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Everything posted by Moridin

  1. In all fairness, it was not Valhalla that took the bait or jumped the gun. They came in only later due to treaty obligations.
  2. Hahahaha, no way! I look forward to seeing how quickly this crashes and burns. Alright: Make up your mind.
  3. Tygaland is correct. Just because an alliance is neutral doesn't mean they can or should ignore acts of war upon them. For example, I don't believe anyone would have faulted GPA (or did) for fighting back when the Continuum declared war, despite being neutral. Likewise, if TDO considers recruiting from an alliance as an act of war - which, on a personal level, I would not agree with - then there is no breach of neutrality of they were to respond as such.
  4. That line seems totally out of place given what else you said, and now that MD is saying it was not a part of the actual conversation logs, I would question its veracity. Going from "WIN SO MUCH WIN" to "However, the BTA is dead..." seems like quite an astonishing change of heart to occur in a matter of seconds.
  5. A blast from the past. Good luck with this AirMe!
  6. Nope, that's really the only one that comes to mind.
  7. Not quite, there is no military clause as there was in BLEU.
  8. If you have a problem with the fact that Ivan founded the New Polar Order whilst Emperor of the NPO, then there's probably better places to bring it up than this discussion here. My point was that one cannot compare the founding of the NpO and the founding of the 'new' BTA, because they are entirely different situations. Where BTA is being founded by a former leader of BTA/TAB (?), NpO was founded by the then-current leader of NPO. I'm not sure how Australia (whatever that is!) factors into this but there you have it.
  9. Incidentally, Ivan Moldavi was the Emperor of the NPO when he founded the New Polar Order, so that is entirely irrelevant.
  10. This is a bittersweet moment. Vox was something into which many of us poured our heart and soul, and I am saddened that I did not choose to live it out to the end of its days; Vox Populi is the sole reason I am still in the Cyberverse, and that is something I will never forget. Nor will I forget those early days, which are my most treasured memories of my time in the Cyberverse. Yet, it is still more than I ever thought to see that Vox Populi disbanded in triumphant victory; for an alliance founded with the intent of simply going out in style, what Vox Populi became was awe-inspiring. I will miss Vox Populi.
  11. There's no contradictions here, it is painfully clear and has been repeatedly repeated. Grub is recommending that you hold whatever brilliant commentary you might have because it is not going to alter the situation, enlighten anyone, or probably even hit the mark at all. At the same time, he is recognizing that you are in fact able to comment if you so desire. There's nothing contradictory here except what Grub is saying and what you think he is saying.
  12. Why, that sounds strikingly like an alliance that started out around last August or so
  13. No no and no. The only way to clear up this kind of confusion is to say GWIII was the last of the 'Great Wars'. Once you start saying the Unjust War was a great war or this war is a great war, the title 'GWIV' becomes confusing because everyone has their own little definition. We have perfectly good names for them already, why do we need to take that away and just tack on a new numeral to an old and tired title every time there's a fun war?
  14. That was the best few hours I've ever heard from CN radio.
  15. If I were FAN I wouldn't be doing anything until the war's end.
  16. I'm going with the War of Judgement. that or The Apocalypse.
  17. Oh, this again. Someone shows a glaring double standard in your position and you retreat back to the tried-and-true retort, "Do something about it". Do you realize what you're saying? You're accepting the fact that you have a double standard and turning around and justifying it with "might makes right". Honestly I don't know how or why you keep this up but it's just plain sad. The fact that you keep up with this line of reasoning, if it can be called that, is because you're either scared not to or not bothered by it. Both very troubling if it's coming from you.
  18. I rarely sound out acronyms phonetically. As a general rule I just read off the letters even when it probably makes more sense not to - I call TOP "Tee Oh Pee" rather than "top", NAAC as "En Ay Ay See" rather than "Nak", GATO as "Gee Ay Tee Oh" rather than "Gahto or Gayto" (no offense intended on the last one). The only exception that comes to mind is IRON.
  19. Moridin

    An Idea

    NPO can't take all of Russia, some has to be reserved for a certain species of tiger.
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