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Everything posted by Moridin

  1. Two if we're talking about Polar as well.
  2. Welcome back. Here's to hoping you mix things up a bit.
  3. Well, even I can spell Liaison, but I still have no idea what in the world one does. Anyway, congratulations to all the lovely people in government! And Fallen_Fool, let's not forget him.
  4. Okay, really? "Hey guys, here's all my logs"? I mean, I sure hope you don't actually hope or expect anyone to actually read through all that. If there was any interesting and/or incriminating lines it would be really nice if you could just post that and bold the important points, because this is really a lot more than I or anyone else cares to read especially if most scandalous stuff we're going to see is something or another about Valid.
  5. I'm riding on a dolphin. Also, broke the streak of having a comment about consistency.
  6. I think the most hilarious part of this is the number of alliances who've signed the treaty without reading it. Not that I really blame them, it's practically a short novel. Anyway, I doubt this'll make in impact in the grand scheme of things but it's worth a few chuckles.
  7. Sad to see Zuli fade into an advisory role Great to see the growth in members though, and congratulations to Lakerzz.
  8. Neuromancer, pretty much every person's advice here is to just disappear and hope everyone forgets what an awful job you did defending yourself. Take that advice or leave it. With that aside, I think we should go back to the larger subject of TSO itself.
  9. I'm not really into gag orders and all that, but TSO having one at this point is a pretty smart move. Everything you or any other TSO member said was just digging a deeper grave for you all, so leaving to circumvent it was probably not in your best interests. But, then again, to each his own.
  10. Certainly if they take guides, but I doubt they would have need of any from USN considering they had so recently been in MCXA government. As I understand it, the TSO members-to-be simply exploited USN protection by pretending they intended to be actual, contributing members. Not spying, but not exactly admirable either.
  11. Is this some sort of default response by NPO members when confronted by a person with differing opinions? I've seen this a couple times recently used on very prominent people such as Mussolandia here and I can't figure out whether it's pure ignorance or a depressingly pathetic defense mechanism.
  12. I'm not sure what you're trying to play at here. Having that type of area is pretty common, I know there was/is one on the Polar forums. So far Lord Valentine is the only person with any knowledge of the situation to say anything, pending one of your admins coming in and denying its existence. Which somehow I doubt is going to happen. And it's as simple as that - all the present information points towards its existence, the only way your ridiculous skepticism has any validity at all is if someone actually backs you up.
  13. Yeah, that's when you know you've hit rock bottom.
  14. Excellent, everyone I don't like on Blue in one small and insignificant alliance. It's almost too good to be true.
  15. How is that at all relevant? I'm not afraid of getting aid scammed and I doubt other Vox members are either. If your alliance is concerned about aid scamming then take the time out of your day to compile a list of the thirty or so nations under the Vox AA right now and tell your members to check the list before making a a tech deal with a nation outside the alliance. I can't believe I'm actually talking this through with you, you'd think a sanctioned alliance would have the minute amount of sense necessary to figure something as basic as this out. It doesn't matter if it's a scam or not, and even if it is, there's nothing really all that unprecedented about it - unless he's actually going to pay IRON back, which would mean he's a far better man than I. Is there something genuinely surprising about the idea that someone with whom you are at war might try to take some of your money? Is it such a revolutionary idea that NOBODY considered the possibility that Vox nations might try to scam aid? It shouldn't be, we did it in August too. I'd just appreciate it if everyone would stop feigning horror and just come to terms with the fact that when you're at war with someone, stealing 3 million isn't really a crime against humanity and in this situation is really quite easy to prevent if your membership has a pulse and the leadership has the smallest inkling of intelligence.
  16. Sponge and Moo? There's a show I never expected to see.
  17. Feel free to stop posting this nonsense anytime. I can't make you but trust me, it's really not helping you or anyone. edit: Oh, where are my manners? Congratulations MK, it's good to see you made it through the terms - though it was never much in doubt.
  18. Farewell TDSM8 You were always one of my favorite alliances, throughout both incarnations, and I can't quite express in words how sad it is to see you disappear once and for all. Good luck wherever you all go. Have some decency.
  19. If he's getting aid it is only due to the utter incompetence of either members of Q alliances in their decisions of with whom to make such deals or in leadership in failing to inform their membership of who is a member of Vox Populi. I fail to see anything 'wrong' with this at all - it is no different fundamentally from looting in war. It is simply another way to take an enemy's money, and until I hear you all complaining that it's somehow morally wrong to take a million or two in a ground attack then you have absolutely no ground to stand on.
  20. No, it means that only on the third wednesday of the month can he lie because that is the day his privelege of not telling the truth is not removed, so any other wednesday or indeed any other day the Vox Dei cannot not tell the truth.
  21. You know why this is, a vast majority of the time? A Vox member states an opinion on the issue at hand, which is promptly dismissed as "lol Vox" in similar fashion to "lol FAN" that was so popular for a while. Maybe it's an extreme opinion, maybe it's even a wrong opinion. But it's when people fail to address the opinion and instead resort to attacking the player that the discussion turns into player vs player and Vox vs NPO. Trust me here, I hate it as much as anyone watching on the sidelines; I'd much rather people actually read what I say than seeing 'alliance affiliation: Vox Populi' and making a character attack, but as long as the latter continues to happen you can fully expect any Vox member to defend ad hominem attacks on themselves and their alliance and discussions will continue to devolve until locked.
  22. We are merely holding true to our history, at the time, we did indeed declare war on the alliance known as "GGA", regardless of policy changes since then. Also I would appreciate it if you would keep up to date on how we recognize the alliance in question, in particular the fact that they are the Imperial Green Village rather than a full colony. Thanks.
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