against those involved in the unlawful activities. Current Government: Note: Not all government members are listed, but most of the "main" ones are. The Monarch does not associate himself with any political party. Ruling Party: Partido Monarquista (Monarchist Party) Monarch: Vicente D'Albuquerque (V The King) Prime Minister: Bento Garibaldi Vice Prime Minister: Roberto Berzoini Minister of External Affairs: Celso Amorim Minister of Internal Affairs: Thiago Russo Minister of Defense: Aloísio Cortéz Minister of Justice: Amanda Helena Minister of Communications: Iolanda Pinto Minister of Finances: Cláudio Silva Demographics: Total Population: Viniland has roughly 35,104,000 million citizens in total. The majority of those live either in Southern Columbina, Nova Coimbra, Itamaracá, Bahia or Southern Alta Vancavite. State population ranking goes as follow: 1st: Nova Coimbra - 10,468,000 2nd: Itamaracá - 8,102,000 3rd: Columbina - 6,978,000 4th: Bahia - 5,754,000 5th: Alta Vancavite - 2,053,000 6th: Rio Grande do Leste - 1,310,000 7th: Brasília - 448,000 8th: Midway - < 100 Last year, the country had a growth rate of 1.28%. 94% of the population lives in urban areas, while the remaining 6% resides outside any city limit. Ethnicity: Viniland is a country that experienced vast influx of Portuguese and Italian people into its lands and has a significant Brazilian population. The Portuguese compose a narrow majority, while the Italians make up nearly a third of the population and the Brazilians, roughly a tenth of it. Significant amounts of assorted people also reside in Viniland, including Germans, Spanish, Aboriginals and Far Easterners. Note: "Luso-Italian", as defined by the Vinilandese Institute of Human Geography(VIHG), is an individual who declared himself to have mixed Portuguese, Italian and/or Brazilian ancestry. Breakdown of Ethnicity: Portuguese: 36% Italian: 25% Luso-Italian: 14% Brazilians: 19% German: 2% First Nation Natives: 2% Other: 2% Religion: The overwhelming majority of Viniland's population is Roman Catholic, which is the nation's official religion. However, the constitution grants freedom of religion. Due to that and the population's general comfort with non-Catholics, a number of immigrants practicing other religions arrived, as well as most Pagan natives maintaining their beliefs rather than converting to the official religion. A significant amount of Vinilandese have converted to other Christian denominations or quit practicing religion. Breakdown of Religion: Catholic Christian: 88% Protestant Christian: 4% Other Christian denominations: 2% Nordlandic Paganism: 1.5% Aboriginal Paganism: 1.5% Other: 3% Languages: The following shows information regarding which languages the Vinilandese speak (Note: Italian and Portuguese are the official languages): Both official languages: 78% Portuguese only: 14% Italian only: 3% German and a/both official language: 2% First Nation languages and a/both official languages: 1.5% First Nation languages only: 0.5% Other: 1% .... Education In Viniland, it is compulsory for all citizens to attend school, from grades 1 to 7 (Primary School) and from grades 8 to 12 (Secondary School). All parents must enroll their children into Primary School in the year their children turn seven. Pre-school services are also offered - parents are encouraged to enroll their children in both literacy programs and bilingual learning programs, where the child can learn both Italian and Portuguese in a fast pace until he or she is seven. Education is the responsibility of both Federal Government and States, although Municipal Governments may play a role as well (by building/funding municipal schools), although municipalities are not obliged to do so. Educational Program (Primary School) Vinilandese primary schools primarily focus on teaching and enhancing literacy and numeracy to its pupils, in addition to the teaching of both Italian and Portuguese and installing the basic foundations for further geographic, algebraic, historical, scientific, social and artistic learning. There is fairly small flexibility in terms of courses that Primary School students may take - for most of tenure through the school, all children are required to take Portuguese, Italian, Social Studies (History + Geography), Science, Mathematics and Physical Education plus either Art Courses (Choir, assorted Bands or Paint Art) or Informatics. Between grades 5 and 7, children must also be enrolled in a Foreign Language course. In most primary schools, the FL courses include Irish, English, German, Spanish and Mandarin. Immersion programs are available for German, English and Irish, although those are done outside of traditional school hours. Children are strongly encouraged to engage in sports activities. The most popular sport among Vinilandese children (and in the country as a whole) is Football (the actual one). Basketball, Tennis and Volleyball are also well popular. All Primary Schools are equipped with Soccer Fields, Gymnasiums and Swimming Pools, some have tennis courts, cemented fields and/or softball camps at their disposition. Artistic activities are also encouraged, although those do not gain a strong emphasis until Secondary education. There is also a special program available (both before and after school) for all fit children that is basically a military boot camp, but focused at youngsters. Children learn basic self-defense techniques, go through intense physical activity and learn about military history, warfare and strategy. Combat skills are not taught until Secondary school, and firearm wielding, only if the pupil is 18 years old or older. Educational Program (Secondary School) --------------------------------------- Feel free to ask any questions in regards to our country. OOC: Update - December 2nd: I added a bunch of information in regards to demographics, updated claims. Economy portion is next on line. Update - January 31st: I decided to work on some other stuff instead. Education section added, mostly worked on, added GDP, population plus assorted demographics information, added more to Elections and Government sections.
  23. For the love of good, no mechas. And taking a quick look around, I'm the RP with the most tech if The Russian Empire is not taken into account. Sweet.
  24. As a matter of fact, the GRL does hit larger nations harder than smaller nations, proportionally. At lower levels, the bills are roughly 10-25% of a nation's income if it has appropriate resources and improvements, while larger nation's bills are usually 40-60% of the income. The "THINK ABOUT THE POOR SMALL NATIONS" argument is frequently moot.
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