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Everything posted by Moridin

  1. Moridin


    Respect is earned; courtesy is given.
  2. What a fantastic treaty! And what a fantastic number of nukes! As Azaghul said, this is incredible considering where MK and Polar were a year ago. As for whoever mentioned the tremendous number of signatures on this - we don't usually have so many, but I think everybody wanted to get their name on this, myself included.
  3. ...it'll be hard to get that when sponge is no longer here.
  4. I wouldn't dismiss the stuff that does not directly involve him. Anything with him personally (his interactions, the Ivan/TrotskysRevenge coup, etc), I would flat out ignore, but there is a lot of other content there that quite simply he has no reason to lie about because he is no longer trying to enforce a Party line other than absolving himself of all blame for NPO's mistakes.
  5. I think the Gregorian calendar was just fine, thanks!
  6. Most of them have been recorded here. Due to the sheer number of them in the early days of Vox, I am sure some have been missed, but all the most important Vox Populi threads (excluding the This Week in Pacifica series) are there, including my personal favorite, when a Ragnarok member announced one of our milestones.
  7. Your spears are no match for our bullets Anyway, I hope this is a fun fight RE! Good luck to everyone.
  8. Most of us aren't really all that interested in the politicking that goes on in CN:TE; personally I'm just here for the war. I wouldn't expect to see much Frostbite forum presence at all this round.
  9. I thought making declarations of war was an act of war too until that whole business with the Family, and now this 'tech raid'. I guess you never know these days.
  10. I never said your Body Republic was happy about it, I'm saying that your government waged a propaganda campaign against its own members, and this has been explicitly confirmed by at least four people involved in it, namely Doitzel, Seasons of Love, Doppelganger, and Dilber, who was in charge of it. Of course that was not the only point of De Profundis, but that part has been, in its entirety, confirmed by NPO members. If you can point out any actual inaccuracies in De Profundis other than vague references to how it was 'dressed up', I welcome you to do so.
  11. Not only was the content of De Profundis confirmed by Dilber, it was also confirmed by Seasons of Love in a lengthy post on your own forums, though it was portrayed as an innocent attempt to protect the NPO Body Republic from the shock of you all hanging Polar out to dry. It might still be in the Emperor's Office, you should take a look.
  12. Ah, the memories. Vox Populi in its finest hour was something incredible to be a part of, and I am proud to be able to call myself a founder. Hail Vox Populi! Hail the true August Revolution!
  13. He has a tendency to make an apology, beg for another chance, and then scorn it by acting in such a way that he needs to make an apology again. It is simply a matter of how many times he goes through this cycle before a given community gets tired of him.
  14. Congratulations on peace. This whole mess was really unnecessary, so it's good to see it resolved in a reasonable manner. Not likely.... My condolences to them.
  15. I realized that and revised my post. Please re-read it.
  16. Well, one of the big indicators is that it was your alliance's MoFA. Or do leaders not represent their alliances anymore...? edit: MoFA, not leader.
  17. Your alliance attacked another alliance. All that was lacking was a formal declaration of war; if another alliance's leader attacked Sorum out of the blue, I'm pretty sure you guys wouldn't leave the rest of that alliance alone because they were "uninvolved".
  18. He asked if it was a threat. The Family is not going to look tough because it can attack a 2 member alliance, nor is FAIL going to gain anything at all by escalating the situation. Now I really am not going to involve myself in this situation any further nor do I intend to make any further posts, but let me just say that if everyone were to take a step back and let cooler heads prevail this whole would probably go away.
  19. Vox Populi had no treaties the first several months of her existence. You all need to give up with trying to subjectively define "alliance" to fit whatever is convenient for you at the time and realize that an alliance is quite simply multiple people flying the same alliance affiliation. There is no grey area and there is no requirement for having treaties just because you want an excuse to call it a tech raid instead of a war.
  20. We are prepared to active our MDPs if necessary.
  21. You know, if we're not going to be doing this type of useless posturing, I don't think anyone else has much reason to either.
  22. I find it nearly impossible to be mean to people in real life; I couldn't bring myself to say half the things in real life that I say to IC enemies. Other than that, in terms of personality in general, I wouldn't say there's much difference.
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