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Everything posted by Locke426

  1. Congrats and hail to Opethian! Celebrate with pie! [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wGr8njEWjtI/S8IgAi4isNI/AAAAAAAAH-Q/6pRZ0MMtCwo/s1600/alisha+g.lw.quotations.jpg[/img]
  2. When and where you least expect us.....Until we're next to you snapping your neck and dragging your body back into the shadows. You probably expected that. o/ VE o/ Ninjas
  3. Congrats on 3 and many more! o/ TOOL good to see you around here Gk
  4. but i still had fun doing it Edit: Also, I object to your claim that it isn't relevant. Obviously I'm showing Polaris to be a beacon of freedom and liberty for Planet Bob in this war.
  5. o/ Locke our names are similar
  6. Coerce them into what? Using a "takeback" on the DoW? I doubt Schatt is disillusioned enough to think that he's going to take control of Polaris with this thread.
  7. Of course he expects a reaction. What does that have to with punishment or moral imperialism? Edit: punctuation
  8. Weak. Nothing Schatt said could possibly interpreted as 'punishment' to anyone in Polaris.
  9. No, he's not attacking or otherwise punishing anyone for not heeding his words. "Imperialism," by definition, requires that influence or power be used for coercion.
  10. Added to the intrigue. It's nothing particularly sekrit. It was just fun.
  11. i guess recent events make this less of a surprise good luck to all involved
  12. Great idea Move quickly though. It seems that many times things similar to this on a smaller scale are undertaken they are out of date by the time they are completed.
  13. And I thought we lived in a post-"n00ks are bad" world
  14. Hoo gave the apology pages ago. And reparations are offered to repay for damage done, which there continues to be no evidence of.
  15. I thought he was asking where the alliance as a whole was actually involved, rather than people just bringing them in.
  16. That's what I'm reading. There doesn't seem to be anything else here.
  17. I'll assume you realize how much that post just helped your position. Hoo has given the apology post a page or two back. There's no evidence right now he or anyone else knew. A multi got deleted. There isn't a lot else here it seems to me.
  18. More leadership needs to be implicated before anything like that will even be considered. While the irony of a former Rok gov member being proved as a spy is great humor and terrible PR for them, all they have to do is say they disapprove and are glad that he's gone and they're mostly off the hook unless more gov members are implicated. Edit: Clarification
  19. Your reasoning for wanting this to be known is obvious. But what could Rok do to fix it now that he no longer exists in game?
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