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Everything posted by Virillus

  1. The amount of unhappiness this thread has produced in the general CN population is almost palpable.
  2. Vanguard is an awesome alliance, I couldn't ask for more in allies. Keep on rocking, guys.
  3. You don't mind if I uh, if I uh post in this thread, do you?
  4. Absolutely awesome:) The New Polar Order is a superb alliance that I`ve always been proud to call my friend. I am now honoured to call them my ally.
  5. On the bright side, it was good news for our #11 nation:P
  6. Hmmm, it appear GOP happened to us.
  7. I think this thread as a whole could benefit from far less absolutism. (not the vodka) The fact is, not everything here is simple black and white. While Sponge has done some pretty cool and "game bettering" things in his CN tenure, he's also done a lot of "game worsening" things as well. The same holds true for every single globally influential nation and alliance this world as ever seen. Are we in a bind right now? Absolutely, but I'm not going to waste my time trying to hurt those that put us in this situation. It's patently obvious that they (just like everyone else) don't like where we are, and didn't intend to put us here. Sponge is a good man, despite his shortcomings. And the mistakes he may or may not have made in the past were all decisions that he felt were good ones at the time. He (like the rest of you) did not intend to personally, OOC, hurt anyone. Nor did he intend to hurt this game. Similarly, we have Slayer. He is constantly demonized for his actions regarding Nordreich and other nations who may or may not be OOC/IC Nazi. Personally, I understand why others would hate the fact that he pursued others in game using OOC information, but I also fully understand why he did what he did, and I can assure it was for a noble cause. I'm not here to argue the validity of what he did, but I am here to argue that Slayer (like Sponge, and Doitzel, and Schattenman, and Nintenderek, and every IO in the Pacific order) is a good man (or woman) and made decisions that he saw, ultimately, as good ones. Perhaps people are not taking full responsibility for their actions in the past. But maybe you should take a deep look into your own before criticizing them.
  8. We call you Bob, but we should call you debbie downer We also lost 4 largish nations in the intervening period, yet still managed to publish modest gains.
  9. I find your argument oddly... Compelling. The plot thickens!
  10. Do you really think that I'd accept you?
  11. Uuuuuuh.... ..... .... Legion broke a NAP in GWIII *Virillus sprints off into the distance.
  12. Yet beyond all that. He was a nice guy that always meant the best. Personally, I prefer to focus on that.
  13. If you want to fold in to us, we're totally open:P
  14. Man, there was a boatload of large gains today. Congratulations TOOL, and GDA.
  15. Congratulations, guys. I hope this works out:)
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