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V The King

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Everything posted by V The King

  1. Ehh, not really. As more nations grow bigger, big ones become even stronger, and the amount of donors remain constant, they'll be able to afford the donation more and more, and on top of that, it's still going to be a great deal for big nations (I'm at 6.6K, and it's still a good deal). In short, with demand and necessity increasing on a steady pace with no increase in supply will inevitably make the price increase rapidly. On topic, the deal is quite reasonable, in fact.
  2. Done. No longer need a donor.
  3. Topic title says most of it. Having middlemen is not a requirement. - V
  4. Military Wonders are surely not a waste, specially when you have a huge nation. Each wonder will give you a slight edge in a fight that may make the difference.
  5. GPA, maybe? Oh, and listen to Varses in case you're not in a circle within Yellow.
  6. It's a shame AO didn't work out for you. I always get the impression it's a good place for former GOLDies. Take a peek at TOP, if you desire to do so. But I'd recommend TORN or Gramlins for you.
  7. Not surprised, considering they were former GOLD leadership. Good post too, Bama.
  8. They usually stop recruiting for a while so they can filter out those who join and then go inactive. Wait a few days, then they'll start growing again.
  9. I want to be a "Super Roy", if such is the case.
  10. Ragnarok is a ridiculously awesome alliance. Van Hoo himself is even more awesome. Imagine that!
  11. I collected once every two days during GWIV so I could keep up with the bills through Defcon swapping. Many others probably did the same as me. Not all of the nations have huge warchests. After all, most can't afford to have one. Plus, during wars, people lose infrastructure. Less infrastructure means less improvements, and economy boosters tend to be much more important than guerrilla camps. One would only be able to frequently do Guerrilla Camp swapping in two scenarios: He has a huge warchest and has enough soldiers spare to use to make the camps worthwhile, or he has a huge nation and a sizable warchest. I'm sure the largest nations would seek swapping, but the majority of them would very likely be unable to do so in a widespread alliance war.
  12. Defcon doesn't increase soldier effectiveness, but battle strength. Thus, if someone had their soldier efficiency boosted by 200%, one wouldn't fight at 176%, but at around 152%, whilst at Defcon 1, one would enjoy the full increase on the efficiency. That's quite a difference which can be decisive in an update blitz.
  13. 26,000ish. Considering most active players break the 8K barrier quite quickly, you'll get many votes for the last option.
  14. Everyone else fell, so you're still at a "high" NS level. Anyhow, even though I'm quite tech bloated and lost 10K NS and some environment starts,I'm quite content with those changes. Same goes for the GRL.
  15. My environment dropped by a star and half. Time to buy Border Walls.
  16. Post in this thread and await approval: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...0&start=220
  17. Heh. At least you've got Uranium, you're better off than me (Furs blow). I still managed to get into a trade circle, though, but we need to look for a Sugar/Wheat trade since our guy is going inactive. I don't really understand the rather low demand for uranium, it is a better filler than Gems if you're getting 20 nukes.
  18. I've had a record of very stable trades in my times at Yellow and White. But I'm having trouble getting a Sugar + Wheat trade in Orange.
  19. With \m/ gone, the NONE menace might rise again.
  20. War dies out, "resistance groups" against large alliances pop up. This is Cybernations.
  21. I'm at 3,650 infra with a Stock Market and I net roughly 3 Millions/day while LC swapping and with the "best trade set" . Shouldn't take you long to reach my mark.
  22. You'll grasp the game fairly quick. Look around for guides to get started. And yeah, it's much better than NS.
  23. Posting in behalf of Cotl1945. He's having problems with his account and is unable to post. He asked someone to post in his place, and I am doing so. "I, Cotl1945 of Rauco, hereby surrender to the Legion forces."
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