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Everything posted by Moridin

  1. I was on the show with Caffine in January.
  2. I am not sure why deliberately misleading the general public is so humorous for TPF. Perhaps someone could enlighten me?
  3. I know that as well as anyone, but it bears little relevance to the milestone NSO has achieved, so let's get back on track with congratulating them for their achievements. Edited for spelling.
  4. Congratulations on your rapid growth, NSO! If I recall correctly, Vox Populi at its height was roughly 2.5 million total NS. I can say with near certainty the 3 million mark was never reached.
  5. There are a lot of former NPOers. Half the active players in this game have had a stint or two in NPO, some longer than others - myself included.
  6. You made me so sad when you left!
  7. I hope you're being deliberately obtuse, because one member is the smallest finite chunk of an alliance possible. I have no real opinion on the actual issue here but misleading statistics really bother me.
  8. I am in the New Polar Order, currently.
  9. Beat me to the punch! Well, sort of: UESA: heroic underdogs!
  10. I am of the opinion that the 'official' war names should be as plain, serious, and unbiased as possible. The "No CB War" is very much a name coined by one side to propagate a certain view on the war, and Red vs BLEU just a ridiculous term because there was much more to the war than just NPO or BLEU. Great War I isn't referred to as "The Great Patriotic War"; The War of the Coalition works just as well as GWI did and I don't see any need to change it to any silly names like "No CB War", "Red vs BLEU", or whatever cutesy names particular people or alliances have assigned to it.
  11. Goodbye. Always sorry to see an active CN member depart.
  12. Love it. Definitely not something I would've seen as remotely possible a year and a half ago, but lo and behold.
  13. I sure do love us! *Moridin returns to polishing his warheads.
  14. I have resisted posting at all in this thread out of respect for the way in which GGA let me off PZI with no strings attached. However, you of all people playing the victim when it comes to gathering intel on another alliance's forums is disingenuous and uncovincing at best. You are not going to find much sympathy from the community, and unless I am very much mistaken appeals to your current brand of morality are not going to shame the spy into leaving either, so I think it is best to try a different approach when it comes to dealing with a spy in your ranks. Given that information on your forum can be leaked, it's up to you to decide what the world sees. Is removing what is hopefully only a minor breach of OPSEC worth the risk of losing even more face in this discussion by removing posts by GGA members? Right now if I was the GGA I would be letting the membership discuss freely - I don't think anyone here is going to be surprised if leaked screenshots show that GGA members are having disagreements over the current situation, but when screenshot after screenshot shows GGA members being censored even in private it makes us all shake our heads even more.
  15. I find the OP almost as entertaining as everyone making a point of insisting that it's irrelevant and that they don't care.
  16. Moridin


    1. Certainly. No matter what happens, one side is going to see advantage in using them, whether it's the losing side, or a side which enjoys high levels of technology and WRCs. Furthermore, in the era of the billion dollar (or more) warchest, without nuclear weapons it will be nearly impossible to do any lasting damage to an opponent, so any global war will necessitate their use if anyone actually wants to win. 2. Absolutely not. They're just another tool of warfare, and the "For the Love of God Think of the Children" type of thinking is outdated and obsolete, as the League discovered to their woe in the second Great War. 3. Nothing really, the game has gone too far to suddenly revert to a 2006 mindset.
  17. I believe Ragnarok passed us today.
  18. Hopefully by the end of the year, but who can say?
  19. I joined the game as GWI was ending and was masked as an NPO member a day or two after it finished. I was NPO for GWII, and STA in GWIII (neutral).
  20. That's not true, we hate RoK and everything they stand for!
  21. I am especially happy to see some names I have not seen before. NSO is proving to - thus far - live up to the hope or perhaps expectation that it will introduce a new flavor into the Cyberverse. I wish the first government the best of luck in getting this alliance going.
  22. I'm going with this to be honest. At any rate, unexpected as always Ivan. Good luck with your new alliance.
  23. If it looks like a donkey and talks like a donkey...
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